EC6513- MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 12 VVIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING PROGRAM FOR DIVISION: ADDRESS OPCODE LABEL MNEMONICS COMMENT 1000 MOV AX,[1200] Get the first data in AX register, 1003 MOV DX,[1202] Get the second data in DX register. Step 7: Repeat the e Step 4, 5 and 6 until the counter value reaches zero ADDRESS LABLE MNEMONICS OPCODE COMMENTS, 1004 SUB AX, [1102] 2B 06 02 11 Subtract second data, MULTIPLICATION Step 3: Move the divisor to CX register. Step 3: Load the starting address of source and destination. Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 11, Clear Directional Flag for Auto Increment, Gets Array length, starting address and destination address. Step 5: Stop the process, SUBTRACTION CS8661 Internet Programming Laboratory Step 1: Start the process Step 10: Store the quotient as tens. 6. Step 2: Load the data from 1100. From this course students can analyze abstract problems and apply a combination of hardware and software to address the problem and they can use standard test and measurement equipment to evaluate digital interfaces. Step 1: Start the process HS8581 Professional Communication. Preview 25 pages / 105. Due to the compact design of microcontroller, they are used in mini portable electronic gadgets, toys and devices. Download link for ECE 5th SEM EC6513 MICROPROCESSOR MICROCONTROLLER Lab Manual is listed down for students to make perfect utilization and score maximum marks with our study materials.. Anna University … Move the MSW of dividend Step 2: Load the count value. CONTENTS PAGE No. Read through the lab experiment to familiarize yourself with the components and assembly sequence. Write a Program Using 8085 & Verify for : a. Subtraction of Two 8-Bit Numbers. This course introduces the assembly language programming of 8051 microcontroller and 8086 microprocessor. 1.2 Block move (with and without overlap) 1.3 Block interchange in to AX reg, 1008 MOV CX, [1102] 8B 0E 04 11 Move the divisor to CX reg, 100E MOV [1200],AX 89 06 00 12 Store the quotient, 1012 MOV [1202],DX 89 16 02 12 Store the reminder, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 7, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 8. Step 2: Move the dividend to DX and AX register. EC6513 MPMC Lab Manual. Step 2: Move the 16 bit data to Ax register. CONTENTS PAGE No. EC6513 MICROPROCESSOR MICROCONTROLLER (MPMC) LAB Manual ADDRESS LABLE MNEMONICS OPCODE COMMENTS, 1000 MOV AL,[1100] 8A 06 00 11 Move the content to AL reg, 1004 ADD AL, [1101] 02 06 01 11 Add second data, 1008 DAA 27 Decimal adjustment Accumulator, 1009 MOV [1200],AL 88 06 00 12 Store the result, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 23, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 24, RESULT: On completion of this lab course the students will be able to apply the fundamentals of assembly level programming of microprocessors and microcontroller and also they can  work with standard microprocessor real time interfaces including GPIO, serial ports, digital-to-analog converters and analog-to-digital converters. BEFORE EXECUTION: AFTER EXECUTION: SUBTRACTION Step 12: Stop the process, DECIMAL TO BI NARY Basic arithmetic and Logical operations 2. a. Step9: Add BL with result. RESULT. EC8681 MPMC LAB MANUAL, Study notes for Microprocessors. Step 3: Move the second 16 bit data to Bx register. Step 5: Store the result. Anna University Regulation 2013 Electronic Communications Engineering (ECE) 5TH SEM. MICROPROCESSORS LAB MANUAL . Download link for ECE 5TH SEM EC6513 MICROPROCESSOR MICROCONTROLLER (MPMC) Laboratory Manual is listed down for students to make perfect utilization and score maximum marks with our study materials. Key board 3. ECE 7th Semester Lab Manual Regulation 2017 Anna University. Download link is provided below to ensure for the Students to download the Regulation 2017 Anna University EC8691 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lecture Notes, Syllabus, Part-A 2 marks with answers & Part-B 16 marks Questions with answers, Question Bank with answers, All the materials are listed below for the students to make use of it and score Good (maximum) marks with our study … TEL : 044 - 27454784 / 726, FAX : 044 - 27451504. ADDITION ALGORITHM: 1) Start the program by loading the first data into Accumulator. Programs Involving 1 Data transfer instructions like: 1.1 Byte and word data transfer in different addressing modes. Microprocessors. Download EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lecture Notes, Books, Syllabus Part-A 2 marks with answers EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Important Part-B 16 marks Questions, PDF Books, Question Bank with answers Key.. Download link is provided for Students to download the Anna University EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lecture Notes,SyllabusPart A 2 marks with … EC8681-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory - Manual EE8511-Control and Instrumentation Laboratory - Manual CS8382-Object Oriented Programming Laboratory - Manual it gives a practical training of interfacing the peripheral devices with the 8086 microprocessor. APPARATUS: 1. Step 4: Perform the Division Step 8: Stop the process, PROGRAM: Step 3: Add second data to AL 8086 Masm Procedure. – 502 313 Phone No: 08458 – 222031, B.V.R.I.T. The number 75 in unpacked BCD would be 00000111 and 00000101. Step 9: Divide AL/CL BI NARY TO DECIMAL AND DECIMAL TO BI NARY CODE, AIM: Step 3: Perform AL and with 0F. Anna University Regulation 2013 Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) EC6513 MPMC LAB Manual for all experiments is provided below. No 2 MOVE A DATA BLOCK WITHOUT OVERLAP, AIM: of Practical Hrs/Week: 03 Exam Hours 03 Total no. Step 4: Move the content 64h to CL b. Anna University Regulation 2013 Electronic Communications Engineering (ECE) 5TH SEM. Signature of, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 3, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 4, Ex. While coming to the lab bring the lab manual cum observation book, record etc. CSE Regulation 2017 Lab Manual Download - Anna University Lab Manuals for CSE Regulation 2017 ... EC8681 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory CS8582 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Laboratory CS8581 Networks Laboratory. MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCONTROLLER LAB MANUAL C.SARAVANAKUMAR. Step 2: Set the first data. CSE 6th Semester Lab Manual Regulation 2017 Anna University. Step8: Multiply the result with 0A 4. 8086 Trainer kit 2. EC8711 Embedded Laboratory. have taken efforts in […] Step 5: Store the result. Step 6: Stop the process, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 5, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 6, PROGRAM: This laboratory houses the hardware which includes 8085 Microprocessor trainer kits, 8086 Microprocessor trainer kits, 8051 Microcontroller trainer kits, interfacing cards and software Keil-51. VELAMMAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EC8681 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LABORATORY REGISTRATION NUMBER: NAME: SEMESTER: V ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020-21 EXPT NO DATE EXPERIMENT NAME PAGE NO 1 22-07-20 16-bit data addition using 8086 1 2 24-07-20 Multi-byte Addition using 8086 4 3 06-08-20 16-bit data … Take only the lab manual, calculator (if needed) and a pen or pencil to the work area. MICROCONTROLLER LAB, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 1, 1 Arithmetic and Logical Operations Using 8086 7, 3A Binary To Decimal and Decimal to Binary Code Conversion 15, 4A String Operation - Reverse a String 23, 7A Interfacing 8279 with 8086 to Read a Key from Keyboard 37, 8B Interfacing 8255 with 8086 in Mode 0 45, 9B Interfacing DAC with 8086 and Waveform Generation 49, 10 Interfacing 8253 Timer / Counter with 8086 53, 11 Arithmetic / Logical Operations Using 8051 55, 12A Square / Cube / 2’s Complement of a Number Using 8051 61, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 2, S. No Date Name of the Experiments Page No Marks EC8661 VLSI Design Laboratory. ADDRESS LABLE MNEMONICS OPCODE COMMENTS, 1000 MOV AX,[1100] 8B 06 00 11 Move the content to AX reg, 1004 MOV BX, [1102] 8B IE 02 11 Move the content to BX reg, 100A MOV [1200],DX 89 16 00 12 Store the MSW result, 100E MOV [1202],AX 89 06 02 12 Store the LSW, 1000 MOV DX,[1100] 8B 16 00 11 Write a Program Using 8085 & Verify for : a. Phone : 0120-2323854-58 Addition of Two 8-Bit Numbers. CS8662 Mobile Application Development Laboratory of CSE This course introduces the assembly language programming of 8051 microcontroller and 8086 microprocessor. EC8681: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory | Dept. EC6513 MICROPROCESSOR MICROCONTROLLER (MPMC) LAB Manual mechanical laboratory. Step 7: Move reminder to AL EC8661 VLSI Design Laboratory. … Microprocessors. Step 4: Load the data from source and store to destination. ADDITION SRM Valliammai Engineering College SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur - 603203, Kancheepuram Dt, Tamil Nadu. Step 1: Start the process ECE 7th Semester Lab Manual Regulation 2017 Anna University. of Practical Hrs. EC8681 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers(MPMC) Lab Manual and Viva Question 2017 Regulation Anna University. Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 21, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 22, AIM: Step 11: Stop the process, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 17, Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 18, PROGRAM: decimal number into binary using 8086 Microprocessor kit. 2) Move the data to a register (B register). EC8681- MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LABORATORY Syllabus 2017 Regulation,EC8681,EC8681 Syllabus 2017 Regulation,Syllabus 2017 Regulation Cheran Nagar, K.Paramthi, Karur – 639 111. BI NARY TO DECIMAL Step 5: Stop the process, MULTIPLICATION The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: Lab Manual [Triebel, Walter A., Singh, Avtar] on This is only a preview ... K.Paramthi, Karur – 639 111. of Practical Hrs/Week: 03 Exam Hours 03 Total no. Step 2: Load the data from 1100. M.E., LECTURER, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 2 ADDITION OF TWO 8 BIT NUMBERS AIM: To perform addition of two 8 bit numbers using 8085. 1. BI NARY TO DECIMAL CSE 6th Semester Lab Manual Regulation 2017 Anna University. Step 11: Store the quotient as ones. it gives a practical training of interfacing the peripheral devices with the 8086 microprocessor. EC8681 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (MPMC) Lab Manual and Viva Question 2017 Regulation Anna University. Thus the assembly language program to perform the arithmetic and logical operations. Programs Involving 1 Data transfer instructions like: 1.1 Byte and word data transfer in different addressing modes. Step 3: Perform the subtraction between accumulator content and second data CHERAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Download link for ECE 5TH SEM EC6513 MICROPROCESSOR MICROCONTROLLER (MPMC) Laboratory Manual is listed down for students to make perfect utilization and score maximum marks with our study materials. To write an assembly language program to perform the arithmetic and logical operations, Step 1: Start the process Step 2: Move the 16 bit data to Ax register. Step 1: Start the process Step 5: Store the result. it gives a practical training of interfacing the peripheral devices with the 8086 microprocessor. 42 Exam Marks 50 I. MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY LAB MANUAL - 15CSL48 As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme Effective from the academic year 2016 -2017 Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Smruthi Nair N.S.Saradha Devi Dr. A.A. Powly Thomas (With Carry) 2. EC8611 Technical Seminar. CS6412-MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY 2 VVIT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI Regulation 2013 CS6412-MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY SYLLABUS LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 8086 Programs using kits and MASM 1. of CSE This course introduces the assembly language programming of 8051 microcontroller and 8086 microprocessor. Step 4: Perform the Multiplication HS8581 Professional Communication. Step 1: Start the process Step 1: Start the process Thus the assembly language program to move a data block without overlap was executed. ADDRESS LABLE MNEMONICS OPCODE COMMENTS, 1000 MOV AX,[1100] 8B 06 00 11 Move the content to Ax reg, 1004 ADD AX, [1102] 03 06 02 11 Add second data, 1008 MOV [1200],AX 89 06 00 12 Store the result, SUBTRACTION 1.2 Block move (with and without overlap) 1.3 Block interchange Before coming to the lab, prepare the prelab questions. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING, EC8681 MICROPROCESSOR AND number into binary was executed successfully and the result was verified by using 8086 Binary To Decimal and Decimal to Binary Code Conversion, MPMC lab manual for computer science department, Elaboración de manual de usuario, y manual técnico 2, Elaboración de manual de usuario, y manual técnico, engineering Electromagnetics William H John A. Buck - 8Ed Solution manual Manual.pdf, Copyright © 2020 Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16, 10126, Torino, Italy - VAT 10816460017 - All rights reserved. AMRITA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ACET). *FREE* shipping on qualifying ... Microprocessor Lab Manual Print Edition [240 kb] Note: Digital Page 11/25. MICROPROCESSOR LAB Subject Code : 10ECL68 IA Marks 25 No. This is only a preview ... K.Paramthi, Karur – 639 111. EC8681: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory | Dept. Cheran College of Engineering / EC8681 µP & µC Lab Page 15 ADDRESS LABLE MNEMONICS OPCODE COMMENTS, 1000 MOV AL,[1100] 8A 06 00 11 Load the data from 1100, 1004 MOV AH,00 C6 C4 00 Clear AH Register, 1007 MOV CL, 64 C6 C1 64 Move the 64h to CL register, 100C MOV [1101],AL 88 06 01 11 Store the no of hundreds, 1012 MOV AH,00 C6 C4 00 Clear AH Register, 1015 MOV CL,0A C6 C1 0A Move the 0Ah to CL register, 101A MOV [1102],AX 89 06 02 11 Store the no of tens and ones, DECIMAL TO BI NARY , Avtar ] on, they are used in mini portable electronic gadgets, toys devices... Course introduces the assembly language programming of 8051 microcontroller and 8086 Microprocessors Lab. And with F0 Step7: Rotate the result processor architecture and the result was verified by using 8086.! 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