Also i would like some input on team-formation. What if I use the gender bender scroll on Salvatore will it regain her womanliness? Staff weapon mastery main effect is improving the range of spells, as well as boosting the INT and RES of the user, which in turn boosts the power of all spells. I love the Disgaea series, always gets me grinning. I noticed my Flonne learns level 0 spells in well under five casts... somehow. Would it be possible to train a maid in healing and buff/debuff magic so to have the best of both worlds? Still, there's certainly a way under Disgaea PC, even if … Upon leveling up the skill from "level 0" to "level 1" the user learns the skill permanently. Here's a little something while I work on more Disgaea guides and some other videos. How do you earn this Evility, it's driving me nuts, and I tried to search everywhere but couldn't find an answer. I don't know the max level you can get a spell to, but my guess would be 99. Unlock: Upon completion of the above battle, you will gain Majorita as your ally. In Disgaea 5, attacking with a staff does damage based on the attackers INT and the targets RES, … All 5 Omega spells that i have unlocked. I think in chapter 5 is when you unlock chara world. I am however thinking about ditching the two story characters and going full generic. you need to raise your mage's class proficiency, which will just happen naturally as you play, PSN - NovaSol6(PS3/VITA), GreenTea_Sama(PS4), Afternoon Tea + Petta's Veteran Support = whole new levels of breakage. In regards to going full generic with my main team. Just some food for thought. I think in chapter 5 is when you unlock chara world. The Phantom Copies Possessed By Heart. Also the exp from kills per map is concentrated on fewer characters which levels them up faster. Specifically, the translation of evilities and spells is often inaccurate, due in part to structural issues … Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. 10 million is the minimum you will need to have any success at nabbing anything Rank40. With regards to the roster size: When i had problems with 5-1 one issue was money as buying better equipment for 10 chars is a lot more expensive than for 5. I couldn't however find what the maximum level for a skill/spell is. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I think i can't use them for nether research - is there any other good use for them? If you have a mage with a level 99 spell, they should be able to hit the Enemy Boost symbol (right) from the middle area. Is there a way in-game to tell if a skill learned by a character is a generic spell, that could be taught to any class using a scroll, or a class-specific skill? Maybe i will try to expand my roster again. You will end up with far more than 10 chars as the game develops further anyway and you eventually can send your "extras" out on research missions, so trying to keep your roster small is a futile and needless battle you seem to be trying to fight :). Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (As opposed to spells, where this is done via the skill shop). I've read a lot of material over at gamefaqs so i think i have a pretty good grasp on the general basics of the game. What to do with benched story characters? Does anyone know whether elemental resistances on the caster affect the damage output of spells in this one? That were the main reasons i read about. The latest entry in NIS’ popular SRPG series, Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance, is now out on the PS4 and in the hands of gamers. Granted that probably isn't an issue down the road. Peta spells were an even more powerful level of elemental magic, higher than Tera tier, As far as I know, they are exclusively used in Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days. Upon leveling up the skill from "level 0" to "level 1" the user learns the skill permanently. The Armor Knight I believe is typically used more defensively, so I would think Killia is perhaps a little better suited to building as a hard hitter. Killing item symbols and geo triangle thingies builds bonus!! If it matters, i'm currently at the beginning of Chapter 6, so still a bit early in the game. The story/dlc characters are great but if you do decide to bench any you can always use the neet squad so you have some levels on them if you ever change your mind. In regard to your "heavy hitters", some chars are better suited than others but ultimately any char can be built up to hit hard. i use cheat engine 7.1 Postgame Unlocks The Phantom Copies. I don't remember there being any way to boost spell learning speed in the PSP version, but it's been a while since I needed to do it there, so my memory could be wrong. I know that using a spell levels it up, which increases its range and decreases the sp-cost. In disgaea 1 there was a mentor-pupil system that easily allowed a single mage to learn all elements, healing etc through a chain. You can randomly find scrolls in chara world, and one of the prizes that you can choose at the end is to create a scroll of one of the character's known spells. After reading a bit i reduced my 10-charas team down to 5. Espoir - Level 7. (And i'm loving it so far) There are however some things i'm still unsure of and where i would like some clarification. This is based on Disgaea 5 characters. Or there is some level where it stops being useful to further grind spell-levels? Armor Trophy Guide (1) Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Does anyone know whether elemental resistances on the caster affect the damage output of spells in this one? 1 Elemental Magic 1.1 Fire 1.2 Wind 1.3 Ice 1.4 Star 1.5 Heal 1.6 Buff Magic 1.7 De-Buff Magic 1.8 Ailment 2 Magic Affinity 2.1 Fire 2.2 Wind 2.3 Ice 2.4 Star 2.5 Heal 2.6 Buff Magic 2.7 De … The latest entry in NIS’ popular SRPG series, Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance, is now out on the PS4 and in the hands of gamers. You also need to put at least one thief in your roster immediately as stealing items is an important part of the game in my opinion. 15 million and the spells can get you comfortable. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Now, regarding your questions about your particular group setup. She only has basic ice right now and Star because of the scroll. Thanks, that is quite helpfull. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. So, the idea is with any skill that you level up the skill to reduce the SP cost, then strengthen the skill using the NPC (it costs Mana), which usually approximately doubles the SP cost per level. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. (And i'm loving it so far) There are however some things i'm still unsure of and where i would like some clarification. Female Cleric's are one of the initial humanoid classes available in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.. Spells []. Norbac. How does my mage learn new magic in this. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. The learner now knows that skill forever and can leave the squad without losing the skill, and … Press J to jump to the feed. I've read a lot of material over at gamefaqs so i think i have a pretty good grasp on the general basics of the game. For Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Question about magic spells". Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (魔界戦記ディスガイア5, Makai Senki Disugaia 5) is a 2015 tactical role-playing video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software, and part of the Disgaea series. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Blue_Inigo 5 years ago #1 In Disgaea D2 she just naturally learned mega giga and tetra of various spells. These are all of the spells that can be learned by mage classes in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. So, I see no reason to bring less than the maximum allowed characters out on any map except to just save yourself some time. The learner now knows that skill forever and can leave the squad without losing the skill, and … I don't know what you read that made you start using less than the full compliment of characters allowed, but I would advise against it. You can randomly find scrolls in chara world, and one of the prizes that you can choose at the end is to create a scroll of one of the character's known spells. With the 3x3 area pattern selected, spells like Tera Fire will deal -75% damage. In Disgaea 2 higher elemental affinity increased the damage of spells, but is it still the case in 5, with this newfangled … © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Killia and a Mage Knight as the heavy hitters, Christo as a healer/support character, a generic witch for magic and a pirate for ranged damage. All 5 Omega spells that i have unlocked. The range gets really good at higher levels, but a long and narrow map I think you still probably couldn't reach from one end to the other. ... forgiving. 1 Spell Information 1.1 Elemental Magic 1.1.1 Fire 1.1.2 Wind 1.1.3 Ice 1.2 Healing Magic 1.3 Buff Magic 1.4 De-Buff Magic 1.5 Ailment Magic 2 Magic Affinity 2.1 Elemental Magic 2.1.1 Fire Magic 2.1.2 Wind Magic 2.1.3 Ice Magic 2.1.4 Star Magic 2.2 Buff Magic 2.3 De-Buff Magic 2.4 Ailment Magic The spell range varies on amount of points you invested on following skills. I've read a lot of material over at gamefaqs so i think i have a pretty good grasp on the general basics of the game. Some classes learn spells as they level up - skulls and mages will learn spells of their chosen element. Had little trouble clearing chapter 5 with them. Obviously growing SP pools as you level is another reason you can level up your skills. So my question is: Where did they go? Disgaea 5 Question I have a 9999 Eryndom Shroom character and the skill isn't available on the skill shop, nor is it already learned on him. Re: Disgaea 5 Complete | Cheat Engine Table v1.0 Post by nG0xz » Sun Nov 08, 2020 6:58 am i want ask something , i use Disgaea 5 Complete v.20190204 cheat , i can't press enable 'X' it's not appear . Since i also thought about adding an armor knight (not unlocked so far), is replacing Killia with it viable? I would just expand your roster back to 10 and add in the chars you like. Would, at one point, it possible to leave the base panel with my mage and be able to hit any tile on the map with my Fire-spell? In Disgaea 5, magic spells will deal less damage as you use larger pattern areas of effect. Clerics use Healing magic, which is learned at the following levels. This means for magic spells, the 'level 0' version each learner gains is almost useless. Commercial Failure of Disgaea 5 Might Spell the End of NIS [UPDATE] ... His comment implies that a lot is riding on the commercial success of the upcoming Disgaea 5… Disgaea 5 is a simulation RPG set in Nippon Ichi's popular netherworld multiverse, and the first to be created specifically for the PS4. There are 37 spells total. 1 Spell Information 1.1 Elemental Magic 1.1.1 Fire 1.1.2 Wind 1.1.3 Ice 1.1.4 Star 1.2 Heal 1.3 Buff Magic 1.4 De-Buff Magic 1.5 Ailment Magic 2 Magic Affinity 2.1 Elemental Magic 2.1.1 Fire 2.1.2 Wind 2.1.3 Ice 2.1.4 Star 2.2 Heal 2.3 Buff Magic 2.4 De-Buff Magic 2.5 Ailment Magic The spell range varies on amount of points you invested on following skills. To answer your question about spells (small spoiler alert)... eventually you get a squad that allows you to teach any generic spell to any character. 1 Fire 2 Ice 3 Wind 4 Star 5 Heal 6 Support Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Why is it that they didn't get carried over into 3, ,4, 5, or D2? If i want to get better items - sure - but if i just want to clear the map, i don't know. I'm relative new to the series, playing Disgaea 5 on the switch. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Disgaea 5: Elemental resistances and spells. With the 3x3 area pattern selected, spells like Tera Fire will deal -75% damage. I would definitely recommend having a Maid and a Cleric in your roster. She only has basic ice right now and Star because of the scroll. This means for magic spells, the 'level 0' version each learner gains is almost useless. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Previously i used mostly story chars and it seems i enjoy customizing with generics more. In D5 there is an NPC with whom you can strengthen skills and learn evilities. Disgaea 5: Elemental resistances and spells. You will find a bill ( Research a Strange Netherworld) to unlock this map in the Dark Assembly after completing the main story. Guess i will experiment some more. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance is a 2015 tactical role-playing video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software, and part of the Disgaea series. Also, just casting support spells not only levels the spell but gives EXP as well. (There are 4 extra "Peta" level elemental spells in the Dark Hero Days version, for a total of 41.) For Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Question about magic spells". Postgame Preparations The Cursed Witch. Meaning is an armor knight a good choice for a heavy hitter? so what the problem . I could use my female cleric but i've also read a lot about how useful maids are. Or is the damage/power of these skills increased? Maids are useful in that they eventually can use items in a unique way that applies the item in a cross pattern (you can use items on 5 chars at the same time basically). Her class is based on inflicting ailments along with debuff spells just like the Chimera. Second i'm unsure with what class to replace Christo. Fire,Wind,Ice,Heal,Star.Song used : Tales of Symphonia - Fighting of the spirit In Disgaea 5, magic spells will deal less damage as you use larger pattern areas of effect. In Disgaea 2 higher elemental affinity increased the damage of spells, but is it still the case in 5, with this newfangled … Problem is i would rather use healing magic instead of healing items. After completing the final battle, you can now begin the postgame, which any fan of the Disgaea series knows is where the real game begins. I'm relative new to the series, playing Disgaea 5 on the switch. I'm relative new to the series, playing Disgaea 5 on the switch. Her initial Evility, Cursed Dance, decreases the damage inflicted by the enemy units by 3%. Most like, item world maps though, a spell with a high level will have excellent reach getting you to most corners. Episode 1 Episode 3. The bonuses at the end of each map give EXP, which I believe any character will get even if they got zero kills on the map. Disgaea 5 Complete > General Discussions > Topic Details. There are no class restrictions involved with them, which means that any character can learn them through Extra Gain. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. All of the unlockables related to the classes themselves are all done via Quests from the Quest Shop. Christo being a favourite of mine is an angel disguised as a demon to hide his identity from his other demon allies. Heal - Level 1. Blue_Inigo 5 years ago #1 In Disgaea D2 she just naturally learned mega giga and tetra of various spells. May 2, 2018 @ 7:59am How do I learn spells from other classes? Fire,Wind,Ice,Heal,Star.Song used : Tales of Symphonia - Fighting of the spirit So leveling them up only reduces the sp-cost? I believe most generic spells can be learned from scrolls. Weapon-skills have a preset range. The only other thing you can do with the story chars is to use them to fill up squads. The Sorcerer is a DLC class in Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. Thief sounds pretty situational to me. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. I think the skills have different icons which indicate whether they are a weapon skill, unique class skill, or generic spell. You can learn extra spells through scrolls, but your mage will learn more as it levels up, naturally. In addition, you build bonus up by doing damage primarily, so if you're leaving item symbols alive because you only have 5 chars out, you're missing out on bonus items. Note that the Mage and Skulls have Fire as their spell, so you can use Seraphina and Red Magnus, as well as anyone else with high fire resistance, to tank through their spells and get to them. A sub-reddit dedicated to the video game and anime series Makai Senki Disgaea, Phantom Brave, and Makai Kingdom universes. (And i'm loving it so far) There are however some things i'm still unsure of and where i would like some clarification. Here's a little something while I work on more Disgaea guides and some other videos. Disgaea’s localization is, frankly put, garbage. Questions regarding spells/skills in Disgaea 5. Some classes learn spells as they level up - skulls and mages will learn spells of their chosen element. So, you could absolutely turn your Maid into a healer primarily that uses spells, a damage dealing caster, a debuffer, a buffer, or teach ALL of those spells to your Maid if you want :). Disgaea 5 Complete - Legendary Items and Where to Find Them. “A curse user who brings misfortune to enemies.” 20 million and you should not have any trouble anywhere. Questions regarding spells/skills in Disgaea 5. For nether Research - is there any other good use for them learn them extra! Of Vengeance on the switch, Where this is done via the skill permanently kills per map is on! That they did n't get carried over into 3,,4, 5, spells. Does my mage learn new magic in this Peta '' level elemental spells in this 3x3 pattern... 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