They are good for bombarding enemies with their magic spells coupled with a 30% damage boost thanks to their Evility. These skills are incredibly helpful, and can easily shift the tide of a losing battle back into your favor. The Skull class returns fromDisgaea 3, mostly unchanged and retains the same primary Evility. Another shot at Platinum (spoilers ok). If you use ranged characters to destroy the geo-blocks after clearing the field of enemies, you can boost up the bonus guage a bit, too, which never hurts. At lvl 99 (which is max) the skill is almost 3x stronger than at base level. Don’t touch anything. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The maximum level for a Skill is 99. That can take time, but if your method is a good one, it will be added. Spells that increase attack/defense/etc. It's also very possible that I HAVE responded to your email, and you simply haven't received the reply yet. NB: At floor 10, if you destroy all geo blocks, you'll get a mystery gate where you can. Don't underestimate buffs! There are three groups of enemies. In the second turn, one of the closer Prinnies ought to move in to attack you; after you've killed him, move to the right to engage the final two Prinnies. Please note that you will only obtain ship parts from chests that spawn in X-Dimension maps. That's a tough one. Includes Peta-level spells and Job-specific Skills from Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited. Once you are ready, enter Stage 4 of Mt. How do you transfer/teach skills from one character to another? Of course, not every character can learn Big Bang--so what do you do with them? Ordeal, to get this bill to show up in the senate, you need a character with 7000 mana and get the bill approved. The concept does not change with Disgaea 4 Complete+. In the second turn, I would send Valvatorez to take out the Hell Hounds, and the Mage (who would generally need a character like Fenrich to lift and throw her part of the way) can kill them all with a Giga Star. The most effective tactic to take for 9-4 is to set the Enemy Rank to 1 so that the enemies will all be level 99. Wings of … An hour or two at 2-2, 2-3, or 5-2 can easily make you more than strong enough to breeze through the rest of the game with minimal frustration. Before you start your offensive moves, send one of your characters with a high throw ability over to the yellow geo-block, and throw it into the cyan geo-field at the bottom of the map. I can say for sure that it does not affect healing spells. I recommend moving a strong melee-centric character (Like Valvatorez) to the lower bridge, and using him (or her) to attack the full-health Zombies one-on-one, using a support character in the rear for healing/ranged combat as necessary. Enemies can also increase in level during a battle by standing on a Geo Panel with the Level Up 10% effect. Well, for story characters, you'll need to dive into the Chara World. Tier 4 of Bouncers can learn that skill, a LV500 Fenrich can learn that skill as well. Basic Level Up Tips information; Typo Correction. Use the now-enhanced Big Bang skill to defeat all enemies at once. Are any of the online features required (or practically required) to Platinum? DO NOT stack them on top of each other, and be careful to leave the yellow bridge panel closest to your platform open. Hate keeps a man alive, it gives him strength. Disgaea games are known for heavy grinding. Can someone explain the trick with Natural Sardine and Lion Stance? The reason why thieves are so hard to level during story stages is due to their lack of AoE. Watch every special skill animation. Then end the turn without attacking. Level, abbreviated as Lv or Lvl, is a stat in the Disgaea series which is found in almost all role-playing games. To unlock the Land of Carnage you need to obtain a few specific ship parts and clear 40% of the X-Dimension maps. If you move slowly and steadily with a strong melee character, and are able to keep healers in range (don't forget to lift/throw to your advantage) you should be able to slowly move up the map, healing as necessary, methodically taking out all of the enemies. You can learn Big Bang from Tier 4 Bouncers, level 500 Fenrich or inherit Big Bang through Chara World. The SP requirement rises as well, though. You won't level up your party as quickly here as elsewhere, but the enhancements your characters and items can attain make leveling elsewhere much, much easier. And they cast powerful area-of-effect spells, too. ^_^ More compilations on the way. So long as it's not information I already have, I'll be more than glad to use your information and credit you accordingly. They are: Libra Pasio: Fenrich, Axel, Adell. Almost certainly. You cannot access the warehouse while in these worlds, so make certain you've got at least one in your inventory before diving in--and always save before doing so. The Item World’s purpose is to level up weapons so their stats increase. Now it's time to wipe out the enemies. For damage dealing -- any skill levelling will also level your weapon mastery and with all randomness involved it would require some convoluted set up with several characters to separate effects. Effect: - This skill is learned from the Ancient Combat Dojo in the Chara World. Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (魔界戦記ディスガイア4, Makai Senki Disugaia Fō) is a 2011 tactical role-playing video game for the PlayStation 3 and the fourth in the Disgaea series by Nippon Ichi Software.The game tells the story of Valvatorez, a former tyrant leading a party to rebel against the president of the Netherworld. Don't get too attached to the default generic characters the game gives you--get rid of them, and make your own party of characters--one that suits your own intended style of play. Reincarnate as a genius and grind to the acceptable level again 4. Kill that same monster with a 3 person team attack, each one earns 33 experience, etc. The more stages you clear, the higher the level the item gets. This map is ideal for characters with 5-panel "cross" shaped skills (Fire boosted 4 times) or skills that attack every adjacent tile panel simultaneously (Pole Rage). Once you "level up" your customer rank, you will be able to hold a vote for more expensive (and/or additional) items in the Senate. Experience: 224 (Rank 0) / 266,052 (Rank 20). In the first turn, I'd use Valvatorez to take out all of the Nekomatas, and the mage to take out the Cockatrices. See the blue geo-block on the left? Character information; General information correction; Typo correction. Guide for details). Some are inclined toward defense, others toward offense. This can be mighty useful in early game when you can get level 99 enemies since they give an exp value of a level 323 thanks to how the experience formula work. Disgaea 4+ To Add Cheat Shop, Innocent Warehouse & Skill Speed Change (2x, 3x, or 4x) Disgaea 4+ Close. Due to how each item needs to level up, it can be time-consuming to level up each item your characters use. My suggestion? Try to focus on creating one or two heavy damage dealers. Want to learn weapon skills and dominate the whole battle field with AoE attacks? Spend maybe one or two hours using both stronger enemy bills and one of the tactics I outlined for power-leveling in my guide. First, remember that you CAN used ranged skills while standing on the base panel, or while on the yellow geo-field. It will teach you all of the basics you need to know to play the game effectively for the most part of the beginning. As such, the Bodyguards typically remain in place, defending their respective magic users, while the magic-users bombard your characters with very, very powerful ranged attacks. Level ups don't do it, unlike Disgaea 1 and 2? The npc will let you inherit a skill from another character in the same evil symbol (it's 10 times more expensive). The choice here is between Skulls and Mages. The experience you earn in this level will be applied to EVERY character on the map, so before you destroy the geo-block, make sure you've emptied your base panel completely! Level, abbreviated as Lv or Lvl, is a stat in the Disgaea series which is found in almost all role-playing games. Unsurprisingly, the first map in the game is fairly well-suited for early grinding. No. So far my only problems with magic in D4 is: This guy is not what he pretends to be. Generic characters require twice the normal amount of mana for each additional reincarnation--so only reincarnate them when you unlock the next tier ([D-04B]). Powerful weapons and emblems, greater movement speed, etc. Back ... again. When you're first starting out, you should NOT have any more than 5 generic characters in your party, or else you will find it very difficult to properly manage experience and grinding. (She'll need to be in her fused (giant) form to hit them. It's tedious, but as long as you don't rush into things it's really not all that difficult. I finished mine and I did not bother watching the rest of the video after that. Reincarnate, Reincarnate, Reincarnate! It is, however, nowhere near so difficult as it seems: you can easily clear it with 2 or 3 characters around level 500. Conversely, the SPD stat effects your own evasion--get it high enough, and those strong enemies may be able to kill you in a single hit--but they won't be able to hit you. Pre-Battle Setup: Make certain you have arranged the Fusion Lab evil symbol so that you are able to perform a giant fusion. If you mean Skill Mastery, the level of the skill itself, that increases the SP cost and increases damage (if applicable). Both allies and enemies can level up in this way. Typo corrections;General information correction. Disgaea 4 adds even more to the usual formula by tweaking Disgaea 3 ’s classroom system. (read the description first!) Go to Mt Ordeal 4 and fuse a monster with Nekomata then magichange a unit with the Big Bang weapon skill. Magic works best, but if you don't mind splitting the experience between two characters, basic "lunge" attacks will do the job as well. Pre-Battle Setup: Place Desco in Aura Pyramid and Training Ground symbols to spread out the EXP and mana she'll be earning. Experience: 160,407 (Rank 0) / 4,359,255 (Rank 20) / 7,464,540 (Rank 8), Enemies: 4x Alraune; 4x Cockatrice; 4x Hell Hound; 4x Nekomata. General information correction; Typo correction. Fill the bonus gauge up by creating geo chains, team attacks, etc. Spear techniques allow you to attack "over" friendly characters, have a longer range (2 panels) attack than normal melee weapons, and the spear skills work very well to support your primary attackers, as they can attack over ally and enemy characters alike. My aim is solely to explore and detail the best, most efficient means to "power level" the characters. Concrete knowledge is, yet again, a Desco-centric map. Attack is pretty much worthless for Guns as they rely on Speed and Hit for damage calculation. I see it mentioned regularly that skill level (special weapon skills, magic) does affect damage, but did anyone do proper testing? Tier 5 is characterized by the fact that, once you're this strong, you won't be able to get any stronger without unlocking special post-game abilities. Welcome to my power-leveling guide for Disgaea 4: A promise Revisited, an enhanced port of the PS3 game similarly titled Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited. Both allies and enemies can level up in this way. Build up mana required to level your weapon skills/specials to your preferred level 5. Once enough Skill Experience has been gained, the Skill gains a level, and begins to do more damage, as well as cost more SP. Team attacks divide experience equally between all characters involved. Just so happens that my healer cannot learn fire, even though she is the leader in that pyramid thing. You'll need to fuse Desco with another monster, which will allow you to use a giant Yog Sothoth--which can easily kill every single monster on the map in a single turn. Laharl using Meteor Impact in Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness.. A Special Technique, skill, or special, is a skill that can be used in battle.There are various types of special techniques, including ones that are stronger attacks with potentially better range than the basic … HOWEVER, if in the course of testing, I determine that your method is significantly less efficient that tactics already included in the guide, I will not include it. Levels may be important when you first start out, but at the end of the day, it's all about stats. Accepted Answer. Instead, the A.I. In order to obtain the necessary ship parts, you will need to capture and interrogate the following foes for chest locations: Rifle Demon in 9-6; Thanatos in X-Dimension 7-3; Prinny King in X-Dimension 7-6; Force Knight in X-Dimension Final-1; Alchemist in X-Dimension Final-1; and a Meowkin Pirate on floors 21+ in the Item World. Any tips for clearing the blocks on chara world? Also be wary of the height difference, which makes it difficult to perform attacks--just remember that there is always a position you can move to that will allow an attack to hit all 5 enemies at once, so if you can't do it right away, you're not in the right spot! Defensive enemies are fairly common, and very easy to deal with--if none of your characters are close enough for the defense-minded enemy to move to and attack in a single turn, he or she (or it) will not move at all. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. to fill up the gauge--just remember to take your low-level characters out of the base panel before killing the last enemy, because characters inside the base panel will not receive any of the bonus gauge's experience bonus. And if you've used magichange in 5-2 to help boost Desco, she should be more than up to the task of clearing the map in three short turns. @Winabe: I use mages instead of skulls. Your ranged characters will be able to easily attack and destroy the Zombies below without exposing themselves to any enemy attacks at all. It will make power-levelling much, much easier for you thanks to the layout of MO-4. Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten PlayStation 3 . Lift it, and toss it onto the green geo-field on the right side of the map. The ensuing chain-reaction ought* to destroy all of the Boggarts and Zombies on the map. The goal here is to utterly destroy the enemies as quickly as possible. When a character gains a certain amount of Experience, he or she gains a level and gets higher stats. Am i correct in the assumption that improving the skill via the shop which in turn boosts the letter is a simple damage boost for the skill (as well as increasing the sp cost)? they increase exp gain, and when stacked on like that, leveling up is a breeze. He Got Skills. ... 4 Level. Many new players are nervous about the time-limit with magichange, for example--don't be afraid! You may not find yourself in an advantage to make use of the geo-effect, but a little preparation never hurts, right? In Disgaea, there are thousands of ways to power level, but this particularly guide is only concerned with the most efficient of methods. First, move a single character to the Prinny to the right of the base panel and attack. These increases stack with the increases you get when you pay mana to make the skills stronger. REMEMBER! Valvatorez conquers … This guide began as a specialized power-leveling guide for the original version of Disgaea 4 on the Playstation 3. Level Up!! When you purchase items from a shop, your customer rank increases. PlayStation Vita. I read every email I see and always reply (if necessary). And if worst comes to worst, one of your heavy-hitting characters can always circle back to take care of any possible stragglers. Stat in the geo-chain ) called `` Absorption '' which can be purchased for 1500 mana a. Stronger than at base level magic spells coupled with a cross-shaped scar for the rest of their life..:! It can be triggered with characters who have not yet received commands for a person to reincarnate a! ( Win 10 ) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore that divide the map 20 ) move on... This is a breeze even more to the acceptable level again 4 the here. Either male or female, it gives him strength - level: - this skill is learned from Sphere. 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