Hi I have bought a 60s cabinet by Younger which is teak veneer but I am not sure if it’s oiled or varnished. We have a couple of good quality removers, the first being the Paint Panther Paint and Varnish Remover, which is a gel that you leave on for around 5 minutes and it makes the paint bubble up making it easy to scrap off, this is probably more suitable if you need to be able to use the stairs. These two will give a durable finish and can be applied with a brush or roller. If the black is just on the surface of the wood a light sand with a 120 grit sandpaper may get rid of it, if not I would not like to suggest anything else with out seeing some pictures of the effected area. If you put a small drop of oil (vegetable or olive from the kitchen cupboard will do) on the surface of the table and leave it for around and hour. A little more messy but can be effective. A quick word about sandpaper and wire wool, both of which can cause damage to wood unless you take it easy… There was already another color underneath. For a clear natural finish you could look at the Osmo Polyx Oil, which will protect and seal the wood. What’s the best way to remove these? Sorry this is not something that we do our have much information on, its best to get in touch with the company who stripped the doors for you. You could have a look at the Paint Panther Paint and Varnish Remover. Make sure you keep the area you’re working in well ventilated. Our recommendation is to buy a sample or small tin and to trial the effectiveness of a product before committing to buying the quantity of wood stripper needed for the project. Active ingredient: N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) Strength: A ⅛-inch coat removes up to seven layers of paint. Hi, I used nitromors and yes I used wire wool. The company said we were “lucky” as dipping doesn’t usually remove primer (though I’ve had it done before and it did and five doors were fine this time, so I’m not sure about this). Paints and varnishes have evolved over the years, so have their formulations and chemical make-up. I would like to uncover the wood but not sure what is best to try – do I go for something like Peelaway? A very small area to see how well the PeelAway 1 will work and to ensure there are no adverse reactions. They have been painted over several times and finally black, some may have woodworm and we need to strip back to eliminate this and bring the wood back to it’s original state. Once the paint comes off the wood remains a bit sticky. When you have done this feel free to email me for further advice at wood@finishes.direct, Hi Sam You won’t need to use a scrapper with the Peelaway as it is a Poultice that you leave on for an allocated time (which can be established from the test) with a blanket over the top, and then when ready you peel the blanket away and remove the paint at the same time. If denatured alcohol doesn’t work, you probably have oil-based paint. Steps on how to eliminate oil-based paint stains: Step 1 If the stain is still dry, use a brush to soften the paint stain. My question isn’t wood based I’m afraid. We’ve stripped our painted wooden doors back to wood but some small pieces of paint remain on the bevelling and ingrained in the panels. This is a very successful stripper of paints and varnishes, but test areas are essential to see which of the products will be best for your project. I hope that helps and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via our contact us page. Hi This is a little messy but a quicker option. I have a piece of furniture I would like to treat with a different finish but I think it has been waxed. I want the new color to be dark blue but still be able to see the wood if that makes a bit of sense! Hi I have come across this thread in my search for a solution to a wood/varnish related problem – i wish to paint my front door in a newly purchased house – unfortunately the previous owners varnished it and the result is still very sticky – the question is how do I prepare this sticky surface prior to painting – I have a palm sander but think it may need some treatment first or I think it will “bind” the sand paper – many thanks in anticipation. Many thanks. Once you do manage to remove all the product then the Osmo Polyx Oil is ideal for you Oak door. I then spilt gloss from painting doors on to the wood which got stuck in wheelchair wheels and spread around hall in my panic to get to the bathroom. You may find the Peelaway Products are the easiest to use. Feel free to come back to me if you have any further questions. Homemade Paint Removers (for latex paint, enamel or any other oil-based paint) are usually considered by most of the homeowners due to the obvious safety concerns. Then let it air dry. Power tools help because their design forces you to apply even pressure. If it is, special and additional steps must be followed as only authorized contractors should be able to remove the lead-based paint and dispose of it following federal regulations. Scorching is less important, of course, when you’re planning to re-paint the wood. I took one of the drawers and applied an antique white stain on it and did not like the look. This is a stripper that will make the paint kind of bubble up so that it can be scrapped off. It is quick but a little messy. Whether you’re sanding by hand or with a machine, experts recommend you take it slow and easy until you get a feel for it. I am having great difficulty removing it, I’ve even tried nitro mors but it hasn’t touched it. We have a couple of strippers that you could have a look at, that will help to remove the varnish on the table. When you’ve removed the paint out of the blind fabric, leave to dry in natural sunlight and gently iron the area that has been treated (if needed). Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I have an antique hutch that was painted white. 4. However, are contractor has run into an issue where he cannot remove the old paint on the floors. An alternative would be the Peelaway Paint Remover which may be more successful. Continue in this manner until you have removed all latex paint from the oil-based paint. There is a Sample Pack that allows you to try the the product first. This would need a top coat product, such as Osmo Polyx Oil or Manns Extra Tough Interior Varnish. Now it’s time to choose your wood finish. If this or a number of others are not working for you then I am afraid the only solution would be sanding. Thanks. If you have a read up on the products and let me know if you have any further questions, I am happy to help. Remove Paint on the Floor Use a non-abrasive scouring pad to scrub the area. This will not peel and flake over time like many paints will and can just have a fresh coat re applied when you feel the wood needs it. Is there a way of removing this without sanding another millimetre off? Would the Panther Paint Stripper and a bristle brush be a better option. The legs are birch wood painted with black acrylic paint. If the furniture has been waxed and the existing wax is in good condition, you should be able to put a fresh coat of wax on top which will bring the piece of furniture back to life, perhaps something like Fiddes Supreme Wax Polish. There are a couple of products that you could have a look at but test areas should always be done to ensure there is no adverse reaction and to let you know that the treatment will work for you. This is the spray version of their popular paint stripper is designed for use on graffiti but is ideal for use on wood. I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any further questions. But need the wood to look uniform it colour. Thank you for your inquiry. Mix up a batch of the paint remover in the bucket according to the directions on the package. And you will have to do this layer by layer as you say it gets gooey. I’m sorry that I can not give a solution that will not damage the floor, but I hope that it will be minimal – Sam, Hi Hi, just wondering if anyone can help… We just finished our sunroom, the ceiling was beautiful pine with lots of knots. Solvent paint removers take off all kinds of finishes, even contemporary ones. Remove the dust. All PeelAway products are supplied as a kit including an application spatula and protective blankets, to prevent the applied poultice or paste from drying out too quickly and before it has dissolved the paint or varnish. The alternative is the Peelaway 7. When using sand paper to remove paint, move up and down with the grain of the wood. Someone gloss painted over pen markings on a doorway marking a childs age/height progress. Thank you for your inquiry, there are two possible options for stripping, the first is the Paint Panther Paint and Varnish Remover. The other alternative is the Paint Panther Paint and Varnish Remover which is a gel like substance that you can leave on for around 5 mins and you will then be able to scrap off the varnish. It will give you a better chance of matching all the floors although if they are different woods you may not be able to match them exactly. It makes it less intimidating when thinking about working on a project like this. My table is over thirty years old; the top is perfect, well looked after but the feet have taken some knocks over the years with the vacuum cleaner. I have a wooden-floored hall (modern pine – bout 1960s build) which used to have lino stuck to it. An alternative would be the Peelaway 1 for any paints that are over 30 years old or Peelaway 7 for the more modern paints. A test area will be the best way to tell. Paint thinner is a mineral oil-based solvent used to remove paint from many different surfaces, including fabric. I really enjoyed your article! Sand the wood down super smooth. Both of these products are very good at removing stubborn areas of paint or varnish but you should do a test area first of which ever product you decide to try. Estabrooke and McMillan suggest options like Simple Green, Mrs. Meyers, or Murphy Oil Soap. Its a long and tedious process and you will begin to get a dip around the edge with all the sanding. It’s a good time to be a doer.WEBSITE: https://thd.co/TheHomeDepotSiteFACEBOOK: https://thd.co/TheHomeDepotFacebookTWITTER: https://thd.co/TheHomeDepotTwitterINSTAGRAM: https://thd.co/TheHomeDepotIGPINTEREST: https://thd.co/TheHomeDepotPinterestHow to Remove Paint from Woodhttps://www.youtube.com/user/homedepot The other option is PeelAway Paint Remover. You can strip any kind of wood, even heavily-carved wood, as long as you use the right products and materials and follow the instructions meticulously, particularly if you want to strip something expensive, rare or precious. We have stripped an old oak filing cabinet back to bare wood using both a chemical stripper and sanding. Leave the drops on the wood for about an hour, if it unmoved after that time it is probable that you have a seal such as a Varnish on there. It makes the paint bubble so that you are able to scrap it off. Apologies if this is not the correct forum for my question. Thanks! In this DIY guide you learn about the various methods of stripping paint and removing paint from surfaces such wood and metal using a variety of paint strippers and techniques such as gel, liquid and paste based paint strippers, eco friendly and non solvent based paint strippers and also how to strip paint using blow torches and heat guns. Only apply a little to a rag and rub the stain. Now that has seeped in too. “Basically, any non-solvent-based cleanser should help,” says Estabrooke. If you go across the grain, you could ruin your timber surface. If, however, you don't plan on repainting the object but prefer instead to show off the wood grain underneath (or stain it at most), then you're going to have to remove every last drop of old paint. It was a disaster! Once you have removed all the paint you may want to give the stairs a light sand, but if the wood is in good condition just make sure it is clean and smooth and then you can apply your finishing coat. Thanks. Greetings from Florida! Any recommendations to strip the gloss away to get the markings back? Use a different part of the white cloth for each application to avoid transferring paint residue back onto the wood. It has ,I think Douglas fir( hardwood) I bought paint remover from cloverdale paints it is called 1820, that did not work. I have seen the photo thank you. Is there anything I can do apart from applying dark stain ? Sanding is best kept for small projects unless you want to hire an industrial sander to remove paint and varnish from your floor. I have just had a cat knock a can of emulsion all other our brand new wooden oak floor. How to remove dry paint from clothes: Water-based paints Water-based paints are easier to remove than oil-based ones.In this case we will also treat the stain before putting it in the washing machine, but this time we do it with water and dishwasher detergent.. Once you have washed off as much paint as you can the wood should be allowed to dry and then sanded. I have asbestos cement guttering which has very bad peeling paint. Scrub the surface while hosing down water on the surface. Remove the paint stripper and softened latex paint from the walls using a plastic paint scraper. I have almost finished it but have some places that are really stubborn. scrapping of hardened paint. Hi, I have just purchased a house with lots of wooden beams in the ceilings. This might be sacrilege, but on lacquer and thin or old paint that is very ‘hard set’, I commonly use ordinary steel scrapers and a single edged razor blade to remove it all. Check out our Simple Wood Projects playlist for more ideas: https://thd.co/2NzglMGFind out more ways to remove paint from wood with methods like sanding and paint strippers with our guide: https://thd.co/2HsCFUg#TheHomeDepot #HomeImprovement #DIYSUBSCRIBE to The Home Depot: http://thd.co/2iib0HEHere’s a breakdown of the most common ways to remove paint from wood: 0:20 Gather your materials0:29 Apply heat to the paint using a heat gun0:35 Scrape the paint0:45 Revisit problem areas0:53 Wash the woodSafety: When scraping, sanding or removing old paint by other means, you may release lead dust. Don’t soak the wood through with this, you’re far more likely to remove the finish that way. For the colour you could have a look at our Manns Classic Wood Dye, which can be mixed with other colours within the range to darken or add water to lighten. This is a gel-like substance that will cause the paint to bubble up to be scraped off with a Filler Knife. We have removed the carpet from a downstairs room in our Edwardian House to reveal the (mostly) original stained floorboards. Also one of the frames came up as green wood, is that normal? Any removal of lead paint may also be subject to Federal and State regulations. If plain water on the rag doesn’t do the trick, progress to a gentle cleanser. With several ways to remove paint available, like scraping or using a heat gun, the process is easy and safe, requiring simple precautions. I just got myself a Victorian hall chair in an auction and I want to restore the wood finish. Thank you for your inquiry, if it is a solid wood door then the extra sanding will do no harm, but you want to maintain a smooth and even finish so it might be worth trying a removal product on those stubborn areas. Instead of replacing the hardware so it looks clean, how about cleaning off the old paint instead? We have sample sizes of our Peelaway Products which would be worth trying first. Rinse the blinds in clean warm water and repeat as needed. Bare in mind that if you have oil or wax on the surface, the White Spirit may remove some of this. I hope that helps and if you have any further question please do not hesitate to let me know. Dear Samantha, The alternative is Peelaway Sample Pack, which is a poultice that you leave on for 24-48 hours and then peel away with the paint. Tim. Is harder work though, but really satisfying and creates less harmful dust (sanding) and no difficult to clean mess. A light sand may be required to prepare the wood once stripped and then you could look at products for treating the door. Peelway 7 on the carvings proved very successful, but not on the uncarved uprights. Use a 280 grit to sand the surface. But once the raw wood is sealed, the color of the wood darkens, and sometimes it gets an orange tint to it. How do we resolve the stickniess? Baking Soda and Boiling Water Removing paint in hardware is a simple task and doesn't need expensive paint remover. I am familiar with Nitromors and know it to work well with many products, however I can recommend a couple of alternatives to consider and would strongly recommend that a test area is done with which ever product you choose. Can you tell me which Peelaway you used and for how long you left it on? (You should always test a new cleaner on a small hidden area of a surface first to be sure it is safe though.) Wonder if you have a look at the product info and if you have any questions please do hesitate! Wood finish wait to take it off in some of the wood after stripping which also! You can the wood is particularly dry then it may take more the... Like and attractive combination on your inquiry, there are a couple of that! Be removed with a sponge or rag may likely damage the surface the! 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