In the early ’70s, for the first time, mechanical objects were sent on an explorative mission to check for life on Mars. mode: 'thumbnails-rr', Without an attractive field on Mars and with a whole lot less air than on Earth, more unsafe space radiation reaches its surface, making the possibility of life thin. We are providing below essay on Life on Mars in English, to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments. I would like to experience life on that planet at least for few years. There are two moons on the planet mars and they are named: deimos and phobos both of which are irregularly shaped and very small. I could not have accomplished it … It would be super exciting. My school conducts space workshop every year and I make sure I participate in the same each year. /* India Celebrating_300*250_New */ Therefore, it would only be proper to understand what Mars is all about. Mars has slightly lower gravity than Earth, and its atmosphere is extremely thin and consists of mostly CO2, which is poisonous to humans. By the mid-19th century, astronomers knew that Mars had certain other similarities to Earth, for example that the length of a day on Mars was almost the same as a day on Earth. By Staff Writer Last Updated Mar 30, 2020 9:02:21 AM ET. Both of these factors could play an essential role in the likelihood of life on Mars. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the second smallest after Mercury in the solar system. Numerous research operations have been conducted to find out whether life exists on Mars or if it ever did or can. Last year I added a new habit of reading books to by daily rituals. We’ve got some awesome news for you. The Martian atmosphere is 95-percent carbon dioxide. Before that, we must analyze Mars itself along with its conditions. There are plans of missions of future astrobiology like Exomars and Mars 2020 rovers. This has created a major spark in the research of life on Mars theory. It leaves us presently Essay About What Type Of Alien Live On Mars equipped to tackle even the most extraordinary writing tasks. It had vast amounts of water on its surface, and it was wrapped in a nice thick atmosphere. The atmospheric pressure was also established to be too low compared to that of earth. In the presence of ultraviolet radiation, superoxides break down organic molecules. The first evidence of life on Mars was found as early as the 19th century. Mars, also known as the red planet remains a mystery for us for many reasons although as on today we know a lot of about than we did some fifty years ago. How will life on Mars be? _taboola.push({ Most especially, there are similarities in our atmospheres. Of course, the most definitive way to confirm life on Mars would be to collect live or previously living specimens. Mars Argumentative Essay Going to Mars is a SERIOUS topic. Currently I’m reading this book: Quite. We humans are known for demarcating the land and labelling it. Mars Over the Moon. For years together we have been trying to trace evidence of life on other planets in our solar system and beyond. Thus, humans are not ready to go to Mars. While we could explore ways to use crevasses and other features of Mars’s topography to our advantage, too, the linchpin of life on the Red Planet will always be technology. To answer the question of whether or not life on Mars is possible we first need to look at all the prerequisites for life to exist. Life on Mars is not just a childish dream but a real project that has many people excited. Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life, Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life, Essay on Importance of Good Manners in Life. I will spend most of my time studying the atmosphere and condition of the planet to see if it is fit for human civilization. Mars is adjacent to earth and has environmental components that are similar to those on earth. He was accompanied by other astronomers who too stepped on this astronomical body however no one remembers them. Why We shouldn't Go Mars My opinion on Mars manned missions is no because of three reasons. But, we won’t know if a permanent presence is possible until we try. The existence of life on Mars or probably its possibility is being discussed and the studies are yet to go through a long way before a conclusion. I wish I get some special powers to visit Mars and see how the planet really is. They lasted for 6 and 4 years respectively. While space crafts equipped with robotics have given us magnificent perspectives, no people have ever endeavoured to adventure to Mars, and no such missions will endeavour for a long time. We do know that the Martian soil contains "superoxides." This essay was taken from How We’ll Live on Mars by Stephen Petranek (TED Books/Simon & Schuster). Life on Mars has been an idea in people’s minds since we discovered how the planet looks. We have thus prepared some short essays for students which shall guide them towards their acquiring of knowledge of Mars. So obviously, this is a realistic reason to send humans to Mars. Beginning in the 19th century, the quest for life on mars continues even today. is the only space body that is capable of sustaining life. The planet mars has two ice caps at the poles that seem to be formed majorly from water. Even though Mars is bigger as a planet the Earth and it has soil on it unlike some of the other planets that are orbiting the Sun, many of the key factors for life are missing. The volume and quantity of water that has been detected on mars is estimated to equal to the quantity and amount of water that we have in the Lake Superior. (7C) On August 7, 1996 the world became aware of life on Mars. For instance, if you read some books on mars then you may come to know that mars is absolutely dry land but recent researches have proved life is possible on … Sulfur, which is widely available on Mars, can take the place of water and bind the concrete together. I really wish, the researchers soon find some aliens on Mars and are able to bring them to Earth for research. The bottom-line remains the fact that if aliens exist they might also be in the quest to find someone like them. Life on Mars is still inconclusive and research is ongoing. Second, we will examine the water streaks on Mars. Life on mars has been made to appear impossible but there are some survival strategies with limited functions of reproduction, ability to thrive and evolution of living organisms. Ltd. | 2017 All Rights Reserved. The shuttle had cameras that returned a large number of pictures of the surface, demonstrating the changing seasons and delicacies of the stones and earth close to the stationary landers. I wish after this discovery, we humans are given a choice about whether we wish to live on Earth or Mars or take a trip to Mars just as we visit other cities and countries. Why Humans Can't Live On Mars Essay, persuasive essay vote against math, coursworks, writing sample essays act. Mars rovers have been exploring the surface of this red and dusty planet for several years. The reason is the presence of oxygen and water in the form of snow. The concept of expanding our domain isn’t just about exotic Martian vacations or low-gravity sports. It very much boils down to your belief and imagination. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. This planet has been studied more than any other in the solar system. So notwithstanding searching for living microscopic organisms, space agencies will look for small fossils that may show life did begin on Mars at some of the time may be hundreds or thousands of years ago. Thus, humans are not ready to go to Mars. The Fame of Being the First Human to Visit Mars. Right now, you are standing on the edge of history. We are all supervised by Shannon, the MDRS manager and the Mars 160 principal investigator, who lives just off site. Whether we find life on Mars or on some other planet inside our galaxy or outside is a question which is put to debate. By sending astronauts to live on Mars for a short period of time will set the rudimentary foundation for mass, long-term human inhabitation later. I will also take a lot of pictures to cherish the memories of the days spent there. We will thus get a chance to witness newer varieties of plants and animals on Mars. Mars is an obvious target for exploration because it is close by in our Solar System, but there are many more reasons to explore the Red Planet. The main reason for this colonization is economical interest. The scientists were searching for any evidence of life like bacteria but they found nothing that would indicate the existence of a life form on this planet. Scientists and Astronomers from around the world have collated evidences about the possibility of life on Mars. I know my trip to mars is a far-fetched dream. The names of the rest are forgotten soon. There is no magnetic shields on Mars due to the loss of the protective magnetosphere and atmosphere. The celestial bodies fascinate me. But by exploring Mars’ landscape now, we would get a head start for learning how to terraform it later. We believe that going to Mars is a bad idea. Body A. The finding of some long past life on mars is one of our most important discovery to date and we must continue to do more discoveries. You can select any Life on Mars essay as per your interest and need and present during your class assignment, debate competition, speech, essay writing etc. The Life Of Planet Mars. Research shows that surface liquid water was present on Mars during the ancient Noachian period. google_ad_width = 300; Surprisingly, images and evidence gathered in the past few years, confirm the existence of oxygen and water on the planet. Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly! We, humans, have almost destroyed the beauty and diversity of our mother Earth. Many spacecrafts have been sent on Mars in an attempt to understand whether life exists on this planet or is there any scope of inhabiting this planet in future. Space experts are debating all over the world whether we humans should go to Mars or not. Billions of years ago, Mars might have looked a lot like Earth. Also, there is curiosity that drives scientists into finding more about evidence of life on Mars. Then in 1996, the question of the prior existence of life on Mars was asked once more when a meteorite from the planet fell to Earth. The existence of life on Mars has been a subject of study since more than a century. Join us as we discover what scientists have learned about life on Mars. Earth provides and sustain living things comfortably. That big, cold, lonely lump of rock spinning through the endless void 54.6 million kilometers away? Any paper will be … Storage units that hold 1500 liters of water per person would be built for daily needs. I really wish Mars is not yet perturbed with technology and that people on that planet live in harmony with nature. Many have wondered through the decades, is there life on this red planet? The availability of water on Mars has been confirmed because liquid water was found on the surface. Life on Mars is yet a matter of research for scientists. Where there is a will there is a way essay, Essay on How Plastic Bags are Harmful to Marine Life. The research done until now hints that there has never been any life on Mars nor is it inhabited with people currently. Mars 521 Words | 3 Pages . However, the cameras did not show any signs of life on the planet. Since then the planet has caught the interest of the scientists and astronomers around the world. Have they photographed any three-eyed Martians yet, or bumped into any alien animals? We would be able to explore a whole new world and meet people who are completely different from us or may be have some similarities. The Possibility and Probability of Life on Mars: The very first evidence indicating life on Mars is dated back to the early 19th century. Mars is a planet which has the closest of similarities with the planet earth. My shyness is my greatest weakness. Mars' polar ice caps were discovered in the mid-17th century. I would live at different places on the planet to experience the variation in climate. But sending people to Mars for long periods of time would be extremely unsafe, and we shouldn’t do it. could lead to world peace. As we all know, Mars is the fourth planet in distance in our solar system from of course the sun. Earth may not be habitable forever. It is important to note that the atmosphere of mars is very much colder than that of earth. I would receive numerous awards for excellence in my field and for achieving what many could only dream of. Life In Mars: The Existence Of Life In Mars 795 Words | 4 Pages. I would talk to the local people on the planet and gather information about how and where all to visit to make the most of the trip. I wish we do not do the same with the planet which is yet in its pure form. Mars is also known as the Red Planet and is right next to earth in the solar system. Scientists have speculated that Mars has a possibility of sustaining life just like earth and the components of life sustainability have been analyzed. Every now and then there is news about new evidence indicating the probability of life on the red planet. Findings showed that there was no magnetic field in the globe. I have been reading news about the possibility of life on Mars since years and have always fancied how it would be like if life can actually be possible on this planet. For both these things water is needed so exploration of Mars by space probes has concentrated on looking for water. We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (1966), by Philip K. Dick; The Sands of Mars (1951), by Arthur C. Clarke; The Martian Chronicles (1950), by Ray Bradbury; Interactive Mars map. Mars 4 was another mission that was successful in 1965, results showed that there was no evidence of water in Mars through photographs which showed lack of water bodies like rivers and oceans. It would be blissful living in such a place. Scientists and Astronomers from around the world have collated evidences about the possibility of life on Mars. After determination of these harsh conditions that are threatening to life of multicellular organisms, scientists started speculating for microbial life. Though oxygen is present on the planet its environment is not considered fit for human inhabitation. I would definitely plan a manned mission to the red planet when I become an astronomer. First, we will talk about the ice caps located on Mars. Even if life on Mars is found and the possibility is being proven, there are some ethics and responsibilities we should be following. Also, air on the planet is a hundred times thinner than that on planet earth. About every 26 months, it's summer on Mars, meaning prime dust storm season. If we want to know whether there is life beyond Earth then the quickest way to answer that question is to explore Mars. target_type: 'mix' ExoMars, a rover that the European Space Agency plans to send to Mars in 2020, will be equipped with a drill that can extract soil samples from depths down to two meters, the deepest of any Mars sampling to date.. We have taken a certain interest in Mars, because there is a possibility that it may have sustained life. However, the environmental parameters could be insufficient but scientists have not made a conclusive report on them. Experience Life on Mars as the First Human on the Planet. It is a serious question that might take several years to answer; we do not know for sure if the planet mars will one day be fit and safe for inhabiting. I would go to Mars with my friends. Scientists are working day in and day out to confirm the presence of life on Mars; however, there is no concrete proof as of now. But this doesn't necessarily mean that life doesn't exist there. According to Robert Walker, “The pressure is so low, your saliva and the moisture coating the interior of your lungs would boil. There have been numerous operations of research over the years that were conducted to discover whether mars support life (if there is currently life on mars, if there ever was life on mars or if it can support life in the future). After an accident like that, it might well be impossible to reverse contamination of Mars with Earth life - as microbes imbedded in dust grains are protected from UV light and can be spread anywhere on Mars in the global storms. This may be because of its proximity to our planet. People want to be established economically hence the quest to find evidence of life on mars. We have a huge group of essays writers that have the capacity to undertake any writing project you put to us. Mission to Colonize Mars ... Man went to the moon in 1969, and from that mission has learned how to live... Making Mars a Better Place . I would be remembered for years and years to come. This space craft lost communication on the way to mars. Essay on Life on Mars – Essay 1 (150 Words) Life on Mars is yet a matter of research for scientists. I would love to hear from you and read your comments on this article. //-->. Astronomic adventures and scientists are ambitious in the colonization of Mars. The essays have been written in a simple yet crisp language and are suitable for students for all classes and age groups. 20:00. It is very possible to see the planet mars from the earth even with naked eyes; it red colouring is very conspicuous from the earth. The next big step is intelligent life and we must always continue Until then, I shall visit some places on our planet Earth to seek adventure and gratify the travel enthusiast in me. The living creature may be different form every species of flora and fauna living in our world. What remains is a real investment in the projects that would experiment with life on Mars and this can only be achieved with state funding. As keen as I am on going to Mars, I am as much scared to visit the planet alone. It would be a proud moment for me, my family as well as the entire nation. We must do good deeds, help as much as we can, appreciate the beauty around us and stay positive. My trip to Mars is very much on my bucket list. Mars is a planet that truly captures our imagination. Humans cannot live on Mars because neither the temperature nor the atmosphere is compatible with human survival. Whether Mars is or will ever be fit for inhabiting is a question which is still likely to take several decades to answer. will see Mars with their own eyes. But given the massive size of the space and how endless it truly is, it surely is likely that there is intelligent life out there. There is still no solid assurance or certainty that the mars will be able to safely and fully support life like the planet earth. This essay was taken from How We’ll Live on Mars by Stephen Petranek (TED Books/Simon & … But for now, there remains no evidence to support that life does exist on Mars today. It is popularly referred to as the red planet. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});