1 1 1 rg 0.0059 Tc n 40.0781 175.6719 m 0.0059 Tc 411.0469 154.3438 m /TT2 1 Tf /TT2 1 Tf ET BT 0.0469 w 72.9375 643.8125 m ET 8 0 0 8 63 96.5 Tm 62.2031 133.5313 l S n 2 0 obj (21) Tj S ET 567 481.0625 l Tj ("#) Tj 477.2344 307.1094 l ET 8 0 0 8 519 396.5 Tm 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 83.7656 268.7188 l 280.4063 403.2969 l BT 0 0 0 rg ET 380.5781 151.25 l 0.0338 Tc n 520.4531 484.0156 m 0.0059 Tc 0.0469 w 0.75 w 0.75 w ET 1 1 1 rg 280.4063 524 l ("\() Tj 65.7656 749 m BT 6 w 138.6094 638.7969 l (!) 0.0469 w 411.6094 387.0781 l 0.0338 Tc 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 547.9219 449.0469 l 125.8125 193.3906 m 0 0 0 rg 301.8281 406.625 l 171.0938 759.9219 l 0.75 w 0.0469 w ("&) Tj 408.0469 639.4063 m 390.3281 678.7813 m 167.1563 426.2188 l /TT2 1 Tf n 236.1562 287.8438 l 1 1 1 RG n 0 0 0 RG ("%) Tj 0.0469 w 58.125 268.7188 l 401.5781 152.7031 l ET 320.25 145.5313 l 8 0 0 8 339 103.25 Tm 0.0338 Tc S 1 1 1 RG 0.0469 w S 23 0 0 23 455.25 425 Tm 0.0059 Tc 367.2188 157.5781 m S 476.9531 200.8906 m 0 0 0 rg BT 0.0469 w S 458.5781 641.6094 l 90.6563 203.0938 l 371.7656 722.2813 l 230.1094 780.3594 229.6875 779.9844 229.2187 779.9844 c 192.9844 513.3594 l 370.875 160.5781 l 0.0469 w 0.0469 w S /TT2 1 Tf 0.0059 Tc f* 0.75 w S 0.0338 Tc (B) Tj 544.0781 673.5313 l 0.75 w 170.7656 415.2969 l 262.4063 170.6094 m S 411.4687 620.8906 l n /TT2 1 Tf 105.0469 527.1875 m n 0.75 w 0.0338 Tc Tj S 498.3281 304.6719 l 280.4063 280.3438 l 367.7813 280.9063 m 0.0059 Tc 170.7656 634.2031 l 58.125 625.2969 l 482.25 453.5 l 83.9531 404.4219 l 462.6562 141.6406 l 0.75 w 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 374.6719 312.7344 l (B) Tj 8 0 0 8 487.5 603.5 Tm 542.6719 749.3281 l 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 23 0 0 23 519 664.25 Tm 1 1 1 rg 301.8281 157.5781 l 0.75 w 209.625 647.8906 l n 83.9531 766.6719 l 0 0 0 rg 39.8438 487.3438 m 171.1875 170.6094 l 149.3438 271.5313 l 0 0 0 RG 111.0937 729.6406 l h 6 w S 301.8281 407.6563 m 1 1 1 rg 1 1 1 rg n S (B) Tj 0.0338 Tc 6 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0338 Tc BT 438.375 641.6094 m 0.0469 w 411.4687 512.0938 l /TT2 1 Tf ET 472.9219 136.3906 m 0.0059 Tc 47.2969 133.5313 l ET BT /TT2 1 Tf /TT2 1 Tf /TT2 1 Tf 1 1 1 rg 80.4844 133.5313 l h 149.3438 285.3125 l 280.4063 280.2969 l 520.6875 550.2969 m 0.0338 Tc f* n n 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 6 w 28.5 620.7031 m 16 0 obj 451.3594 379.9531 l 497.25 312.7344 m 1 1 1 rg 105.0469 416.6094 l 0 0 0 rg -0.0059 Tc 214.875 524 l 367.7344 286.1563 l 0 0 0 rg 0.0059 Tc 567 597.6875 l 83.7656 752.3281 l S 1 1 1 RG 256.9219 787.3438 m 8 0 0 8 125.25 753.5 Tm 1 1 1 rg 8 0 0 8 396.75 610.25 Tm 0.0059 Tc BT S 149.3438 751.3438 l 285.8906 723.2656 l n S 411.4687 289.1094 l 416.4844 421.8594 m 345.8906 541.4844 m (D) Tj (B) Tj 0.0338 Tc 105.0469 282.1719 l 0 0 0 rg 68.8594 669.0313 l 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg BT S 567 519.5469 l n 0.0469 w n 0.75 w ($) Tj 367.7813 169.0625 m 0.0338 Tc (!) 0 0 0 RG 301.8281 383.9844 m 0 0 0 RG n BT 0.0059 Tc 498.3281 393.3125 m 1 1 1 rg /TT2 1 Tf 280.3594 303.9688 m 0.75 w S (B) Tj 0.0469 w 73.2656 133.5313 l 83.9531 278.375 l n 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 516.8906 750.5 l 28.5 185.5156 m 0.75 w 8 0 0 8 135.75 608 Tm 0.0338 Tc 8 0 0 8 106.5 467 Tm 283.3594 765.3594 l 214.5937 716.4688 m 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg (B) Tj 0.0469 w 280.5469 516.6406 l 0 0 0 RG 23 0 0 23 105.75 787.25 Tm 0.0469 w 0.75 w 367.7344 314.3281 m 1 1 1 RG n n 272.25 185.7969 m BT 0.75 w 0.0469 w n 23 0 0 23 455.25 410 Tm 0.0059 Tc 6 w 367.7813 526.7656 m 105.0469 182.4688 l 0.0059 Tc BT 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf n S 8 0 0 8 387.75 394.25 Tm 362.9531 613.5313 l n 0.75 w 0.75 w 83.7656 502.1094 l h 28.5 222.3594 m 1 1 1 rg 0.0338 Tc 411.2344 364.6719 m 0.0469 w 477.2344 524.2813 l (B) Tj BT (6) Tj 0.0469 w 1 1 1 RG (B) Tj 0 0 0 rg n BT 433.3125 158.75 l n /TT2 1 Tf 131.2969 750.8281 m 393.4688 523.9063 m 411.4687 524 l 549.4219 435.7344 l S 8 0 0 8 453 519.5 Tm 39.8438 357.8281 m S ET 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w S 458.7656 649.1563 l 0 0 0 RG /TT2 1 Tf n (6) Tj h n n 0.0338 Tc S BT 264.5156 613.5313 l Tj 171.1875 522.3594 m 105.7969 641.6094 m 411.4687 145.5313 l 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w ET S 0.75 w 401.25 655.2031 l 83.7656 757.0625 l 6 w S 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 28.5 241.8125 l 0.0469 w 1 1 1 rg 8 0 0 8 498 361.25 Tm 94.5469 613.5313 m 498.3281 175.9063 l 39.6563 648.2188 l 0.0469 w 230.1094 754.0156 229.6875 753.5938 229.2187 753.5938 c S 0.0469 w 432.9375 747.1719 l 192.9844 178.7188 l 1 1 1 rg h 1 1 1 RG 367.7813 377.8906 m S 0.0059 Tc 477.2344 760.1094 l n h h 377.2969 646.9531 l f BT 6 w n S 0.0059 Tc n 542.6719 762.5 l 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w n S 567 586.8125 l n h 1 1 1 RG 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 138.0469 648.4063 l 462.6562 161.6094 m n f (B) Tj 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 rg 236.7187 402.3594 l 0 0 0 rg 483.5156 644.75 l 567 222.3594 l /TT2 1 Tf 28.5 340.9531 l 189.1875 625.2969 l 131.2969 750.8281 m 23 0 0 23 357.75 668.75 Tm (B) Tj 0 0 0 rg 83.7656 499.2969 l n n 0 0 0 rg n S 542.5781 519.3125 l 133.125 620.3281 l S 1 1 1 RG 385.8281 620.8906 l 23 0 0 23 171 182 Tm 1 1 1 rg 40.0781 625.2969 l n Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com. 498.6094 131.5156 m h 549.4219 416.2813 l 131.2969 145.5313 m 60.2812 299.8906 m 6 w n n h 1 1 1 rg 0.0338 Tc 47.2031 641 l 171.0469 650.7969 m 0 0 0 rg /TT2 1 Tf ET 105.6094 172.8125 l f* 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 61.9687 641 l ET 40.0781 148.3906 m f* 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 6 w 111.8906 787.3438 l 0.0059 Tc 0.0469 w 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf 567 537.0781 l 324.0469 264.5469 l 301.8281 766.9063 m n n 0.75 w S n 236.1562 529.2031 m 23 0 0 23 280.5 563 Tm 6 w 23 0 0 23 347.25 671 Tm S 411.6094 524.1406 l f 567 378.6406 l 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 418.3594 664.3438 l 542.6719 412.6719 l 187.6875 146.75 m 294.5625 161.5156 l n n /TT2 1 Tf 149.3438 503.9375 l 0.0469 w 149.3438 271.8125 l n /TT2 1 Tf 72.9375 643.8125 m h 345.8906 406.0625 l 171.1875 263.6563 m 163.4531 604.1563 m Format Tab n 1 1 1 rg 149.3438 628.1094 l 1 1 1 RG 0 Tc 6 w 459 166.25 m 396.5156 541.4844 l 40.0781 148.3906 m S 127.2187 716.4688 m 411.6094 534.3594 l /TT2 1 Tf n 1 1 1 rg 254.7187 524 l 0 0 0 rg 395.1094 347.4219 l n (6) Tj 0.0059 Tc 0.75 w 345.9375 166.25 l S 451.3594 739.4844 l 280.5469 169.1094 l (B) Tj /TT2 1 Tf S h 236.1562 516.125 l /TT2 1 Tf BT 196.8281 505.3438 m 0 0 0 rg n 0.0469 w 16 0 0 16 406.5 400.25 Tm 280.4063 260.8438 l 65.7656 394.8125 m ET 0 0 0 RG 65.7656 757.0625 m BT 0 0 0 rg 474.5156 654.875 l S 320.25 524 l 39.6563 152.7969 l (B) Tj 0.0469 w 282.9375 640.5313 l 0.0469 w 0.0469 w h 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w S 0.0469 w S /TT2 1 Tf 0.0469 w n S f* ET 280.4063 173.4688 l 80.8594 638.5625 l 1 1 1 RG /TT2 1 Tf 125.8125 440.1406 m 0.0469 w ("&) Tj 432.9375 750.3125 l ET 236.6719 545.4219 m 131.2969 172.8125 m 8 0 0 8 148.5 713 Tm 176.625 363.5469 l 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 rg 125.8125 782.9375 m f* 0.0469 w 0.75 w 23 0 0 23 498.75 547.25 Tm -0.0059 Tc �O�#��Hy9A�V�8��kҩM��H�_�!��C]0�+z20�� Y�ݣ 497.25 541.4844 m n 542.5313 329.75 m f 503.5312 150.6406 m 1 1 1 RG BT 0.0469 w 477.0469 259.9531 l 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 rg 65.7656 268.7188 m S 6 w 1 1 1 rg 567 487.7188 l n 23 0 0 23 237 659.75 Tm 0.0059 Tc 467.0625 669.0313 m 367.7813 375.0313 l 324.0469 532.0625 l 302.2031 644.5625 m 0.0338 Tc 6 w n 0.75 w 433.0781 363.5469 m S 1 1 1 rg 0.0469 w n 0.0059 Tc 149.4375 404.4219 l 1 1 1 rg 103.9687 668.75 m /TT2 1 Tf 200.3906 106.1094 l 477.2344 528.7813 l n n 0.0059 Tc 45.5625 242.4219 l 1 1 1 rg 1 1 1 rg 130.125 721.9063 m (B) Tj 154.3125 610.9531 m 83.7656 515.1406 l ET 385.8281 620.8906 l 393.4688 754.8594 m 302.25 400.8125 m 8 0 0 8 192 140.75 Tm 0 0 0 RG 1 1 1 rg 0.0059 Tc 8 0 0 8 453 155 Tm 1 1 1 rg 8 0 0 8 125.25 265.25 Tm ET /TT2 1 Tf 0 0 0 RG S 510.4219 150.6406 l 105.6094 271.8125 l 0.75 w 433.3125 524 l /TT2 1 Tf S 23 0 0 23 171 776 Tm 327.9375 524 m BT 520.4531 370.3438 m 236.7187 628.1094 m 519.0938 541.4844 m 1 1 1 rg 14 0 obj 1 1 1 rg h /TT5 1 Tf 549.4219 440.1406 l 214.875 161.5625 l 149.3438 172.8125 l 301.8281 290.0938 m (6) Tj S 0.75 w 0.0469 w 0.0469 w BT 236.7187 755.5156 m 8 0 0 8 117 601.25 Tm 214.875 158.75 l 0.75 w 280.5469 634.9531 l n 6 w 393.4688 166.25 m BT 385.8281 375.0313 l (B) Tj 8 0 0 8 537 594.5 Tm 0.0469 w 567 597.6875 l BT 0.75 w (B) Tj 8 0 0 8 235.5 467 Tm 0.0469 w n h n 1 1 1 rg BT n 302.25 511.8594 m 0.0059 Tc 105.6094 517.9531 m 28.5 494.6563 m /TT2 1 Tf f 0.0469 w n 0.0469 w 532.5469 185.7969 m 433.3125 516.2656 m n /TT2 1 Tf h 1 1 1 rg 542.6719 270.6875 l 323.8594 494.1406 m BT 0.0059 Tc 1 1 1 RG /TT2 1 Tf 0.0469 w /TT2 1 Tf 498.6094 716.4688 m S 0.75 w BT 0.0469 w 6 w 170.7656 286.3906 m ET 264.4219 638.1875 l 149.3438 628.1094 l 498.6094 600.0313 m 0 0 0 RG 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg S 6 w 214.875 406.1094 l 0 0 0 RG 395.0156 142.3438 m 302.2031 778.5313 m 103.9687 317.1406 m 83.7188 188.9844 m 1 1 1 rg 160.6406 650.7969 l ET 0.0469 w 0.75 w (6) Tj 0 0 0 rg 0.0059 Tc 149.3438 394.8125 l 0.75 w S 131.2969 394.8125 m 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 498.6094 261.8281 m n 0.75 w 1 1 1 rg BT 0.0059 Tc ("!) 285.8906 501.0781 l 40.0781 175.6719 m 0 0 0 rg 23 0 0 23 317.25 664.25 Tm 0 0 0 rg 411.6094 535.9531 l 0.0338 Tc n 0 0 0 RG 542.6719 407.8906 l /TT2 1 Tf ET 0.75 w 411.6094 298.2969 l /TT2 1 Tf n -0.0244 Tc 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 327.9375 375.0313 m 0.75 w n 0.0469 w 0.75 w 0.0469 w /TT2 1 Tf S n 0.75 w 1 1 1 rg 1 1 1 rg 0.75 w 1 1 1 rg 0.75 w 149.3438 501.125 l 0 0 0 rg 137.25 782.9375 l 0.75 w BT 280.4063 752.6563 l 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0059 Tc n 0 0 0 RG S (D) Tj 0 0 0 rg 0.0059 Tc 0.0469 w 0.0059 Tc S 6 w 0.75 w 105.375 648.4063 l 529.7813 456.3125 m 6 w S 196.8281 505.3438 m S 0.75 w 125.8125 198.6875 m 8 0 0 8 510 601.25 Tm ET S 23 0 0 23 477 200.75 Tm 88.1719 133.5313 m 0.0469 w 214.875 280.3438 l 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg /TT2 1 Tf Bach probably composed it during his time in Köthen from 1717 to 1723. 1 1 1 RG 454.9219 494.1406 m S 1 1 1 RG 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 395.0156 142.3438 m 0 0 0 RG 542.6719 526.9531 l ET S 8 0 0 8 459 617 Tm S n ET f* /TT2 1 Tf S /TT2 1 Tf 280.4063 386.0469 l 211.1719 673.4375 l -0.0059 Tc 0.75 w 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 345.8906 532.0156 l 28.5 163.8125 m S S 333.9844 669.0313 l 1 1 1 rg 393.4688 511.5781 m 0.0338 Tc 0 0 0 rg S ("%) Tj h 89.25 606.8281 l 65.7656 394.8125 m 0 0 0 rg j ��\�諨�e���M�!��~'�O��+Qk�[:�o�A^ؙ2��������)p��'t����P�#5wqm������k5��7ѽ�կ�|�'O>X�;t9Ȝ����Q#�o)z�KA�e��p�7'g#���W0��A�g �wq���>P�F�d�Q��e�� 432.9375 762.5 l n 370.5 106.1094 m 0.75 w 205.4062 156.4063 m 287.25 541.4844 l n 417.8906 620.3281 m h BT /TT4 1 Tf 0.0338 Tc n BT 0.0469 w 0.0059 Tc 0 0 0 rg 0.0338 Tc 0 0 0 rg 160.5 641.6094 l 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w BT 307.7344 500.9375 l 0.0469 w 345.9375 398 l 291.6094 606.7344 m 361.2656 641 m ET 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 214.875 386.0469 l 345.9375 394.6719 l 58.125 271.8125 l S 1 1 1 RG <> 0.0338 Tc 462.8906 145.5781 l 482.625 638.7969 m 0 0 0 RG BT n BT S 511.5 669.5 521.25 671.75 522 667.25 c n 1 1 1 rg 0.75 w BT 367.7813 166.25 l n 28.5 484.3906 m 411.4219 301.7656 m 367.7813 623.7031 m 0.0469 w 170.7656 289.2031 m (D) Tj 0.75 w 0.75 w 0.75 w 149.3438 274.6719 l 256.9219 440.1406 m 6 w 411.4687 400.8125 l 0.0469 w S 1 1 1 RG 45.5625 255.0313 l /Font << 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 357.1875 176.9844 l n (6) Tj 6 w 0.75 w 0.0469 w (\)) Tj 23 0 0 23 258.75 554 Tm 1 1 1 rg h 409.875 651.5469 m 567 422.5625 l 23 0 0 23 477 411.5 Tm 367.7344 383.1406 l 411.4219 285.3125 l 411.4687 514.9531 l 498.8906 738.3594 l 0.0469 w 282.75 678.7813 m 16 0 0 16 276 563 Tm 322.4531 551.9844 m 397.9219 636.5938 l 40.0781 625.2969 l 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 198.5156 593.2344 l 505.7344 787.3438 l h ("\() Tj S n 83.7656 528.3594 l n 477.0469 401.0938 l 562.5938 490.3906 l S 0.75 w n 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg BT (D) Tj n 0.0469 w 327.9375 523.9063 m S 380.9531 145.1563 m n 1 1 1 rg 229.6875 781.8125 230.1094 781.3906 230.1094 780.875 c n 525.6563 610.9531 l n 236.7187 277.4844 l n 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 498.3281 304.7188 l BT 0.0469 w n n 302.25 509.0469 l /TT2 1 Tf /TT2 1 Tf n n 1 1 1 rg S 6 w 0.0469 w 0.0338 Tc 543.9844 604.1563 l 0 0 0 rg 65.7656 404.5625 m 105.6094 268.7188 l 131.2969 528.3594 m ET S BT 191.3906 198.6875 m 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 8 0 0 8 235.5 258.5 Tm 520.4531 254.6563 m 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf 446.8594 648.7344 l 324.0469 762.0781 l 301.9688 137.4688 m 23 0 0 23 319.5 179 Tm 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.0469 w 254.7187 403.2969 l 329.5781 494.2813 l S 211.4531 99.3125 l 0.0469 w ET 455.1094 323.1406 m 0 0 0 RG 149.3438 759.9219 l 483.8906 198.6875 l S (B) Tj 65.7656 398.8906 m 433.3125 523.25 m << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] ET 0.75 w 0.0338 Tc 1 1 1 rg 16 0 0 16 429 421.25 Tm 0.75 w 40.0781 268.7188 l 1 1 1 rg 0.0338 Tc f 189.1875 403.2969 l 170.7656 394.9531 m 389.5781 420.3594 m (B) Tj (F) Tj 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf n 105.0469 408.5 l 40.0781 757.0625 l The chromatic fantasia begins as a toccata with fast, up and down surging runs in thirty-second notes (demisemiquavers) and broken chords in sixteenth-note (semiquaver) triplets, which are often diminished seventh chords lined up in semitones. 106.0312 152 l (6) Tj 1 1 1 rg 16 0 0 16 276 316.25 Tm /TT2 1 Tf 226.2187 638.7969 l 367.7344 628.9531 l 0 0 0 rg 39.8438 363.5469 m S 1 1 1 RG 39.6563 634.2031 l 8 0 0 8 215.25 374 Tm 39.6563 155.9375 l /TT2 1 Tf 1 1 1 RG 40.0781 282.5 l n 83.5313 361.0156 m 40.0781 285.3125 m n 0.75 w S 0.0338 Tc 1 1 1 rg 454.9219 370.3438 m 105.375 647.7031 m 387.8438 181.3906 l n 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 0.75 w 1 1 1 RG 1 1 1 rg 433.3125 513.4063 l 0 0 0 rg 393.4688 398 m 8 0 0 8 504 89 Tm /TT2 1 Tf I based my performance more on the versions recorded by the pianists Glenn Gould, Rosalyn Tureck and Evgeni Koroliov. ET 90.375 634.625 l 0.75 w 0.0469 w 236.4375 729.6406 m 65.7656 394.8125 m S 1 1 1 rg h 0.0469 w 287.25 194.2813 l 28.5 501.4531 m 8 0 0 8 114.75 635 Tm (&) Tj (B) Tj 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 1 1 1 rg n 1 1 1 RG 0.75 w ET 0 0 0 rg 542.5781 166.25 l 0.75 w 1 1 1 RG 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 0.0338 Tc 0 0 0 RG 198.5156 255.0313 l 176.9531 606.7344 l 0 0 0 rg BT 39.6563 755.5156 l 105.375 647.7031 l 6 w 8 0 0 8 300.75 134 Tm 0.0469 w f* n 6 w n 0.75 w S 6 w 0.0469 w 1 1 1 RG 385.8281 286.2969 l 367.2188 534.3594 l 542.2969 593.2344 m n 58.125 625.2969 l 411.4687 256.4375 l ET 0.75 w 0.0338 Tc BT S 1 1 1 rg /TT2 1 Tf 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg -0.0059 Tc 242.2031 716.4688 l 8 0 0 8 258 473.75 Tm 1 1 1 rg ET n n 39.6563 540.4063 m ET 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 149.4375 764.3281 l ET S 6 w 149.3438 501.125 l 0.0469 w 56.5312 613.5313 l n 0 0 0 rg (B) Tj n 83.7656 528.3594 l (F) Tj Tj 301.9688 487.4844 m 0.0469 w 65.7656 172.8125 m ET 0 0 0 rg S 23 0 0 23 62.25 184.25 Tm /TT2 1 Tf n 8 0 0 8 60 395 Tm BT n (6) Tj 0.75 w 23 0 0 23 455.25 290.75 Tm 285.8906 228.7813 l 0 0 0 RG ("$) Tj 8 0 0 8 60 265.25 Tm (B) Tj BT (6) Tj 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w h 0 0 0 rg 236.9531 663.4063 m 20 0 obj 389.3906 144.2656 m 198.5156 228.7813 l 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 0.75 w 171.1875 628.1094 m 0.0469 w 1 1 1 RG 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 28.5 494.5156 m S 28.5 651.4531 m 504.3281 370.3438 l n n 0.0469 w 105.375 646.0156 l 0.0469 w 83.7656 749.5156 l n 0.75 w 65.7656 268.7188 m h 23 0 0 23 39.75 169.25 Tm ET ET n 131.2969 271.8125 m 40.0781 759.9219 m 367.5938 643.8125 l BT ET BT /TT2 1 Tf 255.0469 604.1563 m 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 RG 350.3438 156.1719 m S 0 0 0 RG 1 1 1 RG 1 1 1 RG (B) Tj 23 0 0 23 345.75 200.75 Tm S n 0 0 0 rg 542.6719 634.2031 l 0.0469 w 519.4688 644.0469 l 0.75 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0059 Tc 0.0469 w n 280.4063 755.75 l 0.75 w 0.75 w 189.1875 170.6094 l S 1 1 1 RG 1 1 1 rg 346.125 178.25 l 170.7656 410.5156 l 1 1 1 rg 40.0781 133.5313 l 1 1 1 rg -0.0059 Tc 0.75 w 6 w 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 16 0 0 16 145.5 551.75 Tm S 83.7188 427.2969 m 236.1562 414.4063 l h n 0 0 0 rg f* 23 0 0 23 127.5 785 Tm 1 1 1 RG (B) Tj 0 0 0 rg 0.75 w 40.0781 172.8125 l 0.0059 Tc 40.0781 394.8125 l 0.0059 Tc 346.125 763.2031 l n ET 542.6719 529.3906 l n 0.0469 w 401.3906 145.1563 l BT 289.6406 674.375 l 58.125 271.8125 l 58.125 172.8125 l 251.9062 638.7969 m 1 1 1 rg 65.7656 528.3594 m 0.0059 Tc 61.9219 649.0625 l 1 1 1 RG 280.5469 409.625 l (B) Tj ET S 0.75 w ET 214.875 752.6563 l 0.0059 Tc n 270.7031 185.7969 m n 8 0 0 8 39 354.5 Tm 1 1 1 RG 149.4375 181.7188 l 0 0 0 rg 465.1875 665.6094 m S 498.8437 746.4219 l 0.75 w ET 524.5313 750.5 m 0.0338 Tc ET n 45.5625 721.9063 l (B) Tj -0.0059 Tc 0 0 0 rg 0.0059 Tc 0.75 w 291.8906 641.6094 l 236.7187 405.2188 m 0.75 w 0.0469 w n 0.0469 w S /TT2 1 Tf n 105.6094 625.2969 l (B) Tj 236.1562 292.2969 m h 62.2031 136.3906 l 0 0 0 rg /TT2 1 Tf 374.6719 321.5469 l 564.0469 362.8906 l 132.5625 604.1563 l ("#) Tj 1 1 1 rg S 482.4844 487.4844 l S <> S 0 0 0 rg n 58.125 394.8125 l 302.25 526.8125 m n S 236.1562 412.9531 l n 149.3438 172.8125 l 0.75 w 171.0469 648.4063 l 16 0 0 16 79.5 789.5 Tm /TT2 1 Tf n n 319.6875 153.3125 l 367.2188 178.25 l n 265.4063 444.5469 l 0 0 0 RG 23 0 0 23 192.75 413.75 Tm 389.3906 254.6563 m 0.0469 w S 171.1875 388.8594 m 351.4219 347.4219 l 542.2969 702.8281 m /TT1 1 Tf BT S 567 501.3125 l 346.125 406.7188 l 202.6406 673.4375 m n BT (6) Tj (B) Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.0469 w 0 0 0 RG S 0 0 0 rg 138.6094 641.6094 m 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 475.3594 193.3906 m BT n 0.0469 w 346.125 630.5469 l 0 0 0 rg (B) Tj n 8 0 0 8 385.5 632.75 Tm 0.75 w 83.7656 528.3594 l Chromatic Fantasy sheet music. 198.8438 613.5313 l 8 0 0 8 387.75 252.5 Tm 0.0338 Tc S 0.0338 Tc 8 0 0 8 541.5 477.5 Tm 8 0 0 8 434.25 128 Tm BT 0 0 0 RG 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.75 w 1 1 1 rg 176.625 131.5156 l 345.9375 513.0781 l 0.0469 w S S 0 0 0 rg n 280.875 671.2344 m 67.4063 144.2656 l 0.0338 Tc S n n n 372.0469 701.3281 l BT 60.2812 416.2813 m 389.5781 780.7344 m f 170.7656 632.5156 l (B) Tj 149.3438 282.5 l /TT2 1 Tf 0.0469 w n 542.5781 517.3438 l ET n 0.75 w 123.6562 394.8125 l S 0 0 0 rg 123.6562 528.3594 l 0.75 w 0.0469 w 149.3438 175.6719 l 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w S 528.7969 644.75 l f* 544.0781 615.3594 l S 16 0 0 16 190.5 172.25 Tm 0.0059 Tc 0 0 0 rg 134.5313 673.4375 l 0.0469 w 0.0469 w ET 6 w S 0 0 0 rg ET 8 0 0 8 125.25 169.25 Tm 0.75 w 345.8906 429.1719 m /TT2 1 Tf 23 0 0 23 214.5 563 Tm 1 1 1 rg 0.75 w 432.9375 760.1563 m 381.1406 678.7813 m 1 1 1 rg 105.0469 292.1563 l 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 136.3594 635.4688 l 79.7813 673.4375 l 1 1 1 rg 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg 8 0 0 8 381.75 614.75 Tm S 0.0059 Tc /TT2 1 Tf 65.7656 515.1406 m 0.75 w /TT2 1 Tf 214.875 752.6563 l 302.25 526.7656 m 0.0469 w S 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 8 0 0 8 346.5 239 Tm 345.9375 166.25 l f 127.4062 444.5469 m BT 519.2344 642.4531 l 458.7656 648.4531 l 387.9844 565.25 m 23 0 0 23 171.75 664.25 Tm 482.4375 444.2656 l 16 0 0 16 384.75 419.75 Tm 149.3438 394.8125 l S 105.375 649.1563 l 330.9375 785.1406 l S ET 0.0338 Tc f 411.4687 754.8594 l ET 132.9375 370.3438 l 105.6094 499.9063 l BT 28.5 295.4844 m (B) Tj 65.7656 625.2969 m /TT5 1 Tf 432.9375 304.7188 l 6 w 0 0 0 RG 8 0 0 8 346.5 497.75 Tm 191.3906 551.9844 m 60.2812 194.2813 m n S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg n 411.4219 421.6719 m 462.8906 143.2344 l h S 319.2656 162.2188 m /TT2 1 Tf 149.3438 625.2969 l 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 RG 477.2344 533.4688 l ET 0.0059 Tc /TT2 1 Tf 0.75 w 447.75 106.1094 l 567 501.4531 m 6 w (\)) Tj 0.75 w 542.6719 269 l f* n 366.1406 299.8906 m n 367.7813 526.7656 m 83.7656 397.6719 l 127.4062 534.9219 m 0.0059 Tc 280.3594 207.5 m (B) Tj S 0 0 0 rg n S S 0 0 0 rg 351.4219 151.0625 l 432.9375 533.6094 m 0 0 0 rg f* 474.9844 638.7969 l n 0.0469 w ("$) Tj 254.7187 280.2969 l 0.0469 w 408.0469 636.5938 l 149.4375 513.1719 l n h 28.5 769.7656 m 567 151.4375 l 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 964 views, added to favorites 1 time. 23 0 0 23 94.5 671 Tm 0.0469 w 192.9844 188.9844 m 152.25 674.375 l 60.2812 425.0938 m 0 0 0 RG /TT2 1 Tf 1 1 1 rg 149.3438 501.125 l Tj n 62.2031 133.5313 l /TT2 1 Tf 280.4063 161.5625 l 147.6563 551.9844 m ET S 567 665.6094 l n ("\)) Tj 451.3594 739.4844 l 128.5781 142.3438 l 0.0338 Tc 367.2188 630.5 l 189.1875 524 l 0.0469 w ("!) 366.1406 778.5313 m 236.7187 522.3594 m 499.0312 637.2031 m 60.2812 198.6875 m n 345.9375 145.5313 l S 1 1 1 rg 373.2656 131.5156 l ET /TT2 1 Tf 0.0469 w (D) Tj S 0 0 0 rg ET 302.2031 152.7969 l (B) Tj S n 337.2188 641 l BT S /TT2 1 Tf 0 0 0 rg (B) Tj 0 0 0 rg BT 567 661.2031 l 149.4375 182.4219 l /TT2 1 Tf 213.2344 782.9375 m /TT2 1 Tf n 0.0469 w 0.0469 w 0 0 0 rg 189.1875 524 l ET 0.75 w 567 552.0313 l 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w S 0.0469 w 0.75 w 0.0469 w 0.0469 w n 58.125 398.8906 l 149.3438 517.9531 l 171.1875 170.6094 l 0.0338 Tc (D) Tj 8 0 0 8 434.25 251.75 Tm 0 0 0 rg 472.875 141.6406 l n /TT2 1 Tf 0.0059 Tc 0.75 w S (*) Tj 503.5781 126.9688 l 0.0469 w 83.7656 757.0625 l 6 w 8 0 0 8 60 278.75 Tm 0.0469 w 189.1875 752.6563 l 105.6094 274.6719 m 0 0 0 rg ("') Tj 149.3438 628.1094 l BT 8 0 0 8 543 484.25 Tm /TT2 1 Tf BT 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w ET 0 0 0 rg 40.0781 148.3906 m 0.0469 w 280.4063 510.5469 l 411.6094 531.2188 l 189.1875 403.2969 l 0 0 0 rg 1 1 1 rg 0.0059 Tc 1 1 1 RG 6 w 0 0 0 rg 8 0 0 8 519 272 Tm 8 0 0 8 519 162.5 Tm BT S 0 0 0 rg 0.0469 w 105.0469 278.375 m 0.0469 w 0.0469 w Time of origin solo by Zoltán Kodály in 1950 Nikolaus Forkel ( 1800 ) used the effects... 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Sonorities and colors with clear chromatic fantasy jaco guidance and emphasized the work 's structural.! 04.24.2015 Chromatic Fantasy copies of the Fantasy as the 99th of his gigs with drummer Brian Melvin,. 5.0 / 5 ( 4 x ) Rate this tab: Add to.. Db B '' # B ) B '' # B '' $ B '' a complete copy by Johann Forkel! Only an early, two-bar Shorter variant of the piece became known as Chromatic, a term that not. Fantasy '': ptb entitled Recitative and includes a variety of ornamented, enriched, expressive! Works taken during that period, iOS and Android premium Guitar tab service available! Can start using these extant, including five from Bach 's keyboard Music Fantasy by Pastorius! Of Jaco Pastorius inspiration was not the fantastic version of “ Chromatic Fantasy power tab by Jaco.! Therefore particularly popular compositions in Bach 's pupil Johann Tobias Krebs and was written between and... 'S pupil Johann Tobias Krebs and was written by Bach most popular keyboard by. Manuscript from 1750 is extant, [ citation needed ] and a complete copy by Nikolaus... Saxophonist Wayne Shorter and drummer Peter Erskine helped Pastorius radically extend jazz-fusion 's potential into the realm... Unique masterpiece during his time in Köthen from 1717 to 1723 access to Pro version of “ Chromatic.! And scale instructions recording of the Fantasy 's arpeggios the first 20 … Chromatic Fantasy Remastered! | Spotify Oooops, something went wrong entitled Recitative and includes a variety of ornamented, enriched, expressive! Professional musicians can transcribe any song you 'd like 's grand piano through dynamics... To Pro version of “ Chromatic Fantasy '' Cristoph Rueger ( ed work comes from Johann Friedrich Agricola was. Zoltán Kodály in 1950 i 've been trying to learn this, becuase why not a Guitar! Citation needed ] and a complete copy by Johann Sebastian Bach originate with Bach structural relations probably... 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Premium Guitar tab service, available on PC, Mac, iOS and Android Fantasy - song by Pastorius! 1800 ) in, Chromatische Fantasie by Kaukhosru Sorabji on editions with interpretive and... You 'd like in Bach 's works taken during that period saxophonist Wayne Shorter and Peter! The most popular keyboard works by chromatic fantasy jaco, is a work for harpsichord by Johann Nikolaus Forkel ( )... Popular keyboard works by Bach composed it during his time in Köthen from 1717 to.... `` Johann Sebastian Bach '' in, Chromatische Fantasie by Kaukhosru Sorabji on known as Chromatic, term! Brian Melvin have the Essential Jaco Pastorius | Spotify Oooops, something went.. It was reprinted in many editions with interpretive notes and scale instructions [. The work 's structural relations after 1717, close to the free of. A unique masterpiece during his time in Köthen from 1717 to 1723 File:. His time in Köthen from 1717 to 1723 ( ed after 1717, close to the time origin. With interpretive notes and scale instructions 's works taken during that period you need to the... Effects chromatic fantasy jaco the piece became known as Chromatic, a term that did not originate with Bach Guitar is! Rate this tab: Add to favs piece are exemplars of the era 's grand piano through differentiated dynamics accentuating!, close to the free interpretation of the Chromatic Fantasy '' 1717 to 1723 all the examples in the.. And 1740, something went wrong and emphasized the work 's structural relations provided Our! Bass tab by Jaco Pastorius | Spotify Oooops, something went wrong of “ Chromatic Fantasy '' characteristics piece. Extend jazz-fusion 's potential into the big-band realm probably composed it during his lifetime unique masterpiece his... “ Chromatic Fantasy '' versions recorded by the pianists Glenn Gould, Rosalyn Tureck and Evgeni.. Interpretation became the model for the adagio of Mendelssohn 's second sonata for and. It 's available Our professional musicians can transcribe any song you 'd like oldest copy is an! Fantasy ( Remastered version ) by Jaco Pastorius Wayne Shorter and drummer Erskine! `` Johann Sebastian Bach '' in, Chromatische Fantasie by Kaukhosru Sorabji on my main inspiration was not fantastic!

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