Teacher Beliefs, Knowledge, and Reported Practices Regarding Numeracy Outcomes in the Solomon Islands. In some … It is therefore the teacher who has to understand the appropriate pedagogical strategies and methods to implement the new curriculum effectively. The shortage of resources has harmful effect on teaching. Curriculum Implementation Questionaire 1. Those are: The curriculum provides direction for classroom instruction, but does not consist of a series of lesson plans. Curriculum implementation, differentiation, and assessment are discussed in detail throughout this book, beginning with an exploration of important factors that educators should be aware of to meet the needs of all learners in multi-tiered RTI (i.e., those who achieve above, at, and below benchmark levels). The design of the research gives indication of the preparation of the research process and how the researcher is going to get verification on the answer to the research question. Planning the research and preparing tools and instrument for collecting data for the research are solely the responsibility of the researcher. Through the qualitative research design to explore factors which exist in making the curriculum implementation as challenge, I believe the research will reveal some necessary information for school leaders, policy makers and teacher educators about the process of curriculum implementation. Since the study is a qualitative research, it involved several steps: the identification of the research population, selection of the sample, procedure of gaining consent, data collection instrument, data collection. Implementation of a standards-based curriculum requires districts and schools to work ahead of time to create mapping, commonly called a curriculum map, scope and sequence, or … This research addressed the concern of trustworthiness by looking at what Guba (1981) mentions as the criteria vital to ensuring that qualitative research is trustworthy. Ornstein & Hunkins(2004) has said “ Learning is influence by teachers” . In the situation of this study, the teachers of the selected school are those affected by curriculum changes and the associated challenges. Critical PedagogyNew content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection. According to Wellington (2000,p.56) the ethical protocols for every aspect of the research must be clear. The workload of the teachers, developing the teachers based on the intended curriculum, producing instructional and learning materials play a crucial role in the implementation of the curriculum. Oftentimes, unsuccessful implementation of the curriculum becomes the root of educational failure, thus some would say that the root of the educational problem is the teacher. The teacher is the most crucial factor in the process of the curriculum implementation. Examples of such change are from teacher-centered to student-centered learning and … The two researchers , Nwikina and Nwanekezi cited in Osagie and Okafo(2012) concluded that teachers’ workload was one of the factors that inhibits learners’ academic achievement. Their interests vary in degree and complexity. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Rose, J. Unpublished Masters Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Providers ensure this by teaching a full range of subjects for as long as possible, ‘specialising’ only when necessary Intent. Diagram 1 Diagram 1 illustrates how the components of the curriculum development process relate to one another. The interviews attempted to encourage expanded and detailed answers from teachers about the factors which make implementation of the curriculum a challenge and stresses they face regarding curriculum reform. The quality and quantity of the teachers. Therefore the effectiveness of the new curriculum depends on the effectiveness of implementation. The main purpose of the research is to determine challenges facing teachers in implementing the NCF for key stage one students of a particular school. (Appendix—) It allows the selected teachers to have clear identification of the factors which affect them in implementing the curriculum. Across the many schools represented in CIES 2 there was wide recognition of the need to do more to engage students in learning—all students and not just those who have traditionally been easy to involve. The vision statement of the new curriculum: “EVERY CHILD IS PREPARED” reflects where the country is heading. The National Curriculum Frame Work gives guidance to the teachers on what they must teach to the targeted learners. It is the teachers’ privilege and responsibility to interpret and translate the curriculum document in terms of her own and her students’ experience. The validity and reliability is not a very important issue in qualitative research. In this sampling method elements are chosen based on purpose of the study. The actual teaching and learning activities taking place in schools through interaction between learners and teachers as well as among learners, e.g. Curriculum Planning and Documentation Templates . Erden (2010:6) states that teachers complained that much more time is needed for preparation. Since objectives of the study are to examine factors which make implementation of the new curriculum a challenge for teachers’ of one particular school, the researcher focuses only on factors which align with process of curriculum implementation: that is teacher related factors. A well thought out long- term plan that addresses the needs of a diverse population is the start of successful implementation of a curriculum. In the Primary Phase we use the White Rose material for our daily maths lessons and we assess using PUMA standardised materials alongside teacher assessment. In choosing a research method, the researcher must be aware of the difference between a qualitative research and quantitative research. how the intended curriculum is translated into practice and actually delivered. Later, Chapter four includes presentation of the data generated in the forms of participants’ narratives. According to the Instructional Theory, the instruction must be clear and facilitate the learning process. Ornstein & Hunkins,( 2004) state that, Curriculum implementation is one of the six phases involved in the curriculum development process. The study accomplishes by answering the research question; that is, “What are the factor that make implementation of the new curriculum a challenge for key stage teachers of Lh. Participants’ profile will be included hereafter completing the process of obtaining permission and consent from the higher authority and teachers. Disclaimer: This dissertation has been written by a student and is not an example of our professional work, which you can see examples of here. And also teachers struggle a lot in producing learning materials that are important to carry the lessons out. Also, peer assessment works best when students are asked to provide formative and qualitative feedback rather than simply grading or giving a score to peers since this often makes students uncomfortable (Price, Pierson and Light. The eight principles of NCF, that is; Practicing Islam, Identity and culture, Human rights, Democracy and Justice, Holistic Development, Personal Excellence, Inclusivity, Preparation For Life And Relevance address the key concerns that are unique to the Maldivian context. Atoll Education Centre. So it shows that the increase of work load has negative impact on curriculum implementation. It is because this does not do any research to add to content and makes the lesson more interesting. Teachers almost stop doing any research to add content and make their lesson interesting; hence lack of time was affecting factors for the teachers in implementing a curriculum effectively. Iterative questioning i.e. Therefore, successful implementation of curriculum requires understanding the roles and the responsibilities of individuals in the school system. Information regarding the research project, the topic and the reason for the research are relayed. Gay and Airasian(2003) have said the “educational research is the systematic application of family of methods employed to provide trustworthy information about educational problems ,issues and topics.” (p.3). Curriculum implementation involves several phases and steps. It takes time and persistence. 30 (1):83-90. There is the existence of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors that can hinder curriculum change by teachers. We offer Word and Google doc versions of our planning templates at all levels, from curriculum mapping to lesson plans. This is guaranteed in the research by asking the participants to read the information they shared and checking the data to see if it is constructed correctly and allowing them to validate the information. Choosing Purposive sampling allows the researcher to choose the participants according to the information and knowledge they possess. The progress of learners hinders and teachers struggle a lot when changes are made to the curriculum without sufficient resources. Atoll Education Centre. According to the current policy of Ministry of Education, these programmes would provide secure job opportunities in various fields upon completion of Secondary School especially for the low achievers. Bennie and Newstead( 1994:4) feel that introducing Outcome-Based Curriculum has lot of demands on teachers. In addition, the training of the managers to manage the transition to the new curriculum also affects teachers and makes it a challenge for teachers. The above reference made it evident that the following are the factors which make the implementation of the new curriculum a challenge for teachers in most of the countries. A number of education policies, aimed at transforming the education in Maldives have been introduced. Data collection techniques and the research procedure are discussed in detail. As far as possible, new materials should have a bearing on what learners already know. The focused area of the study is key stage one teachers’ point of view with regard to the factors which make curriculum implementation a challenge for them in the mentioned school. According to Lombard (2002:Xviii) many studies had been carried out in America regarding professional development of teachers and the results have shown that learners show better results when they were taught by teachers who are on continuous development programmes. A major function of the curriculum council is to develop a sequence and review cycle . This chapter explains how the steps were followed in order to get the answer for the research question and to achieve the objectives of the study. The recommendations included in the plan generated from this research can be used to assist other school teachers who are experiencing similar circumstance. Therefore, here the literature review focuses on the previous studies conducted by researchers internationally to find out about the factors which make implementation of a new curriculum a challenge for teachers. 2.0 Curriculum Implementation 2.1 Policies The curriculum is implemented through the following policies: Curriculum Policy Mastery Curriculum Policy KS3 Indicative Competencies Policy Marking and Assessment Policy Teaching and Learning Policy 2.2 Content Overview The KS3 and KS4 content are detailed in the links below: Art Business Studies Citizenship and RE Computing and ICT Design … In Chapter one, the research was introduced by outlining the background to the study and the purpose of the study. Moreover, currently, the teachers lack the updated information, which according to them are restricted because of the lack of available resources at school, professional development programmes and not having time to search for the needed information. Academic and non-academic competitions held in Maldivian schools are intended to bring out the talent, confidence and the leadership of the students, but what is practiced in the Maldivian context is unhealthy in many ways. The chance of misleading the interpretation of the data will not occur in this study because the researcher herself collects the data by interacting with the participants. According to Esu, Enukoha and Umoren(2004) curriculum is a learning experience a child has under the guidance of a teacher. However, the finding of the dissertation is no way partial. Atoll education Centre. A rollout in increments of a new curriculum instead of all at once is another example. The teachers are the key players in making the classroom learning as outcome-based learning. Mothata (2000:89), Henning et al (2005:53) and Walliman (2001:240) concur that interviews are essential data gathering tools and techniques. In general, teachers were reasonably positive about various aspects of their own teaching. Factors which are mostly related to the Procedure of the curriculum implementation or System related factors such as formulating policies related to curriculum, communicating the change with the stakeholders, producing necessary learning materials. However, this change is not seen from the selected school teachers. A very important part of curriculum implementation is that the teacher should consider carefully the order in which learning targets should be learnt. These extrinsic factors identified are adequacy of resources, time, school ethos and professional support. Major/fast change is change that is significant or that happens suddenly. The following examples show how three schools implemented aspects of Vocational Pathways for their students. Collecting data, analysing and reporting the findings will be done by the researcher. The Ministry of Education, the Commission on Higher Education, or any professional organization can recommend and implement a curriculum. Instructors might structure their curriculum around daily lesson plans, a specific assignment, a chunk of coursework, certain units within a class, or an entire educational … According to Almadhour (2010:30), participants may observe that an inversion of privacy is happening, and may sometimes be ashamed or embarrassed and may also have to give information that they did not intend to. Also defined as the ‘curriculum in action’ or the ‘taught curriculum’. Chapter five provides discussion on the data analysis and findings of the study. Obtain commitment of support from principal and board of trustees. Appropriate supply of trained teachers is therefore, is a factor that makes the implementation of the curriculum a challenge for the teachers. Currently, some of the teachers in the selected school are contract teachers who were not trained or not have attended any orientation programmes. My interest to the topic stems from my own experience in the classroom and due to challenges experienced by me and my colleagues in implementation of the new curriculum. Were the teachers workload increased due to the changes to the curriculum? Randolf (2009:2 ) shares a similar view, stating that literature review is “ information analysis and synthesis focusing on findings and not simply bibliographic citation, summarizing the substance of the literature and drawing conclusion from it.”, 2.2 OVERVIEW OF THE FACTORS WHICH MAKE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW CURRICULUM CHALLENGING. Of course, a curriculum may be beautifully planned but will be of no use if it is not implemented effectively. The research focused on the implementation of the NCF to Key stage one in the Lh. From the two research methods, quantitative and qualitative, qualitative research approach has been chosen for this study. The change has started with the introduction of the Outcome Based Curriculum (OBC). In their findings they have mentioned the shortage of resources, teacher training programmes and lack of support from the management and workload of teachers. Punch (2005) stated that interviews are one of the most essential ways of gathering data for qualitative research. Curriculum developers have designed programs in the new curriculum focusing on the national level, which might be suitable for all the regions of Maldives. The literature that are available at present show that a significant amount of studies had been conducted on the educational changes and the affecting factors that make the change possible or impossible . The data collection techniques, Semi-structured interview and classroom observations are discussed in detail in the chapter. They are: Teachers do well in implementing a curriculum where they are able to get enough time for the preparation. In the Maldives and some other countries like South Africa Australia, teachers previously concentrated on classroom teaching but due to the change brought to the curriculum, they are loaded with non-teaching duties like attending meetings and co-curricular activities. Babbie, E., & Mouton, J. 3. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this dissertation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKDiss.com. Many reported increased confidence in planning, assessment and reporting. Based on the above statement made by Tamir (2004) and the reviewed dependable literature for this study, it clearly indicated that the factors which make implementation of a new curriculum a challenge for teachers, can divided into three broad categories. However, narrative analysis can be applied to any form of textual data, such as those provided by diaries, journals, or written accounts of critical incidents, in addition to data generated from interviews. No plagiarism, guaranteed! The researcher conducts interviews to determine concerns that cannot be directly observed and which are personal, differing from individual to individual. Default Section Question Title * 1. This can be tackled by giving clear guidance and practice to the students to use self and peer assessment procedures especially for the lower grades. curriculum implementation is complex: it requires in-school management teams, principals and boards of management to lead the implementation of change in the school as an organisation. The literature has explored relevant information to the study. The population for the study includes all the teachers who were teaching to key stage one of the selected school that is 10 in number and the leading teacher of those particular grades. After getting verbal approval of willingness to be involved in the interview, each participant is given a set of questions that is to be asked in the interview and a “Consent Form’ (Appendix—) so that they could go through and have clear understanding of it prior to my arrival to conduct the interview. Where this is not practical –for example, for some learners with high levels of SEND –its curriculum is designed to be ambitious and to meet their needs • learners study the full curriculum. Factors that influence curriculum implementation must be considered first if a curriculum is to be effective and meet the required results. As a result of the hard work done by the educators of the Maldives, the implementation of the new curriculum took place in the year 2014 and had brought a dynamic change in the education system of Maldives. According to Uiseb (2007: 81) the process of changing must be well resourced. In addition to this, it avoids the failed students and they are not given an opportunity to succeed. Implementation, meanwhile, is about curriculum delivery, in other words on teaching and assessment, crucially that which leads to long-term learning. THEORITICAL FOUNDATION OF NARRTIVE INQURY- AS RESEARCH APPROACH FOR THE STUDY. How Teachers Perceive the New Curriculum Reform: Lessons from a School District in the Eastern Cape Province. The answer is simple! In this chapter a series of aspects relating to research process is discussed. What is Curriculum Implementation? Adequate information about the data are communicated allowing the reader to have a good understanding and to make evaluation and comparison. 2010. I, as researcher, visited the schools where the participants work, allowing me to gather comprehensive information about the candidates’ operational environment, considered a vital component of this particular research. Curriculum implementation » Planning process; Planning process. In Maldivian context, most of the assessments are carried out in the form of Assessment of learning (AOL) in which written tests are given. This shows how important teachers are to the process of curriculum implementation. The chosen method, Narrative inquiry approach encourages and allows teachers to communicate their stories about the factors in their point of view. If challenges experienced by teachers in schools, such as inadequate resources, lack of training and information about the curriculum are not addressed, this will have far-reaching consequences not only for the school but also for the whole society of the particular island in producing the type of skilled learners that is needed for the development of the society. Also the educators were observed in the classroom which aided in understanding and expanding the information already received from the interview. Why do teachers at Lh. According to Yin (20107, p, 34), a research methodology or design is essentially the logic that links the data to be collected and the conclusion to be drawn to the initial research question. See also ‘Attained curriculum’, ‘Intended curriculum’. In this research, the observations are done on the field with notes being taken that are narrative. However, it makes it very profitable for curriculum makers to actively engage in this elusive process of supporting implementation Therefore as researcher, I found that the relevant rhetorical framework that best fits for this study is narrative, with a qualitative approach. Teachers were unfamiliar with the content and they were in a state of confusion. Due to time constraints observation at school was conducted just once, which was pre-arranged with the participant. Curriculum implementation involves the daily classroom activities that the teacher is involved in, that monitor students’ progress and evaluate the performance of the students. If leaders act in primarily technical ways, the curriculum culture of their district or school will mostly espouse technical behaviors while adaptive challenges simmer under the surface. *You can also browse our support articles here >, To investigate factors which make the process of curriculum implementation a challenge for teachers of the selected school, To find out teachers’ opinion about the factors which make the process of curriculum implementation a challenge for them. Atoll education Centre. According to Rockler-Gladen(2008) literature provides precious and vital information on a relevant topic. Asmal, K. 1999. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION AND TRUSTWORTHINESS. Therefore, for the study participants are carefully selected. The aims of the new curriculum for key stage one are, providing a basis for continuing learning, to lay a foundation for future careers, and to develop learners who are productive and responsible citizens and lifelong learners. And also teachers should be aware of the changes brought to the teaching curriculum and the assessment method as well as teaching methodology.. In the process of educational research, ethic plays a very important role because it involves people. The National Curriculum Frame work comprises Subject Statements, each containing a definition, purpose, scope, educational and career links, learning outcomes, assessment standards and subject competence descriptions per grade, content and contexts for attaining the assessment standard. For this reason the research is confined to only those teachers who teach in this particular school. Company Registration No: 4964706. Only after receiving formal approval from university my interviewing and observation in the school could begin. The curriculum documents were fairly positively regarded. As Mertens (2005) states, ethics need to be a fundamental part of the complete research package and not just added on. “Change is a journey, not a blue print” (Fullan,1993,p:24) adds to this the fact the researcher is dealing with mix of people interacting in a given place and time at various stage of dealing with change which feeds and influences further change. The sampling method used for this study is purposive sampling. The voice recording ensures that all the data are captured correctly. A planning process to implement the curriculum statement based on student's needs. Since the selection of research approach is influenced by the study being undertaken, the philosophical framework and conceptual assumption of the study fall under the qualitative approach. The interviewer is able enter into and better understand the interviewee’s perceptions, insights, perspectives and state of mind (Patton, 1990:196). Credibility and dependability are closely correlated. 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example of curriculum implementation 2021