Most extensions that utilize human hair are made from processed hair. utiliseal examples are given below, and you can also utilize browsers such as Mozilla firefox to read these feeds. Flowers: Most traditional wedding cakes utilize a few flowers. antonyms. 2. Though based on an older frame style, the cat eye glasses of today utilize the newest technology. 2. B. As such, designers utilize the asymmetrical cut more and more often in their creations, allowing women of all sizes and shapes to wear the look with ease. In very small doses, they help our bodies utilize vitamin D, and they help slow the effects of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Another in a succession of films made by the famous illusionist and one of the first films to utilize stop-motion techniques. looking for better ways to employ their skills utilize may suggest the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use for … Another way to utilize passive solar heat is with silicone filled tubing underneath your floors to provide radiant heat throughout your home. one-step pregnancy tests that utilize a sandwich immunoassay principle. How I missed the fresh air and country scenes any painter would utilize his entire palette to capture. Do you currently utilize overdraft protection on a frequent basis? In that languid environment there is no frenzy to utilize … Highlight the body and utilize natural lighting to add emotion to the photo. Rich as the country is in coal and iron, and in water supplies which can be transformed into motive power, the inhabitants were not slow to utilize these advantages, so that the industry of Bohemia made enormous strides during the last half of the 19th century. On the MAC website, you can utilize their interactive mascara finder to compare formulas fit for your needs. For example, opening your curtains to allow the sun to warm your home and give you free light on a sunny day is a great way to utilize passive solar energy. In Sarawak, owing to the high administrative genius of the first raja and his successor, the natives have been brought far more completely under control, but the raja has never found occasion to utilize the machinery of his government for the accurate enumeration of his subjects. Formula to utilize The marketing cooperative has its own particularity. The nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria can be cultivated on artificial media, and many attempts have been made to utilize them for practical purposes. it also means "turn to practical use or account" I utilized my memory to help with the case. Rather than sending employees to classes or bringing in training professionals, companies that utilize OJT are able to utilize the skills and expertise of people already in the organization's workforce to help train other employees. While Betsy had located some seemingly compatible cases, everyone wanted to offer input on which ones were the most critical and how or what tip lines we'd utilize. All she wants to do is utilize this present from the gods to the maximum benefit of mankind without interference and assault on her simple life. No doubt, now you have your brand spanking new Sony PSP console, you'll want to utilize all its amazing functions. You need them to find it is a method for them to utilize the gear, not merely to sit there and get accustomed to it. An escrow company sets up the mortgage payments, including interest, and the escrow company also issues an annual mortgage interest statement to the buyer to utilize as a tax deduction. If you'll be camping in a tent or pop up camper, you can utilize an ice chest to keep food items cool throughout your trip. To stay current, Merriam-Webster online showcases news stories and recently-spoken quotes that utilize less-common words. Some of the cubes stack, and if you utilize a stack correctly and cause a falling cube to become part of another chain, that is called a "Cubis", and you get bonus points. In devising his scheme, Forster endeavoured to utilize, as far as possible, the educational machinery which had been voluntarily provided by various religious organizations. To reach the outlet mall, besides by car, you can utilize the shuttle service from many locations in the Minneapolis/St. With the high price of most options, if you want something right, go with a complete change-out; if you want something right now, at least it's good to know there are alternatives out there that will utilize what you already have on hand. The Nation Media Group - How to Utilize Third Person in a Sentence Article - The Nation Media Group. With so many people in their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children. use implies availing oneself of something as a means or instrument to an end. This means the couple does not utilize the entire dance floor, traveling with large steps as one would see in a typical waltz or foxtrot. Dry, sparkling wines such as Champagne or other sparkling wine made in the Méthode Champenoise or Charmat method utilize the term Brut to indicate the relative sweetness of the wine. But I'm not sure I've ever heard utilize used in a sentence that wouldn't have worked just as well with use. Scientists are constantly looking for ways to better utilize renewable energy and to find new sources. They utilize all the social networks to get the word out and largely depend on the owners and breeders of a particular breed to help out. These byproducts actually aid the human body and are often composed of predigested food molecules your system can utilize easily. But Henry made no endeavour for many years to utilize the papal grant of Ireland, which seems to have been made under the preposterous Donation of Constantine, the forged document which gave the bishop of Rome authority over all islands. There are two WiiWare games you can download that utilize the balance board. ‘The courts and the commissions could then utilize all this information to make their decisions.’ ‘Fluorescence has been utilized for many purposes, the most obvious being fluorescent lamps.’ ‘Consulting psychiatrists were utilized in conjunction with the in-home treatment.’ Among its manufactures are foundry and machine shop products, worsted goods and electrical apparatus; the factories utilize the water power of the falls. Intense shine is another way to pump up this look; utilize serums that instantly lend your locks a gleam that's radiant whether you're under the lights or not. In addition to these great perennial canals, much has been done since 1878 in enlarging and extending what are known as the " inundation canals " of the Punjab, which utilize the flood waters in the rivers during the monsoon season and are dry at other times. Relevance. You can still utilize this genre of swimwear to round out the bust line, elongate a torso, or to lengthen out the legs so that you look feminine and attractive. Can you utilize a computer in your work? To carry the art, however, to its highest pitch, it is necessary that the reasoner should be able to utilise all the facts which have come to his knowledge; and this in itself implies, as you will readily see, a possession of all knowledge, which, even in these days of free education and encyclopaedias, is a somewhat rare accomplishment. Find more ways to say utilize, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The home team tried to utilize their numerical advantage . This will provide them with an opportunity to learn how to use various types of instructional strategies and to utilize appropriate performance assessment techniques. Another word for utilize. If you want to get a discount at the beginning of the summer season, you may need to utilize some different tactics. Examples of to utilize in a sentence: 1. Since 1998, HUD has required lenders to utilize an electronic system for processing FHA insured home loans for single family dwellings. These layers allow the panels to utilize either different frequencies of sunlight, and/ or artificial light. Nevertheless it is indisputable that, under the single direction of this master-mind, the Danish state was now able, for a time, to utilize all its resources as it had never done before. Dicuil's reading was wide; he quotes from, or refers to, thirty Greek and Latin writers, including the classical Homer, Hecataeus, Herodotus, Thucydides, Virgil, Pliny and King Juba, the sub-classical Solinus, the patristic St Isidore and Orosius, and his contemporary the Irish poet Sedulius;-in particular, he professes to utilize the alleged surveys of the Roman world executed by order of Julius Caesar, Augustus and Theodosius (whether Theodosius the Great or Theodosius II. 26. You can utilize a miter saw, which has no blade tilt, prop the crown molding up against your fence and set the miter angle. A chocolate cake can utilize all of the same decorations that a white cake can. Guessing can also utilize the other senses, such as melting different types of candy bars into diapers and challenging all of the ladies to guess the brand of candy bar by smell and feel. Provision was made for such a system in the first state constitution, to utilize the school lands set aside in all the North-West Territory by the Ordinance of 1787, but the existing system is of late growth. I wracked my brains in an attempt to formulate some way we could safely utilize Howie's unique abilities and produce beneficial results without exposing ourselves to God knows what. One thing Microsoft does do well is create partnerships that utilize talents and expertise where it is needed. Before deciding on one mortgage lender over another, or submitting an application, verify the interest rates listed on the website, particularly if you utilize a website that lists interest rates from several lenders at once. Learn more. Each year, it seems, the video game industry posts sales increases due to new franchise releases, new video game systems or innovative games that utilize unique hardware. Most tabletop chillers that utilize the Peltier effect both heat and cool. A utility knife has many purposes and is often used to dice, chop, or mince. In New York at this time the National Republicans, or "Adams men," were a very feeble organization, and shrewd political leaders at once determined to utilize the strong anti-Masonic feeling in creating a new and vigorous party to oppose the rising Jacksonian Democracy. Here are many translated example sentences containing "BETTER UTILIZE" - english-french translations and search engine for english translations. Most air purifiers manufactured for use in the home utilize either HEPA filtration or ionization to clean the air. Perhaps I'll utilize my secure room beneath the barn for the daughter while I interview the mother alone. For example, coffee farms must utilize organic practices for three years prior to actually selling coffee products under an organic label. The research will utilize complexity theory as a lens to focus on governance frameworks. You ‘use’ items as they were intended to be used. Utilize the Quick Six Shooter technique described above, but press the Y button immediately after the second press of the RT button. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Thus as life is transcendent and yet immanent in body, and mind in brain, and both utilize their organs, so God, transcendent and immanent, uses the course of nature for His own ends; and the emergence both of life and mind in that course of nature evidences such a divine initiative as is assumed in the recognition of the possibility of miracles. Unlike bagged systems that constantly lose suction, Dyson machines utilize proprietary cyclone technologies to minimize clogging. For the most part, horses are able to utilize only the organic sulfur in its feed. How to use utilize in a sentence is shown in this page. When you are searching for employment in a specific geographic area, it's a good idea to utilize job search websites that focus on the place you want to work. Rosebud - This cheat gives your Sim 1000 Simoleons, but this isn't the best way to utilize this cheat unless you just need a little extra cash. Meanwhile inter-Asiatic intercourse by means of sea-routes had been steadily on the increase since the discovery of the way to utilize the monsoons and to sail directly to and fro across the Indian Ocean (attributed to the Greek pilot Hippalus) had been made. There are 14 example sentences for utilize. The average project management course will utilize business simulations to set the stage for projects with multiple resources available, specific deliverables requested and requirements that need to be met. A sentence with the word utilize could be, vitamin C helps the body to utilize iron by absorbing it into the bloodstream. While there is plenty of free information on the Antique Clocks Identification and Price Guide, you will have to pay for a subscription to utilize everything the site has to offer. Log in. 3. Through the insistence of Russia an armistice was agreed upon; and Lord Beaconsfieldfor Disraeli had now been raised to the peerageendeavoured to utilize the breathing space by organizing a conference of the great powers at Constantinople, which was attended on behalf of Great Britain by Lord Salisbury. In other types of writing, maybe utilize would make a sentence with a lot of short words sound a little better. Teachers must be able to efficiently utilize school resources relative to the needs of students with disabilities. There are 14 example sentences for utilize, and this page shows no. Example sentence - If we utilize the resources we currently have, we wouldn't need to purchase anything. We utilize persuasion, skullduggery, and even force to subvert their institutions, to destroy their present culture. There might be the sudden need to utilize every moment. In recent years, the traditional bunk bed has morphed into a two story command center where a child can use the upper deck to sleep and utilize the lower space for school work, storage and a play space that offers privacy and a cozy feel. Later, while attempting to utilize the gas for the production of electricity by means of a Grove gas battery, he noticed that the carbon monoxide contained in it combined with nickel. The intended use of a sock is to cover one’s foot, not function as a bank. The fertility doctor explained to the woman that she could not carry a baby in her uterus because it is unusually shaped. A trick that designers utilize to create an illusion of featherweight airness for summer designs is using crinkles or puckered fabrics or metallics, foils, jacquards, and brocades. Countertop microwave ovens utilize a considerable amount of counter space and cannot be mounted. Make sure that you have the firmware 2.0 update, because without it, you won't be able to utilize themes to customize your PS3 and possibly create your own. The group of words that comes before the semicolon should form a complete sentence, the group of words that comes after the semicolon should form a complete sentence, and the two sentences should share a close, logical connection: I ordered a cheeseburger for lunch; life’s too … She will only utilize it for common good. This comment in ‘The Cambridge Guide to English Usage’ is as good as any: . Since we’re dealing with legal issues, I checked with a lawyer to be certain.She and her husband, also a lawyer, kindly referred me to Garner, whom I’ve already quoted. One option might be variations on the kinds of private military schools that more affluent parents who can afford it already, 25. Search for: Search. Though we can convert the whole of the energy possessed by any mechanical system into heat, it is not in our power to perform the inverse operation, and to utilize the whole of the heat in doing mechanical work. See more. mayor In 1865, Joseph Lister became the first doctor to utilize disinfectant during surgery. However, over the past 80 or so years, Norelco has developed several shavers that are arguably easier and produce a closer shave than most razors that utilize actual razor blades and require water and shaving cream. use, employ, utilize mean to put into service especially to attain an end. 2. Winemakers in France's Champagne region utilize the traditional Méthode Champenoise. If I can somehow utilize this gift I can't do it without all your help. Utilize definition: If you utilize something, you use it. Once the fertilized egg is implanted in the woman’s uterus, she becomes pregnant. I’m in urgent need of the new resume. Potassium helps plants to utilize available water and helps keep them alive during drought. Examples of Uterus in a sentence. Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings. Hmm, so how is this different from using something? Examples of Utility in a sentence. Non-vintage (NV) Champagnes utilize a blend of grapes from multiple years. neural synchrony The neural mechanisms underlying perceptual grouping may utilize temporal synchrony. If you utilize the park at a sentence, you ought to ensure your kids see it as a fantastic thing. The fish utilize food sources naturally present in the waters, including freshwater shrimp, benthic invertebrates, snails and insects. Use vs Utilize. Wii games for kids utilize the simple and realistic motions in order to play sports and other fun games. I do not wish to utilize the fortunes of war to humiliate an honored monarch. sulphurhe most part, horses are able to utilize only the organic sulfur in its feed. It is learning how to develop and utilize the skills, techniques and tools of effective and productive time management and using them to achieve a specific goal. Many electric shavers utilize similar battery types, so check out Remington Products or Panasonic for other battery options if you are stuck finding a battery for your Norelco shaver. Many parents choose to utilize the materials, buying them from second-hand sources and enrolling the student in the program during the high school years, when a diploma from an accredited school might be more important. 19 examples: However, all these systems require strict adherence to maintenance protocols to… With so many people in their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children. merely illustrates the tendency to utilize older traditions. Utilize means to engage with something in order to accomplish a task, achieve a goal, or take an advantage, but only when the item, process or situation is employed in a way that goes beyond its intended use. Still, if you don't have a computer with a reliable, fast Internet connection, the best programs for you may be those that utilize e-mail correspondence and digital media that doesn't require the newest and speediest equipment. 43. utilize in a sentence 1. Evaluate, select, and utilize computer hardware. Rescaling of video to utilize full-screen area. Since the vacuums utilize canisters or washable dust cups, you do not have to buy bags or other containers. According to their ability they will be able to pick and choose which clues they will, 27. The flood-water is controlled by a system of dams and channels constructed so as to utilize every drop, and the extent of … For example: "John only cooks meat for his family". Appliances and heating units that utilize propane operate very efficiently. There are two primary methods that are used to utilize solar energy and both employ the use of solar panels. All these and many subsequent attempts to utilize it, either loose or mechanically compressed in any way, signally failed. Internet-based businesses are most likely to utilize such services. This does not mean prescription drugs won't utilize fillers, binders, and dyes that may be questionable regarding their nutritional properties or effects. If you know anything at all about contouring when it comes to regular makeup, you'll utilize that knowledge now. If you plan to give the couple luggage as a gift, it is recommended that you send it or give it to them several days in advance of the actual wedding so they can utilize it during their honeymoon. Many of the Nurse Specialists utilize the area including the endocrinology, Dermatology and Allergy nurses. Most instructors of online courses utilize a variety of technological tools to convey information and help students retain material. Since hybrid vehicles utilize a lot of electrical power, a malfunction could cause electric jolts of more than 500 volts, which can be fatal. By means of a well-chosen value of n, determined by a few experiments, it is possible, pending further experiment, with the most recent design, to utilize Bashforth's experimental results carried out with old-fashioned projectiles fired from muzzle-loading guns. Along the way, Wallace and Gromit will travel to many locations and get a chance to utilize some of Wallace's wacky inventions and gadgets. 1 decade ago. Many of their applications utilize the ability of these particles to stay firmly attached to oil-water interfaces, thus forming particle monolayers. There are a number of building plans for wine racks that utilize all types of materials to store your favorite bottles of wine. It was proposed to utilize the money set free by this operation to indemnify by a milliard francs the emigres for the loss of their lands at the Revolution; it was also proposed to restore their former privileges to the religious congregations. The utility vehicle was designed to carry loads more efficiently than other types of trucks. If we desire to, utilize all the parallel rays which fall upon an object-glass it is necessary that the full pencil of emerging rays should enter the observer's eye. examples: You utilize the word utilize in your question. Unlike permanent makeup methods that utilize electronic machines, the SofTap® method is relatively quiet. In this article, we take a close look at use and utilize , explain the differences between the two words, and give you practical tips to ensure that you never use either of them incorrectly again. Prepaid payment cards allow cardholders to utilize a convenient payment method without going into debt. However, you will also find other areas that utilize the skills of those who have more than one or two years of experience and a graduate degree. Many have wrought iron frames, or solid wooden construction, and most utilize a regular bed pillow for the cushion, depending on the size. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. It can be of value to get other family members involved in therapy and utilize this support system to move forward with full recovery. C. Zelinka has given us the most detailed anatomical accounts we possess for several Bdelloidaceae, and was the first to utilize modern methods of microscopic technique on a complete scale. By purchasing used clothing, there is no need to utilize valuable resources to manufacture new products. This is because the wall units, made to fit together in modular units must utilize the corners typically with a desk configuration. When obtaining information from these companies, find out what sources they utilize as well as how recent the information is because you may find that some of the data touted as recent statistics is actually from a few years ago. These programs may utilize system resources needed to run QuickBooks. If you find that tea bags don't do the trick, there are other folk remedies that utilize familiar herbs. Floor-to-ceiling windows in many ships' gyms offer stunning views, or for a taste of sea air, walkers and joggers can utilize the wraparound teak Promenade deck. Hence, the unique scaling advantage of phase-change memory cannot be fully utilized. An alternative to going directly to a lender within the Houston area is to utilize the services of a broker service, which accepts you application on behalf of several lenders and then finds the best deal possible. All of the goggles that utilize their F2 technology can keep haze at bay. The sources you utilize in your search for online information should depend on exactly what types of questions you have. When intercourse with the West began, and more especially when Western methods of government and education were first adopted in Siam, the tendency to utilize European words was very marked, but recently there has been an effort to avoid this by the coining of Siamese or Bali compound words. The distinguished career of the former and the widespread confidence in his ability and political integrity had marked him for the most important position in the Cabinet; and there had been a general demand that the new administration should utilize the organizing ability displayed by Hoover in many fields. Sentence examples for to utilize it as a from inspiring English sources. There are certain strategies you can utilize in order to maximize your chances for success in school. This holistic approach to exercise will utilize and rejuvenate both mind and body ! If you know the estimated amount of your real estate taxes and insurance, utilize a calculator that allows you to input all the information manually. This eCampus is centered on Web-based classes that utilize Blackboard, a program that allows students to log in and complete their work from any location, at any time. Employers must utilize their workers more effectively if the region is to become an economic success. So when would a video game inventor utilize a television set for games? CM There are certain strategies you can utilize in order to maximize your chances for success in school. If you are not fond of black, blue and red are other viable options you can utilize. Lv 6. Check the meaning of utilize. Use utilize in a sentence. I have this gift I never asked for but it's like I have an obligation to utilize it. I do not wish to utilize the fortunes of war to humiliate an honored monarch. These and like developments, which are to be divined from references in the Aristotelian writings, jejune, and, for the most part, of probable interpretation only, complete the material which Aristotle could utilize when he seceded from the Platonic school and embarked upon his own course of logical inquiry. Further, many therapy dog organizations utilize the program as an initial screening tool. field created round one circuit to induce, when varied, a secondary current in another circuit, there have been certain attempts to utilize what may best be described as electrostatic induction. Since perfectly round pearls are very rare, many earrings utilize a near-round or spherical shape instead that might be flattened on one side. 8. 1. use "utilize" in a sentence In 1865, Joseph Lister became the first doctor to utilize disinfectant during surgery. When the correct number of solar panels are installed properly and in the correct location, it is possible to utilize the sun's energy to power and heat your home. During that time, your dentist will apply the bleaching agents and utilize the laser. Is one way to utilize the word "utilize". 9. Definitions of utilizer: . 3. There are plenty of ways to utilize these two colors. Utilize free online genealogy research sources and tools, and take advantage of free tutorials to help you avoid common pit falls made by amateurs at Ancestral Findings. There are several reasons that you may want to utilize an online Ouija board. Since this style typically emphasizes a light touch, one trick to really make the eyes pop while still maintaining that natural appeal is to utilize strategic color to draw attention to the eyes. While it is unfortunate that you cannot utilize customized Mii characters in Wii Deca Sports, the variety of events seems to be great for players of all ages. If these advantages and requisites are observed, perhaps in time to come some one might know how better to utilize our sketch and cause some addition to be made so as to accomplish that which we can only suggest. utilize in a sentence - Use "utilize" in a sentence 1. The same plants have sometimes a superficial root system in addition, and are thus able to utilize immediately the water from rain showers and perhaps also from dew, as Volkensl maintains. Answer Save. . The menu changes often to utilize locally produced meat, fish, fruit and seasonal vegetables. This sounds like an unusual trick, but it's something that many savvy online shoppers like to utilize. In the South artificial grassing went on for a time hand in hand with cereal-growing, which by 1876 seemed likely to develop on a considerable scale, thanks to the importation of American agricultural machinery, which the settlers were quick to utilize. Fowler in Modern English Usage (p670) says:. Because this type of water heater doesn't utilize a holding tank like a standard hot water heater, it offers benefits such as on-demand hot water and lower utility bills while being better for the environment. For this reason, it is imperative that people who utilize the services of a broker first make sure that the broker has no complaints on file with the Better Business Bureau or any other organization. He utilized a minute and brilliant style in all his works. When you need to find financing options for a manufactured home it can be beneficial to utilize one of the online mortgage quote services or search engines. Many necklaces are items of fine jewelry, using superior metals and precious stones or diamonds, and others utilize more affordable materials such as cubic zirconia. One of these methods of vegetative reproduction is typical for some species; others, 23. utilize / examples. When baby Mario and Baby Luigi join your party, you'll utilize all four face buttons. 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