Establish consortium of business and graduate schools in management and/or ... Congratulations on the 35th Anniversary Conference of the ACEI-Philippines. • These are spread in seven ethnographic areas with 117 ethno-linguistic groups. The Inclusive School ... Education is more than an academic process. - ... IEC Campaigns. We look at professions ... - Concepts in Animal Welfare: Contributing to a humane veterinary curriculum Jasmijn de Boo, Education and Training Coordinator World Society for the Protection of ... Higher Education response to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Care for the disabled, medical care and rehabilitation. - Childhood Education International ... Hui, M., Dawson, C. R., & Moont, M. G. A few weeks ago, I have had the opportunity to facilitate another stretch of Inclusion Caravan, a project aimed at increasing the understanding of regular school teachers on disability, inclusion, and education, in the Philippines. Members are jointly working on the lifelong learning chapter of the ARC8 Outlook Report 2030: Inclusive and Diverse […] For the past two decades, the trend in the education of children with special needs is towards the promotion of integration and participation as against segregation. INCLUSION IS A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE FOR A SELECTED FEW 3. Inclusive Education is a challenge for teachers who must instruct a classroom including a combination of children with diversified needs and children with special needs. Inclusive education is a widely accepted pedagogical and policy principle, but its genesis has been long and, at times, difficult. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Inclusive education ensures that all children have access to an appropriate, relevant, affordable and effective education within their community. 2. Attraction, retention, and motivation of teachers: three major challenges facing education systems around the world, at a time when school closures have put teacher shortages and working conditions under the spotlight like never before. Do you have PowerPoint slides to share? Inclusive education is when all students, regardless of any challenges they may have, are placed in age-appropriate general education classes that are in their own neighborhood schools to receive high-quality instruction, interventions, and supports that enable them to meet success in the core curriculum (Bui, Quirk, Almazan, & Valenti, 2010; Alquraini & Gut, 2012). for inclusive education. Scholar, ²Assistant Professor, Dept. 95.4% Literacy Rate (#108 among the 215 countries 2. largest diaspora network in the world, with 11 million Filipinos living and working overseas. Students and their parents participate in setting learning goals and take part in decisions that affect them. Involves changes and modification in content, - students are educated in regular classes at, Establishment of 276 Special Education Centers, Conduct of training programs for teachers, Development of instructional materials for, Conduct of advocacy strategies like the SPED. • Per pupil cost is relatively higher than the regular pupil. Or use it to find and download high-quality how-to PowerPoint ppt presentations with illustrated or animated slides that will teach you how to do something new, also for free. 3. n Develop mass media activities and materials that emphasize the value of inclusive education. The Legal of Bases Special Education Republic Act No. - The Role of the Community in the implementation of the CBR Matrix: Experiences of Local Inclusive Development Priscille Geiser 4th CAN CBR Conference, Abuja, 28th ... People and Technology in World Class Education Systems News, perspectives and challenges from developing countries. - Slogans. General Information on Inclusive Education, INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE PHILIPPINE PERSPECTIVE Dr. YOLANDA S. QUIJANO Undersecretary of Programs and Projects Department of Education Philippines, OUTLINE • General Information on Inclusive Education Facts and Figures, Policies, Strategies for Disadvantaged Learners: Children with Disabilities, IPs, Muslim Children, Street Children, Abused children • Current Difficulties and Challenges • Lessons Learned • Proposed Initiatives/Recommendations, GENERAL INFORMATION onINCLUSIVE EDUCATION Children with disabilities Children of Indigenous peoples and Muslim children Child labourers Abused children Street children, FACTS and FIGURES • Children with disabilities who are in school are about 101, 762 (2011-2011). is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. AN ACT ENHANCING THE PHILIPPINE BASIC EDUCATION SYSTEM BY STRENGTHENING ITS CURRICULUM AND INCREASING THE NUMBER OF YEARS FOR BASIC EDUCATION, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The First Philippine Wheelathon-a-race for Wheelchair Users was the main event of the 19th National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week. environmental concepts are: Principles of Inclusive Education for Learning Disabilities - . 9442 Article XIV, Sections 1 and 2 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Republic Act No. Exposure to lesson guide preparation. Article 28 states that the child has a right to education and that the state’s duty is to ensure that primary education is free and compulsory, to encourage different forms of secondary education accessible to every child and to make higher education available to all on the basis of capacity. inclusive education into initial training programs for student teachers in colleges and universities. The pilot project, over the next three years, will cover 15 schools in the metropolitan Manila area and the province of Tarlac in the central Luzon Island. To help enhance participation rate among children with special needs, inclusive education has become the main thrust in the education of children with special needs in the Philippines. Inclusive education is the most effective way to give all children a fair chance to go to school, learn and develop the skills they need to thrive. Rating improved to AAA in 2004 ... Insurance Corporation (NAIC) Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation ... General Information on Inclusive Education, Facts and Figures, Policies, Strategies for, Children with disabilities who are in school are, Children with disabilities are still combating, About 5,916 are mainstreamed in regular classes, Children of Indigenous peoples number about 12-15, These are spread in seven ethnographic areas with, Those in the elementary schools total 639, 483, 140,570 Muslim elementary and secondary pupils, Street children are about 246, 000 thousand-. environmental courses. In a truly inclusive setting, every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging. It's FREE! The Relationship Of Inclusive Education In The Philippines 1839 Words | 8 Pages. - Information Technology. m.m.pant. CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint. IMPORTANCE OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE ROLE OF SCHOOL TEACHERS ¹ R. Mercinah & ² Dr.D.Nirmala (¹ M. Phil. - From 2002-2006, 4% of all World Bank projects by number and 5% of new lending ... include the provision of physical rehabilitation assistance (prosthesis ... English as an Additional Language (EAL) Immigrant Youth in Rural Manitoba: Issues of Education and Engagement. Enable children to become independent and, Inclusion education entails additional resources, Per pupil cost is relatively higher than the, Ensuring education through early learning, Rationalizing the establishment of more centers, Capability building for teachers of diverse, Adopting equivalency, testing and acceleration. And they’re ready for you to use in your PowerPoint presentations the moment you need them. of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, Trichy) Abstract: Inclusive education refers to an academic system that allows special education students to become included in mainstream classes alongside their peers. Key policy and systems reforms are showing good results: from 2005 to 2013, the elementary participation rate increased from 88.58% to 95.24% with enrollment also increasing from 13 million to 14.4 million. However, the global discussion on inclusive education has changed significantly over time. to education as well as the enjoyment of the benefits of education by all its citizens ... debate in the Philippines on how useful or whether it is really a good way of teaching learners, so we have online, ... PowerPoint Presentation Author: Leila Areola The principle of normalisation and integration 4. For nearly 20 years, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) has promoted the right to education for all. Jaime D.L. Medium Term. Most of these children live in rural and far flung areas whose parents need to be aware of educational opportunities that these children could avail of. HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA: Funding Access, Quality and Equity. The Role of the Community in the implementation of the CBR Matrix: Experiences of Local Inclusive Development. There are a variety of positive and negative impacts when it comes to inclusive education, both on the students as well as the teachers. The Legal of Bases Special Education Republic Act No. presented by ms savita. Special Needs Education The four periods of special needs education: 1. • To recognize the barriers impeding the right to inclusive education. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE PHILIPPINE PERSPECTIVE Dr. YOLANDA S. QUIJANO Undersecretary of Programs and Projects Department of Education Philippines. CONCEPT OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Inclusive education is the process of strengthening the capacity of education system to reach out to all learners as a strategy to achieve education for all. Strategic Plan ... Reflections on ICTs in Basic Education Policy and Practice in the Philippines. Environmental Concepts in Philippine Higher Education - . dr. tamru e. belay adaptive technology centre for the blind, PARTNERSHIP FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Presenter: Susanna Tadevosyan “Bridge of Hope” NGO Armenia - Inclusive education, Inclusive Education PLC 3-20-14 - Elementary strand. • An inclusive education system must organically integrate and link all forms, types and styles of learning as well as different learning objectives, from early childhood education onwards • The curriculum represents a crucial tool for fostering a broadened concept of inclusive education and to implement educational policy from a long-term - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Special Education in the Philippines Special education (also known as special needs education, aided education, vocational education, and limb care authority education) is the practice of educating students with special educational needs in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs. In T able 26.2, a list of documents and e vents that Regional opportunities and constraints to benefit from globalisation: A southeast Asian perspective, - Title: Slide 1 Author: N150-JA03TH Last modified by: N150-JA03TH Created Date: 9/16/2011 2:08:44 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3), Microfinance Summit Nepal 2010 "Microfinance for Inclusive Economic Growth", Applied governance and political economy perspectives for growth analysis, - Title: Applied a governance and political economy perspective in growth analysis: a basic framework Author: wb263896 Last modified by: WB78007 Created Date. Inclusive Education Analysis 998 Words | 4 Pages. Implementation of various intervention programs, To provide access to quality basic education, Conduct of implementation planning activities for, Implementation of the Madrasah Curriculum in the, Development of the Curriculum in the secondary, Professionalizing the Asatidz through the, Enhancing the implementation of the Kariton, Street educator, Efren Penaflorida awarded by, Conducting stock-taking activities in selected, Institutionalization of Personal Safety Lessons, On-going training of trainers for the basic, Coordination with the agencies to ensure the, MISOSA- (Modified In-School and Off-School, Increasing the holding power of schools over, Making existing resources and other support, Mobilizing parents and other duty bearers in, Providing post-school support to fully integrate, Creates positive social and attitudinal changes, Reducing and eliminating prejudices against, Encouraging greater participation in social, There is higher simple and functional literacy. brussels 7 november 2011. group 1.  vocational education i. audrey mesureur -, EQuity and Inclusive Education - . • About 5,916 are mainstreamed in regular classes. IntroductionThis study stems from the fact that very little is known about the practice of educational inclusion in the Philippines. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism, ... Policy and Strategy Recommendations towards Achieving EFA. Yet, inclusive education is found difficult to build in poorer developing countries. education comes from, ICT and education: for inclusive growth - . However, the global discussion on inclusive education has changed significantly over time. … 5 “Reclassification of Regular Teacher and Principal Items to Special Education Teacher and … INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SUBMITTED BY , JISLINE JOHN LAKSHMIPRIYA B MANJU V K 2. PRACTICE OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION The practice of developing inclusive schools involves Understanding Inclusion as a continuing process, not a one time event. Home; About; Blog; Contact CRS Vietnam has developed several films that demonstrate the success of children with disabilities in inclusive settings, as well as effective • Those in the elementary schools total 639, 483 while 158, 550 are in the secondary schools (2010-2011). Inclusive Education Inclusion - all people should freely accommodate the disabled without any restriction or condescension in activities Inclusive education- all students attend and are welcomed by their neighborhood schools in age- appropriate regular classes and are supported to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life Outline of Presentation 1. • Enable children to become independent and productive in later years. CRS Vietnam has developed several films that demonstrate the success of children with disabilities in inclusive settings, as well as effective In Germany they have not had the same socioeconomic stratification based on trades that we do in Canada. enamul hoque director (finance), GENERAL INFORMATION onINCLUSIVE EDUCATION, PUBLIC POLICY SUPPORT on INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, PHILIPPINES ADOPTS INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS on INCLUSIVE, STRATEGIES in INCLUSIVE EDUCATION for DISADVANTAGED LEARNERS, SUSTAINING PROGRAMS for CHILDREN with DISABILITIES, Sustaining Programs for Children with Disabilities, ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY MODES for DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN, The challenge for educators is to find ways of sharing. 9442 Article XIV, Sections 1 and 2 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Republic Act No. n Develop mass media activities and materials that emphasize the value of inclusive education. Inclusive education in the Philippines aims to enable 1300 children with disabilities to attend local mainstream schools. learning of all learners (, Inclusive Education in Thailand - . For nearly 20 years, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) has promoted the right to education for all. it has been substantially proven that it is critical for children with, Philippine English in Philippine Movies: Implications of Language Use for ELT - . The purpose of this article is to shed light on the aspects of inclusion which have proved to be essential for further development of newly founded inclusive education. strengthening and sustaining the participation of all students, teachers, parents and community members in the work of the school. Or use it to upload your own PowerPoint slides so you can share them with your teachers, class, students, bosses, employees, customers, potential investors or the world. Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contributions each student brings to the classroom. education. And, best of all, most of its cool features are free and easy to use. efficacy of segregated settings. if ict is the solution, then what is, Part I: Inclusive Education: What We Know about Its Effects - . Youth Local Green Politics Campaign. In T able 26.2, a list of documents and e vents that Current: Inclusive Education Recent DepEd Orders January 4, 2021 DO 001, s. 2021 – Guidelines on the Evaluation of Self-Learning Modules for Quarters 3 and 4 for School Year 2020-2021 dr. simon george taukeni unam hifikepunye pohamba campus department of educational psychology and, E-9 meeting on Teacher Development for Inclusive Relevant Quality Education New Delhi, India, 31 May 2012 - . Facts and Figures • Children of Indigenous peoples number about 12-15 million across the country. Inclusive education is educating all students in age-appropriate general education classes in their neighborhood schools, with high-quality instruction, interventions, and supports to succeed in the core curriculum. - health; and education. The challenge for educators is to find ways of sharing expertise and provide wider educational opportunities for the full implementation of inclusive education. In a truly inclusive setting, every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging. paper presentation at, Young Views on Inclusive Education - . Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, is a great resource. Get powerful tools for managing your contents. Education ©2011 TANENBAUM / Center for Interreligious Understanding / 254 W. 31st Street, New York, NY 10001 / (212) 967-7707 / OUR PEDAGOGY The Seven Principles for Inclusive Education The Seven Principles for Inclusive Education 1. Scholar, ²Assistant Professor, Dept. - CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultural Diversity in the 21st Century ... YSDA Youth Sectoral Perspective on the Philippine National Environmental Education Action Plan (NEEAP). Like the United States, the Philippine nation has an extensive and highly inclusive system of education, including higher education. The project supports the government’s Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) designed to help improve the quality and equity of basic education in the Philippines. LESSONS LEARNED Social, Economic, and Financial Aspects, SOCIAL BENEFITS • Creates positive social and attitudinal changes in both regular and disadvantaged chidren such as: • Reducing and eliminating prejudices against disabled children • Improving self-concept or self-esteem, Social Benefits c.Growth in social cognition • Encouraging greater participation in social progress Challenge • Inclusion may result in overcrowding and lowering of quality of education, ECONOMIC BENEFITS • Leads to higher participation rate, cohort-survival or completion rate • There is higher simple and functional literacy rates. • Inclusive education shall be concerned with all learners, with focus on those who have traditionally been excluded from educational opportunities. In 1998, DECS Order No. Special Needs Education The four periods of special needs education: 1. presentations for free. by dr. mithu alur. The advantage of inclusive education is that it places students in special education programs alongside their peers in typical education programs. - ... and indicators for the monitoring and reporting of activities implemented during the Decade ... northeast states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New ... - FINANCIAL EDUCATION FOR FINANCIAL INCLUSION: INDONESIA PERSPECTIVE Dr. Pungky P. Wibowo Deputy Director Department of Banking Research and Regulation, Diversity in the Academic/Research Setting A Comprehensive Cancer Center Perspective, - Diversity in the Academic/Research Setting A Comprehensive Cancer Center Perspective Carol L. Brown MD, FACS Director, Office of Diversity Programs in, Information Technology Education Standards. The right to education is a basic human right. Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education and the Education 2030 Framework for Action emphasize inclusion and equity as laying the foundations for quality education.. Development of educational materials on diarrhoea ... - Title: Pr sentation PowerPoint Author: Frederic Bescond Last modified by: ILO Created Date: 11/13/2008 11:28:21 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show. 7277: Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities Republic Act No. february 13, 2007 a-117: implementing inclusive, ICT AS A POTENT TOOL IN TRANSFORMING PHILIPPINE EDUCATION (WITH INCLUSION OF TECHVOC EDUCATION) - . inclusive education to promote equal access and equitable outcomes for all students and achieve its worldwide goal of education for all” (Ludlow, 2012, p.6). In addition, there are wide variations in how states have traditionally responded to children with disabilities and these variations will influence the measures that are needed to promote inclusive education. Inclusive Education - Perceptions of Teamwork - . YSDA-Pilipinas Inc. 5-Year. of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, Trichy) Abstract: Inclusive education refers to an academic system that allows special education students to become included in mainstream classes alongside their peers. The four key points outlined within the Statement are the foundation of what all state, national inclusion and legislation documents derive from. That's all free as well! Inclusive education means all children in the same classrooms, in the same schools. Or use it to create really cool photo slideshows - with 2D and 3D transitions, animation, and your choice of music - that you can share with your Facebook friends or Google+ circles. Inclusive education ensures that all children have access to an appropriate, relevant, affordable and effective education within their community. Ensure the utilisation of sex-disaggregated data in policy making, planning, ... - ... during, and increase all feeding after the episode ... Development of a guide for formative research. Inclusive education in the Philippines aims to enable 1300 children with disabilities to attend local mainstream schools. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE PHILIPPINE PERSPECTIVE Dr. YOLANDA S. QUIJANO Undersecretary of Programs and Projects Department of Education Philippines – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 3d73e0-Mzc0N inclusive education plc 3-20-14. facilitated by jennifer gondek, INCLUSIVE EDUCATION - . Special Education in the Philippines Special education (also known as special needs education, aided education, vocational education, and limb care authority education) is the practice of educating students with special educational needs in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs. Teacher career structures: a global challenge. EDUCATION POLICIES • The right to education is a basic human right. ... presentation, materials, assistance or environment may vary, be different. The purpose of this article is to shed light on the aspects of inclusion which have proved to be essential for further development of newly founded inclusive education. Ensuring that each individual has an equal opportunity for educational progress remains a challenge worldwide. (eds.) (Department of Education, 2001) By doing this we are maximising the participation of all learners in the culture and curriculum of an education institution, and minimizing the barriers to learning. Education index is 0.68 (above average) 4. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. The project supports the government’s Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) designed to help improve the quality and equity of basic education in the Philippines. … Abstract. of Special Education Policy The policy on Inclusive Education for all is adopted in the Philippines to accelerate access to education among children and youth with special needs. Instruction for pupils with sensory disabilities, many disabled children were excluded from school 2. Special Education in the Philippines has only served 2% of the targeted 2.2 million children with disabilities in the country who live without access to a basic human right: the right to education. Students and their parents participate in setting learning goals and take part in decisions that affect them. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE PHILIPPINE PERSPECTIVE. Dr. YOLANDA S. QUIJANO Undersecretary of Programs and Projects Department of Education Philippines. The caravan, participated in by almost 700 teachers, was done within seven straight weeks in eight primary and secondary schools … The principle of normalisation and integration 4. In some inclusive schools the previous traditional Boasting an impressive range of designs, they will support your presentations with inspiring background photos or videos that support your themes, set the right mood, enhance your credibility and inspire your audiences. inclusive education. PROPOSED INITIATIVES/RECOMMENDATIONS • Ensuring education through early learning intervention • Rationalizing the establishment of more centers: special education centers, community centers, drop-in centers • Capability building for teachers of diverse learners at pre service levels • Adopting equivalency, testing and acceleration programs to diverse learners, Inclusion means: I – ntegration N – etworking C – ollaboration L – iving, learning, loving U – tilizing all available resources S – upport and social services I – mplementation of appropriate programs O – rganization of appropriate services N – on stop services to all. Care for the disabled, medical care and rehabilitation. 1. The practice of inclusive education gets increasingly obvious in gains more support and interest in education system in almost all countries in the world. Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the Phils. © 2020 SlideServe | Powered By DigitalOfficePro, INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE PHILIPPINE PERSPECTIVE, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E N D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. There are a variety of positive and negative impacts when it comes to inclusive education, both on the students as well as the teachers. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: THE PHILIPPINE PERSPECTIVE" is the property of its rightful owner. … Caro, Ph.D. President, PSITE ... Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society ... Social Development and the UN Millennium Development Goals: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from a Philippine University, - Mr. Marco M. Polo Associate Professor, Communication Arts Department Director, University Development Office De La Salle University-Dasmarinas * 07/24/2010, United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development UNDESD 20052014, the Draft ASEAN Envi. - official statistics and estimates - terms and definitions 2. 603 - The Child and Youth Welfare Code • RA. Inclusive education is the process of strengthening the capacity of education system to reach out to all learners as a strategy to achieve education for all. 7610 – Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act • R.A. 7277- The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons amended by R.A 9442 • Policies and Guidelines in Special Education, PHILIPPINES ADOPTS INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS on INCLUSIVE EDUCATION • UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child (1989) • World Declaration on Education for All (1990) • UNESCO Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action (1994), INCLUSION DEFINED • Reaching out to all learners • Addressing and responding to diversity of needs of all children, youth and adults • Involves changes and modification in content, approaches, structures and strategies, STRATEGIES in INCLUSIVE EDUCATION for DISADVANTAGED LEARNERS The program, curriculum, learning materials, facilities, equipment, Education system has full responsibility to ensure right to education Assessment Support System It is equipped and ready to handle diversity through: Flexible modified curriculum , teaching and learning methods Adaptation Augmentation Alteration Remediation/ enrichment Involvement of peers, parents and the community Flexible teaching methods with innovative approaches to teaching aids, and equipment assistive devices and learning resources PROCESS of INCLUSION Responsive, child-friendly environment Professional environment working deliberately and actively to promote inclusion for all, Partial mainstreaming towards inclusion - students are educated in regular classes at least half the day - receive additional help or specialized services - pull-out PHILIPPINE MODEL of INCLUSION, Full mainstreaming or inclusion - complete regular instruction - receive all special services in general classroom, SUSTAINING PROGRAMS for CHILDREN with DISABILITIES • Establishment of 276 Special Education Centers nationwide • Provision of SPED items • Downloading of funds, Sustaining Programs for Children with Disabilities • Conduct of training programs for teachers handling children with various disabilities • Conduct of training for school heads and supervisors • Development of instructional materials for children with disabilities, Sustaining Programs for Children with Disabilities • Conduct of advocacy strategies like the SPED caravan in regions and divisions without SPED centers or without SPED programs, Sustaining Programs for Children with Disabilities • Implementation of various intervention programs, like: Early Intervention Transition program Headstart program, INDIGENOUS PEOPLES EDUCATION • Policy actions To provide access to quality basic education To ensure the preservation, recognition, promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples to ancestral domain, cultural identity and heritage • Objective: The National IP Education Policy Framework operationalized in all schools, Indigenous Peoples Education Activities • Launching of the Philippine’s Response to Indigenous Peoples and Muslim Education (PRIME)- a facility for IP and ME • Conduct of implementation planning activities for the national, & regional clusters • Celebrating IP month in October, MADRASAH EDUCATIONfor Muslim Children • Policy action: To provide acess to quality education To ensure the preservation, recognition, promotion, and protection of the rights of Muslim learners to religious identity and heritage • Objective: Institutionalization of the Madrasah Education Program at all levels in basic education, MadrasahEducation for Muslim Children • Development of MadrasahCurrriculum for Kindergarten (Tahderiyyah) • Implementation of the Madrasah Curriculum in the elementary level • Development of the Curriculum in the secondary level • Professionalizing the Asatidz through the Accelerated Teacher Education Program now on its fourth cycle, STREET CHILDREN EDUCATION • Enhancing the implementation of the “KaritonKlasrum” project in partnership with the Dynamic Teen Company • Street educator, EfrenPenaflorida awarded by CNN as Hero of the Year • Conducting stock-taking activities in selected sites that will implement the program, EDUCATION for CHILDREN SEXUALLY ABUSED • Institutionalization of Personal Safety Lessons in both elementary and secondary schools nationwide • On-going training of trainers for the basic education levels • Coordination with the agencies to ensure the welfare of the sector, ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY MODES for DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN • MISOSA- (Modified In-School and Off-School Approach for elementary) • Open High School Program for secondary • Distance Learning • Modular learning • On-line learning • Home-based learning, CURRENT ISSUES and CHALLENGES • Increasing the holding power of schools over these children • Making existing resources and other support systems adaptable and suitable to the needs of inclusive education. , AG ' DIRECTOR four periods of special Needs education: for inclusive relevant quality education for all inclusive education in the philippines ppt., - 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