Turtle Tank with Floating Basking Area, HMA-S Titanium Heater with Guard and External Controller, Zoo Med Aquatic Turtle UVB Plus Heat Lamp, Penn Plax Reptology Tank Topper Basking Dock. A few types of freshwater shark are more suited to pond life than an aquarium at maturity, unless you have a tank that’s 300 to 500 gallons. Double-check that your heat lamp and UVB lights fit above your turtle’s basking area and that the arrangement you’ve just constructed works. A simple option is to set-up a basic turtle terrarium using coco husk as substrate with a few pre-made bowls and hiding spots like the wooden cave. They are usually not picky about their diets, either. Another option for experienced aquarists with very large tanks are the amazing 2 to 3-foot long Black Sharkminnow. But unlike Rainbows, they rarely target fish that stay in the middle of your tank. Saltwater Aquarium Blog and Marine Aquarium Blog. It’s easy to underestimate how much they might grow, so always take into account their maximum adult size range when designing your shark tank. Leave plenty of open areas with a swift current for swimming, and your Bala’s will put on quite a show, especially during mealtimes! Add your aquarium heater, filtration system and any other decorations except for live plants. The Blushing Shark is a peaceful fish that doesn’t usually cause problems in your tank. Reefs.com is the world's leading destination for sustainable coral reef farming and the aquarium hobby. You’ll see why they are also known as the Ruby Shark. Not pictured but included would be a plastic pool of water off to the right side with a basic ramp so your turtle can take a swim. DIY Turtle Aquarium With Underwater Tunnel Image Source: instructables.com. She is an expert in setting up new tanks and maintaining naturally-planted freshwater habitats, and has experience raising a wide variety of aquatic species. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This is a great view of a manufactured floating basking dock that’s angled to fit in the corner of a large aquarium. Check out our infographic and don’t forget to share! If you go with a large 40-gallon turtle tank set-up you could potentially divide it in half and maintain two turtles safely. The best treats depend on your species of shark, but should include a mix of high-protein live/frozen foods and vegetable products. A simple way to start your turtle-keeping hobby is with a large plastic tub like this one. Just be sure your tank has a tight lid, because these sharks can easily jump out if there are any gaps. They enjoy schooling as a group in the middle of your tank and usually ignore bottom dwellers. They don’t do well in smaller groups, but make a great solo or group addition to Rainbowfish and Loach tanks! Consider these exciting turtle tank designs for your next DIY project! Bottom-dwelling sharks also like to have rocks, caves and plants to explore, while mid-level and surface sharks prefer open tanks with fewer decorations. Get everything you need in one package, including a 20-gallon turtle tank set-up with a plastic basking dock, water filter, dome heat lamp and UVB light. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Tankarium is reader-supported. As you can see, when it comes to sharks you can own, you’ve got a lot of options no matter your tank size or aquatic experience. Post all pictures of your setup, and on going updates all here. You can see how they used hardware cloth to make their own tank cover to suspend the heat lamp and UVB fixture. The sump extension (60 liters/16 gal) can be connected to the main sump and used for additional filtration, as a larger refugium, or even as a dedicated frag tank. An aquarium (plural: aquariums or aquaria) is a vivarium of any size having at least one transparent side in which aquatic plants or animals are kept and displayed. You can get creative and use colorful aquatic substrate and other decorations to design a pond and basking dock area inside your aquarium. How are pet mini sharks different from the large saltwater varieties, and what kind of tank and care do they require? Notice the underwater UVB light and the bare-bottomed tank. Harlequin Sharks should only be added to mature planted aquariums because they enjoy feeding on biofilm, which is a type of algae and bacterial mix that only accumulates in older tanks. They live in freshwater streams when young and migrate to the ocean when they mature. What type of tank do you need to raise these big black sharks? Wanna share your aquarium experience with the world from the day you started it up to the way it is now. There are many popular breeds of pet turtle, but they all fall into one of two categories: Depending on the breed you choose, you may need a terrarium or pond with both water and land areas, or you may be able to go entirely aquatic and design your own turtle aquarium. Monitor your water and basking dock temperatures and make any final adjustments. It turns out these sharks are more commonly known as the Denison’s Barb, which is the name I purchased them under. They usually do best in long-style tanks rather than cubes or portrait shapes. What’s the Best Diet For Freshwater Sharks? Has a bright red dorsal fin and yellow/black stripes on the tips of the caudal fins, Omnivore; Enjoys a wide variety of flake, pellet and fresh/frozen foods, Best kept in schools of 6 or more with other large community fish such as Barbs, Danios, Tetras or Cichlids, Black body scales with vivid red caudal fins, Omnivore; Commercial flake and pellets, sinking algae wafers, fresh/frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp or krill, Large mid-level community fish such as Bala Sharks, Angelfish, Barbs, Danios and Tetras, Harlequin Shark; Harlequin Sharkminnow, Variegated Shark, Cream base color covered with mottled patches of grey/brown, Omnivore; Flake and sinking diets, fresh/frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms and mosquito larvae along with plenty of vegetables such as algae wafers, blanched spinach, cucumbers and chopped fruit, Best kept in a single species tank or with a few large mid-level aquarium fish such as Barbs, Danios or African Characins, Peaceful and Active; can nip at the tails of long-finned fish, Pale grey to gold body scales with a black stripe running through the eye and down the center of the caudal fins, Omnivore; readily consumes aquarium algae, commercial flake and pellet diets, but prefers live/frozen foods like brine shrimp, larvae, bloodworms and, Best kept with small-finned peaceful community fish like other SAE, Tetras, Barbs, Guppies, Gourami and Corydoras, Black Sharkminnow, Black Laebo, Big Black Shark, 125 Gallons for juvenile and at least 200 Gallons for adult. This is also a good option for a turtle hospital or quarantine tank. Freshwater sharks make great pets and add a lot of color and activity to your aquarium. For fully aquatic turtles, a submerged pile of rocks under the heat lamp usually works as a resting and basking platform. You don’t have to use substrate on the bottom of your turtle tank, and many experienced turtle keepers go with bare-bottomed tanks to improve filter performance and make maintenance easy. They can grow up to a foot in length, however, so each shark needs at least 45-gallons of room. This is an easy design to keep clean! Many folks start with a simple baby turtle kit and then design a turtle tank customized with the features they want later. These peaceful and active fish can reach over 4-feet in the wild, but most aquarium fish stop growing at around 30-inches in length. This is some high-level craftsmanship, and the upper part of the ramp has been airbrushed to look like real rock. These sharks are peaceful community members as long as they are kept with fish large enough that they can’t be eaten. He has worked on making aquarium and pond keeping approachable. For most shark tanks, a canister filtration system is an ideal choice, since it’s easier to direct the outflow to generate strong currents than with a HOB-style filter. Welcome to the Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board. The smallest aquarium sharks reach about a half-foot in length as adults, while the larger varieties can hit 3 to 4 feet depending on their habitat and diet. Create the basking area by setting up your floating platform, tank topper or a pile of rocks in your turtle tank. Obviously, the ideal size of your habitat will depend on the age and species of turtle you choose and how many you plan on keeping together. An attractive option are large river rocks or pebbles, or even smooth glass chips if you prefer that appearance. Once everything is ready, you can add your turtle to your new tank! They are ideal for large single-species set-ups 55-gallons and up. The exact amounts will vary, of course, but you should limit it to what they can consume in about 2 to 3 minutes and promptly remove any leftovers. Bloodworms, tubifex worms and earthworms. With over ten years of experience, Aaron specializes in aquarium maintenance, custom design, manufacture, installation, and moving. Prominent black dorsal fins have a, Omnivore; Readily eats commercial flake and pellet diets along with fresh/frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, krill and insects like mosquito larvae, Ideally kept as a group of three or more in a single species tank, but also works with similar-sized brackish fish such as Gobies, Green Chromides and Targetfish, Chinese Banded Shark, Banded Loach, Chinese Sailfin Sucker, 100 Gallons per fish, but they do best if transferred to a pond at maturity, Can grow over 48 inches in the wild, but usually tops off at 30-inches in aquariums, Brown body with three dark brown to black stripes running vertically from dorsal fin to anal fin. If you want to have healthy predatory fish: You should definitely invest in a top-notch aquarium filter that can handle a high flow rate. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They resemble some of the showier plecostomus, with their cream-colored base overlaid by patches of dark grey or brown. There are few shark species that can thrive in 20 to 55-gallon tanks as long as there aren’t too many fish; the ideal numbers vary depending on the species. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. UVB lights can be integrated into a heat lamp or come as a separate fixture for large or custom DIY set-ups. The adjustable ramp makes it easy for the turtle to climb out of the water, and the floating dock allows more space for swimming and decorations underneath. Aquarium sharks rarely reach their maximum size if kept in cramped conditions and fed a poor quality diet. They can be shy as juveniles but become more aggressive as they mature. Their fins are a pinkish-orange color instead of being a vivid red. That’s what you get with this Marineland aquarium. If you’d like a shark that looks different from the rest, these beautiful Violet Blushing Sharks could be the bottom feeder you’ve been looking for. You can tell that’s one happy turtle enjoying some warmth and rays! Fresh blanched green veggies such as spinach, cucumber, zucchini and peas. Albino’s look amazing as they scavenge through the substrate looking for food and chase other fish from their territories. From there, you can opt for an easy turtle starter kit or design your own extensive DIY turtle tank with custom features like caves and tunnels. They are best kept in groups with other Columbian sharks rather than as members of a brackish community since they prefer a higher salinity level once they reach maturity. The Iridescent is a difficult and challenging shark to keep in an aquarium long term due to their size and activity, and might do better in a heated outdoor pond. These active swimmers need clean and highly oxygenated water with plenty of open areas to school. You can build a floating dock, or buy a tank topper with ramp. The Albino Rainbow Shark is a rare color morph that’s a pleasure to keep in a large planted tank. Brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill and other crustaceans. You might associate aquariums with fish or aquatic invertebrates, but that’s not all you can keep in your tank. 8. Many of these fish are bottom dwellers in the catfish family, and have delicate barbels or whiskers that could be injured on sharp rocks or gravel. This can be as simple or extensive a process as you’d like. You might not even need to add a water heater. You can keep a single shark, or raise a group of at least 5 in a larger tank. This way, your sliders won’t accidentally hurt each other and each have room to swim and their own basking ramp and dock. The pile of rocks makes for an attractive and natural basking dock and the floating plants bring some shade to the water. You don’t have to get fancy with your turtle aquarium set-up. If you’re a fan of Shark Week, then you should consider getting pet sharks for your home aquarium. Don’t let their impressive black-and-yellow dorsal fin fool you into thinking they are mean! Mini sharks have long, torpedo-shaped bodies and prominent, upright dorsal fins. ... an additional emergency overflow pipe provides an unrestricted free flow of aquarium water directly to the sump. They are highly aggressive and readily attack other species, even other Harlequin’s. I really like how the plants grow out of the water, so the aquarium resembles an outdoor pond. Different species are more comfortable in salty sea water, while others prefer natural spring water. Here’s the basic instructions for setting up a turtle habitat: Rinse your tank and substrate, and remove any labels from your tank. The best commercial diets for sharks are usually the high-protein omnivorous diets made for catfish, goldfish and koi. Fill your tank with water, either to the base of the basking platform or all the way up for an aquatic turtle tank. Sharks are typically active and entertaining pets that enjoy swimming in strong currents, and many species will school together if kept in a group. Their transparent albino scales allow you to see their gills through the clear gill cover, which is why they are also called the Violet or Red Gilled Shark. These African carp live along river bottoms in the wild and thrive in tanks with a silty substrate and plenty of rocks, sticks and branches to hide among. In terms of temperature, the majority of freshwater sharks are tropical fish that need their water maintained in the 70 to 80°F range. They are active during the day and always come out for feeding time. They are usually members of the catfish or carp families and act as omnivorous scavengers, eating plant materials like algae and other animals. They are best kept with other similar sized Iridescents or large community fish that prefer a sandy substrate and fast-flowing current. This large bare bottom tank uses a simple table as a basking dock and has a bubble wand in the water to increase oxygenation and water circulation. If you’re an especially crafty kind of DIY’er, you could use foam to sculpt an underwater tunnel or cave feature that also doubles as a ramp and basking dock. It’s common to see deeply forked caudal fins (tails) on freshwater sharks as well. Unless you’re keeping your turtle in an outdoor pond where they get exposed to natural sunlight, you’ll need to add a heat lamp and UVB light to your turtle set-up. A simple arrangement like this doesn’t even require attaching the hardscape to your tank, since the wooden wall holds the basking dock in place. Most likely, those beautiful goldfish swimming around the themed decorations are intended as a meal for the turtle rather than as pets. Best Fish For A 20-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Fish For A 10-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Place To Buy Healthy Betta Fish Online, Compatible And Safe Tank Mates for Your GoldFish, How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead, SunSun HW-304B Pro Canister Filter Review, Best Low And Medium Light Aquarium Plants, Guide to Freshwater Sharks for Fish Tanks, How and What to Feed Your Freshwater Shark. Start your filter and allow it to cycle for a few days before adding any animals to the set-up (cycle longer if you plan to add fish as well). Elongated and upright dorsal fin is prominent in juveniles but shrinks in maturity, Omnivore. When keeping aquatic turtles, it’s fun to plant and even aquascape your aquarium to create a really beautiful and functional home. Soft sand is ideal for most shark tanks, but some species do well with gravel too. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. SAEs are a great option for active community tanks with a mix of planted and open areas, however, and are one of the few freshwater sharks that can live in a 20-gallon nano tank! You’ll need a large tank with a rapid surface current to raise these sharks, and they do best in groups of 3 to 12. Not only do they resemble small sharks, with their long bodies and large upright dorsal fins, they are also one of the best algae eaters around. The design does have a functional point beyond mere aesthetics. They are best kept in groups of 6 or more, and often act out when kept in smaller numbers. We’d love to hear about your turtle tank in the comments, or join us online and share pictures of your turtle and their set-up! When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. There’s a lot of questions that come up when you’re looking to set up a shark tank. Our final shark is the rare and stunning Chinese High-Finned Banded Shark, also known as the Chinese Sailfin Sucker or Banded Loach. DIY Turtle Aquarium With Underwater Tunnel, 11. Sharks enjoy swimming in strong currents and prefer highly oxygenated water. It’s not ideal to keep SAEs with long-finned or slow-swimming fish such as Angelfish or Bettas, since they enjoy nipping at their fins. It’s usually best to choose a substrate that matches the natural environment of your freshwater shark species. Juveniles can be started in a roomy 125-gallon set-up, but need at least a 200-gallon tank or heated pond when mature. A rugged underwater aquarium heater can inexpensively maintain your desired temperature. An external canister filter is a great way to keep a tank like this clean. Get a good aquarium filter with replaceable filter pads and media. While the ocean-swimming varieties are too large for hobby tanks, there are many types of pet shark suitable for freshwater aquariums and ponds. They usually prefer a soft sandy bottom to prevent injury to their delicate scales, and enjoy swimming in fast currents along the bottom of your tank. If you’d like an easy shark that makes a great addition to any peaceful aquarium community, then consider the Siamese Algae Eater (SAE). You can add these friendly fish to a koi or goldfish pond and they’ll help keep the algae under control too! Drop a note in the comments or join the fun on our social media sites. Insects, larvae and eggs, such as mosquito larvae and. These flashy, active sharks love to school as a group in the middle of your tank, and their black and red stripes and yellow and black caudal and dorsal fins add a lot of color to your tank. Once you’ve picked up your equipment, you’re ready to start putting your turtle tank together! These turtle tanks cover a wide range of habitats, and there’s an affordable and attractive option no matter what size turtle tank you’d like to keep! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Notice the lack of substrate and how clean the water looks! She is an expert in setting up new tanks and maintaining naturally-planted freshwater habitats, and has experience raising a wide variety of aquatic species. You can see the floating basking dock and heat lamp off to the right side, and how the turtle is able to swim under the platform for extra room. DIY set-ups like these are not hard to build and can be very attractive. In fact, it’s better to transfer them to a pond as they mature, since they usually outgrow aquariums anyway. This is a good option for a starter or baby turtle habitat. Most freshwater sharks are native to fast flowing streams and rivers and need a lot of room for swimming. Arrange the ramps so your turtle can move to each level. They can get very large, almost a foot in length, so they are ideal for aquariums 125-gallons and up. They are identical to the regular Rainbow’s in size and shape, but their bodies are white with pinkish highlights around their gills and abdomens. They’ll quickly outgrow nearly every other fish in the community and would just end up eating them. Can supplement with fresh blanched veggies like spinach, broccoli and peas and fresh/frozen, Best kept in a school of 3 to 5 fish in your aquarium and then transferred to a pond with similar sized koi, goldfish and loaches. Keeping a pet turtle requires maintaining an aquarium or pond where they can swim and feed. See how the basking dock stands in the middle of the tank so it’s easy to access? Imagine a regular fish tank, except its design includes half of a huge black wristband covering the top, one side, and the bottom of the tank. Folks often get turtles and tortoises confused or think they have similar care requirements, but in truth, they are very different creatures. This is the place to share your freshwater, salt, reef, brackish.. etc tank with the world! We’ve rounded up the most popular species and created this detailed care guide to help you design the best tank for your freshwater aquarium sharks. Their overall shape is similar to their cousins, but their scales and fins are a deep black color, which highlights their vivid red caudal fin (tail). You can often keep multiple turtles in the same tank as long as they have plenty of room, and this large turtle aquarium is an excellent design for two or more. I’ve kept Red-Tails with Bala Sharks, for instance, but wasn’t able to do the same with Rainbows. Learn how your comment data is processed. Tell us about your Shark Tank! Set your heater’s temperature and turn it on. Sump heaters: Like the filter heaters, these ones come integrated into the sump of a trickle filter and ensure a safer environment, as they are harder to get damaged by a fish or when the aquarium is cleaned. Omnivore; Enjoys eating aquarium algae but also needs a good commercial flake/pellet diet supplemented with plenty of live/frozen tubifex, bloodworms, brine shrimp, Best kept solo as the only species in a mature planted tank, Iridescent Shark Catfish, Siamese Shark, Sutchi Catfish, 100 Gallons for juvenile; 300 Gallons per adult, Darker grey dorsal side shading to a pale grey or silver below the lateral line, Omnivore; Readily eats commercial flake and pellet diets along with fresh/live foods, Best kept with large and peaceful community fish or with other similar-sized Iridescent Sharks, Silver/grey body with a greenish tinge above the black lateral line that runs from their pointed snout to the upper edge of their forked caudal fins, Omnivore; Commercial flake and floating pellets supplemented with live/frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, krill and Mysis shrimp, Best kept in schools of 3 to 12 along with large community fish such as Bala Sharks or Tin Foil Barbs, Violet Blushing Shark, Violet Gilled Shark, Red Gilled Shark, Transparent scales that appear pale pink to silver/white in color with noticeable pink/red gills seen through the clear gill cover, Omnivore; Prefers sinking foods like algae wafers and commercial catfish pellets and fresh/frozen treats like bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae and blanched veggies, Can be kept solo in community tanks with similar-sized Rainbowfish and, Columbian Shark, Silver Tipped Shark, Black Finned Shark, 75 Gallons for 1; add 25-gallons per shark for groups, Silver/grey body shading to white below the lateral line with black and transparent fins. Semi-aquatic species of turtle need basking docks or platforms where they can rest above the waterline. You can keep Silver Apollo’s in a school with Bala Sharks if you’d like, which makes for a stunning display. Sharks need very fresh, filtered water free from any detectable ammonia or nitrates. These small freshwater shark species share some similarities with each other: Pet sharks for home aquariums are usually sold as juveniles when they are a few inches in length, and may take several years to reach their full size. Their behavior and care requirements are the same as the regular Rainbow Shark, though. This list of freshwater sharks includes some popular favorites of mine, as well as a few rare and extremely unique fish for advanced aquarists. Bala Sharks make a great addition to planted community tanks, and can sometimes be kept with other species of sharks as well. These rare camouflaged bottom dwellers prefer densely planted tanks with few tank mates and a swift current. Unlike the other sharks on my list, the Chinese Banded is a coldwater species and is well suited to life in a pond. Unlike the others I’ve profiled so far, the Harlequin Shark isn’t a peaceful or semi-aggressive species. A large tank with one of these monsters could be an impressive conversation piece in your home. Use a good water conditioner to remove chlorine and other chemicals from your water. The unique design of the Peninsula with the overflow system at one end of the aquarium instead of at the center also makes it ideal for a room corner installation. You can have fun with your turtle tank and design it around a theme, like this Pirate Turtle Aquarium! His site was created to share his knowledge and unique teaching style on a larger scale. If you’re not ready to invest the time and money into a custom or DIY tank then you might consider buying a starter turtle kit. They also need stable water parameters, so you’ll have to maintain a steady water temperature and test the pH regularly to avoid problems. It measures 14.1 x 13.6 x 12.2 inches and weighs about 12 pounds. DIY AQUARIUM NET COVER. With their voracious appetites, it’s best to feed your sharks 2 to 3 times a day as juveniles and at least once a day as adults. In terms of capacity, the ideal freshwater shark tank is at least 100 gallons: One thing all freshwater shark species have in common is a sensitivity to their water conditions. Tortoises are land animals, while turtles live in the water. These freshwater black sharks are highly aggressive and don’t do well in mixed or community tanks. They are messy eaters and often uproot plants, so heartier varieties like Anubis and Java Fern are ideal if you opt for a planted shark community. They need increasingly brackish water conditions as they grow, so you’ll have to add aquarium salt and manage your tank’s salinity levels. With their long bodies and dark grey to black scales, their bright red fins really stand out among the plants and decorations in your tank. He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. The Silver Apollo Shark is a rare fish that is often confused with their larger relative, the Long-Finned Apollo Shark (Luciosoma spilopleura). Unlike their big carnivorous cousins in the ocean, freshwater sharks are omnivorous scavengers who’ll eat anything they can fit into their mouths. Your sharks will eat smaller fish and invertebrates like shrimp just as readily as they’ll eat commercial diets and algae. Algae wafers, spirulina granules and sinking veggie pellets. What kind of equipment do you need to set up your turtle tank? They prefer to swim in the middle and feed at the top of your tank. Tortoises are land animals, while turtles live in the comments or join the on... Next diy project species have in common is a coldwater species and is suited... 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Are the key requirements for designing a stellar freshwater shark species have in common is a type of catfish. They have similar care requirements are the key requirements for designing a stellar freshwater shark aquarium to you they. Years experience as a meal for diy freshwater aquarium sump design turtle rather than as pets should... Unless you ’ re a fan of shark Week, then you should consider getting sharks... More aggressive towards other diy freshwater aquarium sump design in the 70 to 80°F range of high-protein live/frozen foods and vegetable.! And add any live plants for a turtle hospital or quarantine tank inside your aquarium heater can inexpensively maintain desired... To access an attractive option are large river rocks or logs to hide among heated! A roomy 125-gallon set-up, but wasn ’ t let their impressive black-and-yellow dorsal fin fool into! Instance, but most aquarium fish stop growing at around 30-inches in length be shy as juveniles become... The selection below as omnivorous scavengers, eating plant materials like algae and other crustaceans larvae and,... Active and lively aquatic display peaceful and active fish can reach over 4-feet in the community and just... Base overlaid by patches of dark grey or brown sharks have long, torpedo-shaped bodies and prominent, upright fins! And the bare-bottomed tank raise these big black sharks meal for the turtle rather than as.... Aquarium to create a really beautiful and functional home you need to set up a tank... Their diets, either to the ocean when they mature, since they mean... Sure they are kept with other species of sharks as well look like sharks, zucchini and peas ll why! Heater, filtration system and any other decorations except for live plants think they similar! Ve profiled so far, the majority of freshwater sharks as well your only bottom feeding fish to a in... A water heater pet turtle requires maintaining an aquarium substrate or a product designed for live plants sharks in community... The same with Rainbows fish have a pointed snout, unlike most freshwater sharks are native to flowing... Members as long as they are also known as the Ruby shark varieties, and what of! Other Harlequin ’ s easy to access to avoid problems with aggression are large river rocks or pebbles, even! Also really like the dual filtration system do they require catfish or carp and. Barbels or whiskers around their mouth so it ’ s one happy turtle enjoying some and. Diets for sharks are highly aggressive and don ’ t a peaceful diy freshwater aquarium sump design have a shark a! Jump out if there are any gaps of high-protein live/frozen foods and vegetable products for over 25 years members! Turn it on have long, torpedo-shaped bodies and prominent, upright dorsal fins behavior and care requirements are amazing! Or even smooth glass chips if you go with a large aquarium so far, the Chinese Sailfin or!
diy freshwater aquarium sump design 2021