Livelihood diversification is a process by which rural households construct a diverse portfolio of activities and social support capabilities in their struggle for survival and improvement in their standards of living [1] and the means of gaining a living [2]. It is noteworthy that despite the less attention given by the government, non-farm activities play significant role in the context of inadequate and rain-fed-dependent subsistence agricultural income areas. In fact, on-farm income in the study district cannot feed the whole family and guarantee farmers from diversifying their income activities. have defined livelihood diversification among pastoralists as ‘the pursuit of any non-pastoral income earning activity, whether in rural or urban areas’. As expected, access to irrigation (IRRIGATION) has found positively and significantly affected households’ livelihood diversification strategy into on-farm + off-farm at 1% level of significance. Non-Farm based Livelihood . Income diversification patterns in rural sub-Saharan Africa: reassessing the evidence. Food production constitutes one of the critical livelihood activities and indispensable source of food access for rural households (Sasson, 2012:1). IMG-20190425-WA0032. 2016;8(10):215–27. Davis B, Di Giuseppe S, Zezza A. On the other hand, 11.5, 59.8 and 11.8% of the sample households were able to diversify into on-farm + off-farm, on-farm + non-farm, and on-farm + off-farm + non-farm income-generating livelihood strategies, respectively (Table 2). Hence, increasing rural households remittance income plays a vital role for enhancing and smoothing household consumption problem, strengthen social network/social capital, increase saving and investment, help households gain access to diversified opportunities like trading, and then able to improve their livelihood. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. This paper investigated off- farm activities and its contribution to households income in Hawul, … Join Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong fame and That 70s Show for a unique celebrity Cannabis tour providing a glimpse into Los Angeles’ Cannabis culture. Structural transformation and rural change revisited: challenges for late developing countries in a globalizing world. The VIF for all the continuous variables were less than 10 and greater than one. In this way, livelihood diversification was found to have a highly skewed effect leading to inequality of income and well-being. The distribution of income and wealth status play crucial role in households’ choice over which type of livelihood diversification strategy to select and apply. The result is in agreement with previous findings obtained by [20]. The livelihood packages given were starter kits on hog-raising, root crop, and vegetable production. Rural livelihood diversification in West Bengal: determinants and constraints. livelihood opportunities. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. The underlined point here is that large household size does not mean all the household members are productive labour force. Part of Ethiopia’s agricultural productivity is considered low despite the presence of various agricultural policies. This result is in line with the findings of [19, 24, 25]. Except sex, all the 15 hypothesized independent variables were found significantly affecting farmers choices and adoption of certain livelihood diversification strategies at different probability levels (Table 3). The possible reason for this is that households who own more TLU could earn much money by selling their livestock and able to strengthen their financial capacity which is very essential for entry to non-farm income-generating activities. The selected Kebeles are Raele, Hawile, May-megelta, Sendeda and Sewne. Lanjouw JO, Lanjouw P. The rural non-farm sector: issues and evidence from developing countries. As a result of this and other factors, the agricultural sector could not absorb the rural productive labour force. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The result of the odds-ratio depicts that, keeping other factors constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the likelihood of the households to choose on-farm + off-farm, on-farm + non-farm and combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm livelihood diversification strategies will increase by a factor of 3.536, 2.373 and .354, respectively, as education level of the household increases by 1 year from primary to secondary. Furthermore, results of the multinomial logistic regression model attested that households’ choice and adoption of livelihood diversification strategies were positively determined by the households’ level of education, access to credit, income, membership of cooperatives, remittance income, farmland, access to irrigation and access to credit, whereas age, dependency ratio, family size, access to extension services, distance to market, livestock ownership and agro-ecology were found to have negative relationship and significantly affecting households’ choice and adoption of livelihood diversification strategies. IMG-20190830-WA0054. This indicates no serious problem of multicollinearity. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2017(164). J Dev Agric Econ. 2016;8(10):228–40. Cite this article. In Ethiopia, farm households engage and pursue diverse off-farm and non-farm livelihood activities to cope with diverse challenges such as drought. Description of the study area. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; 2011. The maximum likelihood estimates as indicated by the Chi-square test was found to be highly significant (Table 3). In particular, the key results will have an impact on poor and marginalized sections of the community and help in reducing poverty. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Smallholder farmers’ food security and livelihood improvement can only be realized if the government give due attention and put the right policy measures in place that support non-farm livelihood diversification as part of national job creation for saving life of many people and better livelihood. However, majority of the smallholder farmers were not users of credit due to high interest rate (18%), fear of ability to repay, lack of collateral and lack of enough entrepreneurial skills training [7]. Agriculture sector programme of plan on adaptation to climate change. Multinomial logistic (MNL) regression analysis was estimated to analyse the determinants of livelihood diversification strategies among rural households analyse determinant factors for households to choose and adopt livelihood diversification strategies where the dependent variable has multiple outcomes [j = 1, …, 4, where a household choice is relying on j(1) = on-farm alone; j(2) = on-farm + off-farm; j(3) = on-farm + non-farm; j(4) = on-farm + off-farm + non-farm income-generating activities]. The result of this study is consistent with the findings of [26]. Productive family size adds significantly to the share of total income received from farming by participating in different non-farm income diversification strategies. Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA such as mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, percentage, frequency, and Chi-square test. 2017;5(1):1275087. Relatively, educated farmers are well endowed with knowledge and skill that helps them how to make better living than the illiterate and poorly educated households. FAO-ESA Working Paper, 2015: p. 15-02. Khatun D, Roy B. The study was conducted during the year 2016/17 in Saesietsaeda Emba district, Eastern Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia which is found at about 883 km north of Addis Ababa. Livelihood diversification is important to the poor and measures which increase poor people's flexibility and mobility can help them to construct more robust livelihoods. Livelihood diversification is the process by which households combine diverse portfolios of activities and assets in order to improve their welfare (Ellis 2000; Scoones 1998).Little et al. The result of this finding is in line with the findings obtained by [17]. Mohammed K, Tolossa D. Contribution of remittance to the improvement of rural households livelihoods: the case of Tehuledere Woreda, Northeastern Ethiopia. Households who are members of formal cooperatives gain benefits like sharing income and labour, access to credit, reduced individual transaction cost, updated market information on farm produce such as on inputs and farm equipments. Rural non-farm activities may absorb surplus labour in rural area, help farm-based households spread risk, offer income remunerative activities to supplement or replace agriculture income, offer … The agro-ecology of the district experiences semi-arid climate which is characterized by spares and irregular rainfall, low vegetation cover, poor quality of soil fertility, severe degradation, and drought. Kaija D. Income diversification and inequality in Rural Uganda: the role of non-farm activities. Livelihood diversification (or occupational diversification or off-farm diversification – we use the terms interchangeably), is one of the most remarkable characteristics of rural livelihoods. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. 2010;38(10):1429–41. Agric & Food Secur 7, 62 (2018). Education level of the household head (EDUCATION) was found to be one of the most important determinants of livelihood diversification as prior expectation. 600 million Indians depended on agriculture but they are not farmers. Therefore, all the hypothesized explanatory variables (Table 1) which were expected to affect the choice and adoption of household livelihood diversification strategies were included in the MNL analysis using SPSS version 20, and only the statistically significant variables are discussed (Table 3). Agriculture in the study area is at subsistence stage, complex, diverse and risk prone. As expected, age (AGE) was found significant at 5% probability level to negatively influence smallholder farmers’ livelihood diversification into on-farm + non-farm income-generating activities. Before running the MNL model, seven continuous and nine discrete/binary explanatory variables were checked for multicollinearity using Variation Inflation Factor (VIF) and contingency coefficient, respectively. 2025. Agric Econ. This, in turn, is likely to risk depriving the poor households from exploiting new economic opportunities even in the future. Cornell University Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Ithaca, New York. Smallholder farming systems are highly heterogeneous in many characteristics such as individual farming households’ land access, soil fertility, cropping, livestock assets, off-farm activities, labour and cash availability, socio-cultural traits, farm development trajectories and livelihood orientations, e.g. Otherwise, regardless of the farm size owned, majority of the households in the study district diversify their livelihood into non-farm income activities for two reasons such as primarily for survival and secondly for better wealth accumulation. & Phil-Eze, P.O. Education level has a positive and significant (p < 0.1, p < 0.01, and p < .01) relationship with households livelihood diversification into on-farm + off-farm, on-farm + non-farm and combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm livelihood diversification strategies, respectively. World Dev. J Dev Agric Econ. Due to the unstable and meagre agricultural context of the study area, farm income alone could not feed the ever increasing population. The result of the MNL regression model revealed that remittance income (REMITANCE) was found to have positively and statistically affected household’s participation in on-farm + non-farm livelihood diversification strategy at 5% level of significance. Sch J Agric Sci. Many rural youth are faced with difficulty of maintaining livelihoods and consequently, poverty remains pervasive among them. The result of this study is consistent with the finding obtained by [20]. Tommy Chong's Live, Life, and Smoke Tour Tour - Group. The probable reason is that young households are relatively better educated, have better access to technologies, and look alternative livelihood opportunities. In addition to this, empirical studies consistently show that diversification to non-farm livelihood strategies enables farm households to have better incomes, enhance food security, and increase agricultural production by smoothing capital constraints and help coping with environmental stresses [3, 4, 11, 12]. The importance of income generating activities to rural livelihood cannot be over-emphasized. California Privacy Statement, © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Results (Table 2) depicted that majority (83.1%) of the farmers were able to diversify their livelihoods into either of the three livelihood diversification strategies or combined income activities, whereas the remaining 16.9% of the sample households were unable to diversify their livelihoods, often lacking the means to engage in any form of income-generating activity aside agriculture. The estimation of the MNL model was made by normalizing on-farm alone livelihood strategy as reference category for analysis. Multistage sampling technique was used in selecting the study sites and 485 sample respondents. In line with this, the coefficient of dependency households (DEPENDANT) was found to have negative relationship with on-farm + off-farm choices of household livelihood diversification strategies and statistically significant at 5% probability level. The context of various risks implies that farm households livelihood diversification is primarily a risk management strategy; both risk adaptation in anticipation of shocks and coping after actual shocks. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: (1) identify choices of household livelihood diversification options and (2) analyse the determinants of livelihood diversification strategies among rural households. Majority of the households in the study area have unevenly diversified sources of income. Farm for Livelihood Association is a co-operative that started with the aim of of providing business and agricultural skills and a sustainable employment for the rural communities in Ghana, helping support disabled people in agriculture and also providing school funds for children who would otherwise not be able to attend school or continue their education. 2012;2(9):208–16. Addis Ababa: Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia; 2013. Adepoju AO, Obayelu OA. equipment seeds, chemical and other farm inputs, consumer’s goods and other durables thereby sustaining urban industries, potential sources of manpower, nurture and sustain the major institutions of religion and family etc Livelihood activities according to Ellis (1999) are the activities, assets and the access that jointly determine the Majority (83.1%) of the sample households were able to diversify into on-farm + off-farm or on-farm + non-farm or combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm livelihood strategies, whereas 16.9% of the sample households were unable to diversify their livelihoods, often lacking the means to engage in any form of income-generating activities aside from agriculture. 2001;26(4):315–31. Administrative map of the study District (Saesietsaeda Emba). Rome; 2011. Livelihood diversification is a strategy that can boost farmers’ income and promote sustainable land management practices. The study used multistage sampling method to select the study district and the sample households. New York: Blackwell; 1995. Farmers who have access to potential small-scale irrigation and used it properly were able to make a surplus production and better income out of it. The possible explanation for this could be attributed to the fact that the availability of increased number of individuals whose age is below 15 and above 64 implies that the availability of large number of dependants who are unable to engage themselves in non-farm income-generating livelihood activities. Therefore, livelihood. Contrary to prior expectation, the relationship between farm land size (LANDSIZE) owned by the household and livelihood diversification was found to have positive relationship except for on-farm + off-farm livelihood diversification strategy. Kebele is the lowest administrative unit in Ethiopia as peasant association in other countries. 2.1. The financial inclusion programme enables women to start various livelihood activities like tailoring units, paper plate making, goat rearing, poultry and dairy. Although farming has traditionally been the core livelihood strategy for most households, diversifying into non-farm activities remains acommon livelihood strategy employed to sustain household basic needs, particularly for women, who because of their gender often face challenges in accessing land for farming purposes. J Dev Stud. By using this website, you agree to our Non-farm economic activities are therefore central to the overall processes of economic growth and changes in the food systems. 2010. As projected, the sign of the estimated coefficients was found to have positive relationship between membership to cooperatives (COOPMEM and on-farm + non-farm and combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm livelihood strategies and statistically significant at p < 0.01 and at p < 0.05 probability level, respectively. Methods and materials. 1 of 5 Bucciarelli Farms owner Donna Benz at her home farm on Ponus Avenue Saturday, August 19, 2017, in Norwalk, Conn. Benz has been informed that the farm's signage, located at … In fact, diversification in rural livelihoods is the subject of conceptual and policy-based research because income from farming has come under pressure due to population explosion [5]. Sociolinguistic theory. 2007. Response to climate risks among smallholder farmers in Malawi: a multivariate probit assessment of the role of information, household demographics, and farm characteristics. Data were triangulated with information collected using focus group discussion and key informants interview to draw qualitative conclusion. Realities NC. Agric Econ Res Rev. Khatun D, Roy BC. Gebru GW, Beyene F. Rural household livelihood strategies in drought-prone areas: a case of Gulomekeda District, eastern zone of Tigray National Regional State, Ethiopia. Kassie GW, Aye G. The Nexus between livelihood diversification and farmland management strategies in rural Ethiopia. This implies that households with high dependency ratio have low probability level to participate in off-farm and non-farm income-generating livelihood diversification strategies. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Majority (83.1%) of the farmers were able to diversify their livelihoods into either off-farm or non-farm or combined income activities, whereas the remaining 16.91% of the households were unable to diversify; often lacking the means to engage in any form of income-generating activity apart from agricultural activities. To enhance the adoption of household livelihood diversification strategies and to improve the livelihood of the smallholder farmers in the study area as a result, the study recommends the following: (1) government should recognize and support non-farm livelihood diversification strategies as part of the national job creation objectives instead of solely sticking to the inadequate and drought-prone farm income alone; (2) investing in quality education and increasing access to higher education will help the rural households’ probability of participation in off-farm and non-farm livelihood diversification activities; (3) access to credit constraints and lack of entrepreneurship skills may have to be addressed via provision of enough credit with lowest interest rate and entrepreneurship skills trainings before farmers engage in non-farm income-generating activities; (4) intensive work on irrigation and making it accessible to smallholder farmers have paramount importance for getting better income and stable livelihood as response to drought; and (5) expansion of rural–urban road has vital role to link and strengthen the socio-economic liaison and foster development between the rural and urban people. Finally, 485 sample households were selected using proportional sampling followed by systematic random sampling technique from the study Kebeles. 2006. 2016;29(2):183–90. Due to the unstable and meagre agricultural context of the study area, farm income alone could not feed the ever increasing population. As expected, the results of the estimated coefficient showed a negative and statistically significant relationship (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05) between frequencies of extension contact (EXTENSION) and farmers livelihood diversification into on-farm + non-farm and on-farm + off-farm + non-farm activities, respectively. Similarly, the result of the contingency coefficient test revealed that there is no problem of association among the eleven discrete explanatory variables. Name : … Privacy Drought pits agriculture's livelihood against the environment. Artisan development, livestock development and rural business are promoted in various blocks of Puri, Koraput, Malkangiri, Keonjhar and Bargarh districts in Odisha. [1, 2].Farm typologies can help to summarize this … Determinants of livelihood diversification strategies in Eastern Tigray Region of Ethiopia. In addition, the surplus income gained from irrigation helps them in strengthening their economic capacity to participate in different non-farm livelihood diversification activities to improve their livelihood and food security level in the study area. Farm based livelihood activities . The result of this study is consistent with the findings obtained by [26, 27]. In fact, there are contexts where livelihood diversification strategies can have economic scope effect when rural households invest resources across multiple scopes and obtain higher per unit returns [3]. In fact, formal saving and credit institutions are available in the study area and farm households observed having high interest for credit for the purpose of reducing problem of working capital, purchase of farm inputs and farm oxen; and to cover social obligatory expenditures. It can be defined as the maintenance and continuous alteration of highly varied range of activities and occupations to minimize household income variability, reduce the adverse impacts of seasonality, and provide employment or additional income [1, 3, 4].,,, The farmers that the more households are distant from market centre, relatively... Economic and environmental shocks and instrumental in poverty reduction 7, Article number: 62 ( 2018 ) Cite Article. Rise in self-employment that smallholder farmers at Saesietsaeda Emba ) Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2017 164... And biophysical situation … the livelihood packages given were starter kits on hog-raising, root crop, Smoke! 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