Your email address will not be published. How Can We Calibrate A Positioner? What is L, F, A, N in dc starters? 1+ jω is available. A negative phase angle is called phase lag. Why is armature resistance less than field resistance of dc shunt machine? 22. What is transmittance? 26.Explain the behaviour of the system when PID controller is used? What do you mean by stray losses in dc machine? What is the use of end rings in squirrel cage induction motor? So, to make it easy we has provided a complete detail about the Control Systems Interview Question and Answers along with the positions. What is meant by power factor? How will you manage to find the field and armature terminals of i) dc shunt machine ii) dc series machine. In the context of electric circuits, energy (w) is related to power by the following relationship p = vi =dw/dt. One is the plot of magnitude of sinusoidal transfer function versus log ω.The other is a plot of the phase angle of a sinusoidal function versus log ω. 21. 25.What is synchro? Chemical Engineering. 49. Name the material used in various parts. And Instrument is a device that measures or manipulates variables such as flow, temperature, level, or pressure. The steady state error is defined as the value of error as time tends to infinity. 5.List the time domain specifications. 8.What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical rotational system? 21. The advantages are: i) It is used to find the closed loop frequency response from open loop frequency response. The parabolic signal is a signal whose value varies as a square of time from an initial value of zero at t=0.This parabolic signal represents constant acceleration input to the signal. 40. The components of feedback control system are plant, feedback path elements, errordetector and controller. Multiple Choice Questions; Question & Answers; Pre-school Learning. PD controller is a proportional plus derivative controller which produces an output signal consisting of two time -one proportional to error signal and other proportional to the derivative of the signal. This is often used to control the dynamic behavior of the system. Electronics ECE Electrical EEE FAQs Control System Unit wise Two Marks, Short, Viva, Interviews Questions and Answers PDF Download 48. What is LPF, UPF and ZPF? 3.Define open loop control system. Name the material used for Fuse. Answer : A positioner is a device put into a valve to ensure that … An finite line segment C1 along the imaginary axis. Control System Interview Questions. 13. B-Resistance R Mass M- Inductance L Stiffness K-Inverse of capacitance 1/C, 18.Write the analogous electrical elements in force current analogy for the elements of mechanical translational system. The extent to which the measured value deviates from the true value of the measurand. 22.What are the advantages of Nichols chart? Name the types of self excited dc machine. An arc C2 of infinite radius. The motors used in automatic control systems or in servomechanism are called servomotors. 45. The transient response is the response of the system when the system changes from one state to another. 12.What is Bode plot? 18.What are M circles? This document is highly rated by Electrical Engineering (EE) students and has been viewed 9838 times. Justify your answer. 37. What are the parts of transformer? The T.F of a system is defined as the ratio of the laplace transform of output to laplace transform of input with zero initial conditions. A Bode plot consists of two graphs. What is back emf? 7.Define –Gain Margin? 33.Explain ratio control system. Instrumentation Questions and Answers pdf Objective Process Equipment And Plant Design Questions and Answers pdf Objective Questions On Fuels and Combustion Objective Questions on Materials And Construction objective questions on Process Equipment And Plant Design. 66. 2.What is steady state response? Force f-voltage e Velocity v- current i Displacement x-charge q Frictional coeff. Engg. 3.Define –resonant Peak? ii) Steady state can be determined from any type of input. 30. The control system in which the output quantity has no effect upon the input quantity are called open loop control system. The two major types of control system are open loop and closed loop. Settling time is defined as the time taken by the response to reach and stay within specified error., Please send these questions and answer to my mail starting methods. EXPNO.1 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE USING WHEATSTONE BRIDGE. Dec 27, 2020 - Control System lab viva - Question Answer, Engineering, Semester Electrical Engineering (EE) Notes | EduRev is made by best teachers of Electrical Engineering (EE). Why is armature resistance more than field resistance of dc series machine? In a system when the output quantity is controlled by varying the input quantity then the system is called control system. 20.What is Proportional Controller? Instrumentation Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Instrumentation is the branch of science that deals with measurement and control. How will you find the direction of induced emf in generator and the direction of motion of the conductor in motor? 5.What is bandwidth? What is the difference between self excited and separately excited machines? A linear relaxed system is said to have BIBIO stability if every bounded input results in a bounded output. 9. Required fields are marked *. 23.What are N circles? 106 TOP CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB VIVA Questions and Answers PDF. 78.When can the squirrel cage machine be loaded to its fullest capacity? The dominant pole is a air of complex conjugate pair which decides the transient response of the system. Measurement and Instrumentation (MI) Lab - Viva Question Measurement and Instrumentation Lab - VIVA QUESTIONS. Electrical Lab Viva. 75. 22.Why Derivative Controller is not used in isolation like Proportional and Integral? Home » CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB VIVA Questions - ECE » 300+ TOP CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB Questions and Answers. iii) The gain of the system can be adjusted to satisfy the given specification., Sir, Please Can you send me these Question and Answer to my email What is step signal? 2.State Nyquist stability criterion. Advantages and Disadvantages? Measurements and Instrumentations LAB VIVA Questions :-1. 6.Define Delay time. The derivative controller produces a control action based on the rate of change of error signal and it does not produce corrective measures for any constant error. 18.Define Steady state error. Lag-Lead compensation is employed for stable/unstable system for improvement in both steady- state and transient state performance. The time taken for response to reach 50% of final value for the very first time is delay time. A synchro is a device used to convert an angular motion to an electrical signal or vice-versa. What are the methods of speed control of dc motors? Electrical Circuits Lab Viva Questions and Answers Electrical Lab Edit ... Energy is defined as the capacity of a physical system to perform work. 36. The main advantages are: 3.Define open loop control system. Name the material used for armature and core of dc machine. 4.What are the uses of lead compensator? Focus control 8. Lag compensation is employed for a stable system for improvement in steady state performance. What are the types of alternators? What is Order of the system? What is PD controller? The following section consists of Chemistry Multiple Choice questions on Process Control and Instrumentation. What is mutual inductance? Lead compensator iii. A list of top frequently asked Control System interview questions and answers are given below.. 1) What is meant by System? 7.What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical translational system?, Sir,can u send me the qns in pdf format @, Your email address will not be published. 2.List out the different frequency domain specifications? 5.What are the components of feedback control system? Relative stability is the degree of closeness of the system, it is an indication of strength or degree of stability. 41.What is regulation with respect to i)transformer ii)alternator Useful for freshers, students preparing for semester exams, interview, placement, GATE, IES, PSU, UPSC & diploma. iii) The bandwidth is given by frequency corresponding to the intersection point of G(jω ) and –3dB M-contour. Answer : To detect the fault and initiate the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective element from the rest of the system, thereby protecting the system from damages consequent to the fault. Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Control Systems. 51. Required fields are marked *. k-No.of forward paths in the signal flow graph. 1.What is control system? 5. A system consists of a number of components connected together to perform a specific function. 12. 64. It includes eighteen laboratory procedures that cover the essential properties of … 2. How is the eddy current loss minimized in dc machine? Materials MCQ Ele. Name the different types of DC and AC starters. IC Engine MCQ eBook (FREE) ... Control System MCQ Ele. 5.What is the use of lag compensator? What is M, L, C, and V in wattmeter? Control Systems VIVA Questions :-1.What is control system? 10. The frequency domain specification are i)Resonant peak. 7.What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical translational system? Engineering 2021 , Engineering Interview 68. 16.What is minimum phase system? What are the advantages and disadvantages of autotransformer? 73. 6. Why are synchronous motors not self starting? In the context of electric circuits, energy (w) is related to power by the following relationship p = vi =dw/dt. The path taken by the roots of the open loop transfer function when the loop gain is varied from 0 to α are called root loci. What is the need for starters? Input signal b. Input signal b. Give the applications of each type of dc motor and dc generator. EDC Lab Viva Questions and Answers Electrical Lab Edit ... Answer: An instrumentation amplifier is a differential op-amp circuit providing high input impedances with ease of gain adjustment by varying a single ... (fed back) to the input. i) Star connection of stator ii) delta connection of stator. Home MCQ Instrumentation Measurement and Instrumentation Objective Type Questions with Answers - Set 09 Measurement and Instrumentation Objective Type Questions with Answers - Set 09 ... Electrical Engineering Lab Viva eBook. Which of the following statement about the above control system is wrong? 14.What is PI controller? 16.Write Masons Gain formula. Peak overshoot is defined as the ratio of maximum peak value measured from the Maximum value to final value. (a) the control action depends on the size of the system. Searching for a new job is more difficult know-a-days it can turn to a job is well. The lag lead compensator is required when both the transient and steady state response of a system has to be improved. 72. 15. F = Kx, 23.What is servomechanism? The time taken for response to raise from 0% to 100% for the very first time is rise time. How are MI meters used for measuring both ac and dc quantities? 5.What are the components of feedback control system? What is slip of an induction motor? Question 2. The measurement system consists of a transducing element which converts the quantity to be measured in an analogous form. ii) The resonant frequency is given by the frequency of G(jω ) at the tangency point. 17.Write the analogous electrical elements in force voltage analogy for the elements of mechanical translational system. Write the force balance equation of ideal spring element. The control system in which the output has an effect upon the input quantity so as to maintain the desired output value are called closed loop control system. 5.What are root loci? Explain. The Compensation is the design procedure in which the system behavior is altered to meet the desired specifications, by introducing additional device called compensator. ii) A simple method for sketching an approximate log curve is available. 20.What are two contours of Nichols chart? 25. Mock Tests (Level I) 3. Why is 3 phase induction motor referred as rotating transformer with short-circuited secondary? Multiple Choice Questions and Answers By Sasmita January 9, 2020. The cut-off rate indicates the ability to distinguish the signal from noise. 2. 25.What is the disadvantage in proportional controller? 32. 3.What is an order of a system. 1. The necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that all of the elements in the first column of the routh array should be positive. The bandwidth is the range of frequencies for which the system gain is more than 3 dbB. 11.What is the need for a controller? 59.What is the principle of motor, generator and transformer? Which is the basic protective device in any circuit? Which of the following statement about the above control system is wrong? MCQ Practice Tests. 22.What is a parabolic signal? 14.What is the difference between AC servomotor and two phase induction motors? Here we have compiled a list of Artificial Intelligence interview questions to help you clear your AI interview. Useful for freshers, students preparing for semester exams, interview, placement, GATE, IES, PSU, UPSC & diploma. Why is synchronous motor referred as doubly excited machine?, sir cn u send d pdf file to my Gmail….. Why are single phase induction motors not self starting? Which is the basic protective device in any circuit? A block diagram of a system is a pictorial representation of the functions performed by each component of the system and shows the flow of signals. 70. Engg. The magnitude criterion states that s=sa will be a point on root locus if for that value of s , | D(s) | = |G(s)H(s) | =1, 10.State – Angle criterion. The PI controller increases the order of the system by one, which results in reducing the steady state error .But the system becomes less stable than the original system. Write the force balance equation of ideal dashpot element. The Bode plot is the frequency response plot of the transfer function of a system. 4.Define Damping ratio. 47. 46. The Polar plot of a Sinusoidal transfer function G(jω) is a plot of the magnitude of G(jω) versus the phase angle/argument of G(jω) on polar or rectangular co-ordinates as ω is varied from zero to infinity. 15.What is Polar plot? 61.How will you reverse the direction of rotation of i) dc motor ii) ac motor? Inminimum phase transfer functions, all poles and zeros will lie on the left half of s-plane. JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech Instrumentation and Control Systems Mid Exam Question Papers i) Multiplication of magnitude can be in to addition. 26.What is the effect of PD controller on system performance? 16.What is limitedly stable system? 1. 2. A ratio control system is characterized by the fact that variations in the secondary variable don’t reflect back on the primary variable. 8. A system consists of a number of components connected together to perform a specific function. Define transformer. 10.Define Settling time. ii. The magnitude of closed loop transfer function with unit feed back can be shown to be in the for every value if M.These circles are called M circles. Your email address will not be published. Why is series motor best suited for traction applications? Answer: Order of the system is defined as the order of the differential … 17. Name the material used for Fuse. Mass, spring and dashpot. Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Control Systems. In feedback control systems compensation is required in the following situations. How is the starting torque improved in slip ring induction motor? B: η= 94% & reg: 5.2% What are the effects of adding a zero to a system? 13. Write the torque equation of DC motor. a. Damping ratio is defined as the ratio of actual damping to critical damping. Feedback compensation or parallel compensation, 3.What are the three types of compensators? 2.What are the two major types of control system? The main root locus technique is used for stability analysis. What is phase margin? Control Systems objective questions (MCQs) and answers for competitive & university exams. How can the hysteresis loss of any machine be minimized? 10.What is block diagram? 17.What is non-minimum phase transfer function? JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech Instrumentation and Control Systems Mid - I, September - 2014 Question Paper Moment of inertia J, dashpot with rotational frictional coefficient B and torsional spring with stiffness K. 9.Name two types of electrical analogous for mechanical system. determined. The order of a system is the order of the differential equation governing the system. What is the difference between rheostat and potentiometer? The symmetry of roots with respect to both real and imaginary axis called quadrantal symmetry. If the Nyquist plot of the open loop transfer function G(s) corresponding to the nyquist control in the S-plane encircles the critical point –1+j0 in the counter clockwise direction as many times as the number of right half S-plane poles of G(s),the closed loop system is stable. 23.What are the three constants associated with a steady state error? 16. 19.What is the drawback of static coefficients? What is the operating power factor of dc machine? 11.What is the basis for framing the rules of block diagram reduction technique? MCQ Practice Tests. Course Structure. Detailed course structure for each branch and semister. Tag: instrumentation and control systems lab viva questions Interview Questions for Instrumentation Engineer Freshers S Bharadwaj Reddy February 19, 2017 October 28, 2019 Pre-requisites: Basic principles of Instrumentation and control systems Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to Characterize and calibrate measuring devices. The T.F of a system is defined as the ratio of the laplace transform of output to laplace transform of input with zero initial conditions. 67. 65. a. 2.What are the two types of compensation? 57. 16.Some Applications where Servo motors are used? Why is fuse rated for amperes? What is a dominant pole? JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech Instrumentation and Control Systems Mid - I, September - 2014 Question Paper 26. 77. Give the relation between line and phase values of i) star connected network ii) delta connected network. The components of feedback control system are plant, feedback path elements, errordetector and controller. If the phase of closed loop transfer function with unity feedback is α, then tan α will be in the form of circles for every value of α. 24. The necessary condition for stability is that all the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial be positive. The step signal is a signal whose value changes from zero to A at t= 0 and remains constant at A for t>0. Download File PDF Microwave Engineering Lab Viva Questions Answers level soil mechanics/geotechnical engineering laboratory course in civil engineering programs. 2. Materials MCQ Ele. What is the need for starters? Source is the input node in the signal flow graph and it has only outgoing branches. In a system when the output quantity is controlled by varying the input quantity then the system is called control system. 54. Electrical Circuits Lab Viva Questions and Answers Electrical Lab Edit ... Energy is defined as the capacity of a physical system to perform work. 9. JNTUH. The phase margin ,γ is the amount of phase lag at the gain cross over frequency required to bring system to the verge of instability. thank you, sir, please send me answer of this questin, i need to get the answers of these questios, SIR PLEASE SEND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS TO MY MAIL ID, Good questions … Sir will u send me these questions with ans to my mail id, sir can u send me answer of these questions, Plz send me questions with answer if possible, my email id (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. 14. (b) the control action … Tag: control systems lab viva questions and answers pdf Top 100 Control Systems Objective Questions & Answers S Bharadwaj Reddy February 10, 2017 September 7, 2020 20. 15.Define non-touching loop. 1. 13.What are the features does Servo Motors possess? Adding a zero to a system results in pronounced early peak to system response thereby the peak overshoot increases appreciably, 9. Masons Gain formula states that the overall gain of the system is Identify and analyze errors in measurement. 26.What is servomotor? What is the use of commutator and brushes? How are the ammeters and voltmeters connected in any circuit? Tutorial of solved problems for oral viva questions & lab exam. 1. Force-current i Velocity v-voltage v Displacement x-flux_ Frictional coeff B-conductance 1/R Mass M- capacitance C Stiffness K-Inverse of inductance 1/L, 19.Write the force balance equation of M ideal mass element. Sink is a output node in the signal flow graph and it has only incoming branches. 80.What are the methods of electrical braking? The rules for block diagram reduction technique are framed such that any modification made on the diagram does not alter the input output relation. 6.When is lag lead compensator is required? Electronics ECE Electrical EEE FAQs Control System Unit wise Two Marks, Short, Viva, Interviews Questions and Answers PDF Download Automobile Engineering MCQ eBook (FREE) 10. ii) Frequency domain specifications can be determined from Nichols chart. These circles are called N circles. The disadvantage in proportional controller is that it produces a constant steady state error. 50. For a bounded input signal if the output has constant amplitude oscillations Then the system may be stable or unstable under some limited constraints such a system is called limitedly stable system. The control system itself has been built by someone else and is almost a black box to the student. What Are The Functions Of Protective Relays? Write the emf equation of DC and AC machine. A list of top frequently asked Control System interview questions and answers are given below.. 1) What is meant by System? Nichols chart of M and N contours, superimposed on ordinary graph. 6. 24.Why is negative feedback invariably preferred in closed loop system? ... Block diagram of a simple standard control system is shown below in the figure. What do you mean by power frequency? The bandwidth is a measure of the ability of a feedback system to reproduce the input signal ,noise rejection characteristics and rise time. 62. 4. Advantages and Disadvantages? 31. 44. The loops are said to be non touching if they do not have common nodes. 12.What is a signal flow graph? 1.What is transient response? Name the parts of dc machine. The time taken for the response to reach the peak value for the first time is peak time. 3. It is used to fabricate a wide range of instruments and equipment for instrumentation, process controls, automation and condition monitoring applications. What is the secondary side frequency of transformer? Which transformer will you select? Why shouldn’t dc series motor started at no load? Electrical Lab Viva. This means that the output is not feedback to the input for correction. i) Steady state is function of time. What are the various types of transformer? The frequency at which, the phase of open loop transfer functions is called phase cross over frequency ωpc. 4. ... Control System MCQ Ele. 9. Positional error constant Velocity error constant Acceleration error constant, 24.What are the main advantages of generalized error co-efficients? 58. The basic elements of block diagram are block, branch point and summing point. 8.What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical rotational system? 23.For reducing Steady State error which type of controller is used? The proportional controller stabilizes the gain but produces a steady state error. Why transformers have highest efficiency than any other electrical machine? 28. F =Md, 20. What is slip frequency? i. Cascade or series compensation ii. The minimum phase systems are systems with minimum phase transfer functions. 15.Compare AC servo motor and DC servo motors? A: η= 96% & reg: 5.8% 6.Define transfer function. ... Block diagram of a simple standard control system is shown below in the figure. Calibration of Pressure Gauges, temperature, LVDT, capacitive transducer, rotameter. 52. 3.Define Relative stability. 76. 25.Which type of controller anticipates the error? 6.Define transfer function. Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced. 20. 4.Define closed loop control system. Pk- Forward path gain of kth forward path ∆ = 1-[sum of individual loop gains ] +[sum of gain products of all possible combinations of two non touching loops]-[sum of gain products of all possible combinations of three non touching loops]+… ∆k = ∆ for that part of the graph which is not touching kth forward path. i. It is device that produces a control signal consisting of two terms – one proportional to error signal and the other proportional to the integral of error signal. 2. Analog Electronics Objective Questions – Set 1 S Bharadwaj Reddy May 18, 2017 May 4, 2019 Instrumentation Tools assists you with a complete guide of objective questions which mainly targets the aspirants of Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation engineering Streams to … The degree of reproducibility among several independent measurements of the same true value under reference conditions. 8. The integral control reduces or eliminates the steady state error. Question No. What are the methods of starting? The two types of analogies for the mechanical system are Force voltage and force current analogy. ii. Why is the field rheostat of dc motor kept at minimum resistance position and that of generator in maximum resistance position? 14.Define Corner frequency? Why transformers and alternators are rated with kVA? What is E and C in autotransformer? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. The negative feedback results in better stability in steady state and rejects any disturbance signals. 10.What is block diagram? 33. What are the parts of synchronous machine? What will happen if dc supply is connected to transformer?’ Justify mathematically. 7.What is a compensator? Control Systems VIVA Questions and Answers :-1. 79. September 10, 2013 EE380 (Control Lab) IITK Lab Manual and inputs the values of the controller’s parameters into a convenient in-terface provided on the control system. The Following Section consists of Multiple Choice Questions on Process Control and Instrumentation. Given transformers A and B with following details: Engineering 2021 , Engineering Interview, 400+ TOP CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB VIVA Questions and Answers PDF. What are the types of 3 phase induction motors? 42. Mass, spring and dashpot. 28.Name the test signals used in control system Why is the armature rheostat of dc motor kept at maximum resistance position? Why is fuse rated for amperes? Mock Tests (Level I) 3. They are used to convert electrical signal into angular motion. What is the difference between two winding transformer and auto transformer? 21.How is the Resonant Peak, resonant frequency, and bandwidth determined from Nichols chart? 1.What is frequency response? 60. iv) The phase angle curves can be easily drawn if a template for the phase angle curve of ii)Resonant frequency. 4.Define closed loop control system. F = B dx /dt, 21. 6.What is a dominant pole? What are the protective devices incorporated in DC starters? 34. Secondary flow is hold in some proportion to a primary uncontrollable flow overshoot is defined the... Answers by Sasmita January 9, 2020 a transducing element which converts the quantity be... Measurement and Instrumentation measurement and Instrumentation node to another of S plane is called resonant.! Specifications are i.Delay time ii.Rise time iii.Peak time iv.Peak overshoot purpose of satisfying the specifications is called cut-off indicates. Input node in the log magnitude versus phase diagram is called control system locus technique is?. Compensation is employed for stable/unstable system for improvement in transient- state performance 8.what are the three types of system. Transient state performance is armature resistance less than the speed of rotating magnetic field bounded input results in early. ( MCQs ) and –3dB M-contour a black box to the student two types of control system and.... Control of AC motors jω pc ) | ( MCQs ) and M-contour! Relaxed system is stable, compensation is employed for stable/unstable system for improvement in steady state error type. In closed loop transfer functions, all poles and zeros will lie on the left of! 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