... Related Sermons. Would this be deja vu all over again? There would be more torture, the taunts of soldiers, a crown of thorns, the Via Dolorosa, and finally Calvary. They were there because they wanted to believe. (2016). When life begins to get you down, our word is SUNDAY’S COMIN’. Over and over he came at us, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s comin!” By the time he had come to the end of the message…He had me and everybody else so worked up that I don’t think any of us could have stood it much longer. When life begins to get you down, our word is SUNDAY’S COMIN’. One would think that these who had traveled with him and known him so intimately surely would never lose hope – they had seen him give sight to the blind, heal withered limbs, even restore the dead to life. Pastors Professional Research Service, March/April 1993, 2. When The Hurting Comes sermon, keyed on the Gospel of John 19:17,18 by the editors of Sunday Sermons preaching resources -- serving the preaching community since 1970. The disciples were runnin’ in every direction, like sheep without a shepherd, but that was Friday, and Sunday’s comin!”. If you’ll trust Him, He will use everything you've been through to prepare you for the weight that comes with new levels of favor. 14 then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land, and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.”. Doing whats right actually exalt the Lord! And the happy people waved their palm branches and sang, O Suzanna…”(1), Happy people singing. The next morning the transfer to Pilate, the governor’s Passover festival offer to the gathered crowd: freedom for some prisoner – “Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?” They cried out for Barabbas instead. Most important to Joplin, however, was that the letter from church leaders used her correct … To watch means to stay alert and always looking for the Lord’s return. One went away to college, earned a law degree, and became a partner in a prominent law firm in the state capital. in Texas It’s also humorous how many people are too sick on Sunday, but aren’t on Monday. It might have taken different forms for different people. But that was Friday, and Sunday’s comin’!” One of the Deacons yelled, “Preach, brother, Preach!” It was all the encouragement he needed. 1. Do you remember Pandora? But those cynics don’t know that it was only Friday. Antiochus had forbidden the practice of the Jewish faith on pain of death. Have a high threshold for missing—what will it take for you to miss? For them it was religious duty to drive the infidels out. When Jesus Comes to Town (3 of 6) Series: Get Busy Dying Jeff Lynn Matthew 21:1-17 TEXT: Matthew 21:1-11 INTRODUCTION Once again, we are looking at the last week of Jesus' life as He is preparing for His crucifixion. I realize that our culture rarely dresses up for anything any more. ." The early church clearly gathered on the first day of the week and served as a testimony that honoring Christ for His work at Calvary was a priority for them. 23 Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’ ”, The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. We can't ask God to forgive us one time and then go on our merry way. The preacher kept going. He picked up the volume still more and shouted, “It was Friday. 22 Many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the LORD. It was Friday, and on Friday Pilate thought he had washed his hands of a lot of trouble. As our Lord said of some particular evil spirits, “These go not out, but by prayer and tasting,” so we may say of the evils which are predominant in many professors of religion, ‘They do not give way, because such slight efforts are made upon the Sabbath to subdue them.’ If that day were truly and entirely devoted to the Lord, Satan would no longer retain the ungodly as his vassals, nor be able to exert so much influence over those who have professedly cast off his yoke. 15 and Matt. Campolo continues, “He kept on working that one phrase for a half hour, then an hour, then an hour and a quarter, then an hour and a half. Click here for more information. Being there ready and in your place when the first song starts is beneficial. No “Hosannas” this time. ], [If any man, under the Law, had regarded the Temple, the sacrifices, and the vessels of the sanctuary, in no other light than as a common house, or common utensils, or common food, he would have been considered as greatly dishonouring God. What better way and time to make a statement than to exhibit outwardly what you should feel inwardly? What relative or friend can displace your time with other believers worshiping Him? It is a great witness to a busy culture when Christians take a whole day out of their just-as-busy schedules and submit it to a kingdom much larger than their own little culture. Sorry. 73-78. Preaching Materials...that's all! II. It is something we must do every day. I. Sunday’s comin’! Biblical Commentary Perhaps the answer is as simple as a loss of hope. He came on louder as he said, “It was Friday and Mary was cryin’ her eyes out. You can’t change anything in this world; you can’t change anything. When we learn to honor the Sabbath. (4) He had been horrible! Each Sunday, Parrish delivers his sermon at St. James’ Franklin Street location for the 8 a.m. service, then travels to the Capehart Road location for the 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. That was the ancients’ way of saying how important hope is. John 21:3-4. The ceremonial laws relating to it are abrogated; but the moral part of it is as much in force as ever. Jerusalem was going to be Camelot, and Jesus was going to be King Arthur. What if Jesus himself dropped by? Yes, there is lots wrong with this world. Jesus’ other good friends scatter like scared rabbits. Goodbye, hope. Hope…”Hope springs eternal in the human breast”…”Where there’s life, there’s hope.” And they had it. Not that we should delight in it merely as a day of rest to the body, but as a day wherein God calls us, like Moses, to come up and commune with him on his holy mount: and, instead of abridging it, or complaining of it as long and wearisome, we should rather say, with Peter, “It is good for us to be here;” and should almost regret the arrival of the period when we must descend from the mount, to the less-pleasing occupations of time and sense. He asked, “Why don’t you… J Vernon McGee teaches us "The Rapture Comes Next" in this Sunday Sermon in a way that you can easily understand. Indeed, the cynic would say that those who would live on hope will soon starve to death. Is our life here on earth as short and difficult as it seems all there is or… (December 30 2018) Sermon for The First Sunday After Christmas - Colossians 3:12–17 (Exodus 13:1–3a, 11–15; Psalm 111; Luke 2:22–40) Give Love as a Gift Steve Berndt July 12, 2019 Excuses always exist to be late and there are always ways to be early. The basic question is, “Are you going to be a faithful worshiper or not?” Answering “yes” to that question answers a thousand other questions at the same time. A man was walking down a street when he noticed in a store window a beautiful painting of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Yet, it still makes a statement when we refuse to treat His presence too casually. They shouted back, “Crucify him!”(5) The high hope of just five days earlier was gone. 2nd Sunday of Advent – Year B “Here is your God” (Is 40:9) Particularly during Advent, I love to use the following set of penitential invocations that goes with the ‘Kyrie Eleison’ or ‘Lord have mercy’: Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations in the peace of God’s Kingdom. This Last Supper over, they go over to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus is soon arrested, betrayed by Judas – an inside job, if there ever was one. This was what had sustained the Israelite faithful from generation to generation. It is a series of essays by Dr. Anthony Campolo, and the title work tells of a church service in which the author participated that remembered those horrific events that led up to Jesus’ death on Good Friday – it is a line from a sermon preached by one of the other speakers that day, a wise old African-American pastor. What a special day! The Jewish prophets spake of it as to be continued under the Gospel dispensation: and the Apostles evidently continued the observance of it, transferring it only from the last day of the week to the first, in commemoration of our Lord’s resurrection from the dead, and of the work of redemption which was thereby completedb. Sunday’s comin’! Have you ever lost hope? Text used – 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 [READ SONNET 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning] How do I love thee? Sunday’s sermon: When the Perfect Comes. Horae Homileticae: Isaiah, XXVII–LXVI (Vol. Some messages will leave you needing to correct something, while others may leave you needing to strengthen something else. If you treat the Sabbath as a day of joy, If you honor it by refusing ‘business as usual,’. This can be a matter of prioritizing God’s time. And darkness covered the city, Jesus was on the cross, hanging between two thieves. Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. Pandora made haste to close the box up again, but it was too late. But they didn’t know it was only Friday! But, if we were to inquire how they spent their Sabbaths, and what efforts they made to glorify God in their public, private, and social duties, we should soon find the reason of their slow progress. The words of the Psalmist had been a continuing national lament: “Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eye wastes away from grief, my soul and body also. But it is hope that we need to sustain us. Thus the very sanctity of the Sabbath should render it “honourable” in our estimation; and we should labour to “honour it” by every possible expression of our regard.]. and don’t use my holy day for personal advantage. The cynics were lookin’ at the world and sayin’ `As things have been so shall they be. After a 20-year guerilla war, the Jews finally won. The Pharisees were struttin’ around, laughin’ and pokin’ each other in the ribs. Sermon: Bible Sunday, 23 October 2016, St Matthias. I’m not advocating that there is innate spirituality in putting oneself in danger to go to church when it snows, but why should Walmart be worth the danger when church isn’t? "When Death Comes"Sunday, November 4, 2018All Saint's SundayPastor Dave Nagler We may perform the outward duties of that day, and reap no material benefit: but if we truly and earnestly endeavour to honour God in the way before described, God will draw nigh to us, and reveal himself to us, and fill us with joy and peace in believing. Don’t be casual—it is trendy these days to treat church like any other place we go. That is because they made the decision once and that settled it. Skip to comments. I know that can be a gruesome thought but I guarantee we have all wondered about it. When The Morning Comes. It was enjoined to man in Paradise: and the commandment relating to it, when renewed to man at Mount Sinai, was, like all the other moral commandments, written by God himself on tables of stone. By the end of the week, the crowds will have disappeared and be replaced by a few faithful friends gathered on a hill outside Jerusalem called Calvary. The early church clearly gathered on the first day of the week and served as a testimony that honoring Christ for His work at Calvary was a priority for them. I could offer it in any number of ways, but one of my favorites is from a special book called, It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’. TRY SERMONWRITER! When Jesus Comes On The Scene. Well. In what light we should view the Sabbath—. The disciples thought that it was the best day they had ever known. The ancients knew that. We get to spend the other six days divided up among our careers, homes, and hobbies. Used by permission. But on that awful day we can think again and recall a special time long, long ago. On Sunday, your church needs to be the most coveted place to be in your community. "Then Comes the End" (Sermon for the Last Sunday of the Church Year, on 1 Cor. What in the world happened? Truth be known, their deepest hope would have been for Jesus not to upset their apple cart. I am helped and strengthened by reading it, and it sets so many ideas going that sermon preparation is a joy. They were looking for the coming Messiah to lead them into battle, riding in a chariot or mounted on a fiery stallion. Another form of being casual is getting up and leaving. And where the Sabbath is thus habitually honoured, we will venture to say, that such happiness will at times flow into the soul, as David experienced, when he said, “My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, whilst my mouth praiseth thee with joyful lipsf:” yes, “they shall be satisfied with the fatness of God’s house; and he will make them drink of the river of his pleasures.”], 2. It seems fitting and right to give the Lord His own day. In both cases, the emphasis was on the whole day. It makes a statement to your family about what you find most important to be on time for. It’s where the action is! Check out these helpful resources Be open during invitation—every invitation is an opportunity to respond to something God wants in your life. When the love you had counted on is gone and you feel that you may never know love again, remember that SUNDAY’S COMIN’. No chance. ], Many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the LORD. A son or daughter was NOT kept free from drugs. It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming Ken Trivette Luke 21:1 Outline I. The Ones Grieved By His Death! Indeed the services of the Sabbath cannot possibly consist with indulged and wilful sin: on the contrary, they are both a preparation for heaven, and a foretaste of it: on earth the saints behold their God by faith; but in heaven they will behold him face to face: on earth they, as it were, learn and rehearse their parts; but in heaven they will join the full chorus of saints and angels in everlasting hallelujahs to God and to the Lamb. THAT the observance of the Sabbath was intended to be of universal and perpetual obligation, does not admit of any reasonable doubt. About Me. For my life is spent with sorrow, and my years with sighing; my strength fails because of my misery, and my bones waste away.”(3) For half a millennium, they had kept an eye out for David’s successor to gallop into town, assume the throne, and change their sad song. As Jesus rode into his capital city, tourists from all over Israel lined the street and cheered wildly. Perhaps because the answer to a heartfelt prayer did not come in the way expected. The estimation in which it should be held is here variously expressed: we are taught to account that day, [Whatever was consecrated to God under the law was accounted holy: it was separated from all profane or common use, and was employed solely for the ends and purposes for which it had been thus set apart. Of course, near the end of the week, Jesus gathered with the Twelve in the Upper Room to celebrate the Passover. Simeon, C. (1832). Each Sunday, Parrish delivers his sermon at St. James’ Franklin Street location for the 8 a.m. service, then travels to the Capehart Road location for the 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. Camelot!(2). When Jesus Comes To Church. But, studies are numerous and undeniable that we treat something better the more effort we put into preparing for it. So should it be with us; and so it will be, in proportion as we have attained to the views and dispositions of those blessed spirits. According to Mark’s gospel, the day after the parade, Jesus came to the Temple and made a wreck of things. This was what energized the crowd along Jesus’ parade route that day. Even when all else is lost, there is still hope. Let them see that an independent Baptist church might be more conservative, but we are anything but backward and boring. A husband or wife was NOT delivered from the cancer. Sunday Sermons "And how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, of them that … Who must not acknowledge that one day thus spent in the courts and in the service of Jehovah, is better than a thousand passed amongst the vain delights of this world? The disciples would be knights at the round table, shining in their armor, using might for right, battling evil. The full possession of our heavenly home. He responded enthusiastically, “Jesus came to Jerusalem on a donkey. Would the pastor wish he had worked harder on his sermon? I have hope, the same hope that energized that Palm Sunday crowd. Throughout our study on the life of Jesus we have witnessed many miracles. I am always thrilled at the testimony of Bible Baptist when we have as many cars in the parking lot as Walmart on snow days. Or perhaps there was disappointment with the Lord’s Church, disappointment because the church sometimes proves to be not quite that “fellowship of kindred minds…like to that above.” Those things can rob us of hope. Next Week's Sermon » Sermon Company Is ... That same thing is true when it comes to keeping our hearts ready for Jesus' return. This is "Sermon 07-28-19: When Sunday Comes" by St. James on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. 8, pp. Last year I was privileged to worship at Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola Florida. Decide to draw a threshold high enough that says God deserves your highest effort. The crowds lining the route of the procession should be commended for their enthusiasm. 23 Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’ ”. When Sunday Comes. Even though we have come to know those disciples all as “Saint” something-or-other, the gospel record regularly presents them as somewhat less than saintly and often in a most unflattering light. Hardly the image of the conquering hero. Rev. and from doing as you please on my holy day, and if you honor it by not going your own way. Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! (Leininger), All Rights Reserved | © 1997-2020 Richard Niell Donovan. Hosanna in the highest heaven!” They shouted until they were hoarse. "When Sunday comes" Sermon Preparatory Song - Cailyn Wade of Stephen F Austin Univ. It’s infectious and will spread whenever it is a reality in the pew. When you see what is happening in the hallways of our schools or the streets of our cities and are angry and afraid, we have to tell you that SUNDAY’S COMIN’. Five hundred years earlier, the prophet Zechariah said that one day there would be a day like this one. What God has in store for you is greater than anything you can imagine. 16  But the LORD of hosts is exalted in justice, and the Holy God shows himself holy in righteousness. Then with heart and soul and every fibre of our being we can shout, IT’S FRIDAY, BUT, PRAISE GOD, SUNDAY’S COMIN’! We have seen many lives radically changed by a … Mark 1:21-28. Thousands who have perished by the hand of the public executioner, have traced their shame and misery to a neglect of the Sabbath: but never was an instance known of one who duly improved his Sabbaths being left to die under the dominion of his sins. By Request - From Donald Lawrence & Tri-City Singers - BIBLE STORIES That ancient promise was etched indelibly in the mind of a glory-starved nation. But that was Friday! Posted on May 18, 2020 by pastorlisaj. The reality is that, if we figure to survive in this world, we had better have hope. ‎Show New Hope UMC Sunday Sermon Podcast, Ep When Jesus Comes - Mar 29, 2020 What do we have to help us understand? What if Jesus himself dropped by? They could never lose hope, could they? ], 3. Since Sunday, the church’s executive committee sent a letter to the congregation to say they, too, were surprised by the sermon and would be determining how to respond. Copyright 2001, Dr. David E. Leininger. 508–509). The crowds shouted, “Hosanna!” which means “Save us, please,” or “Save us NOW!” “Hosanna! ... Positivity and hope are in very short supply when it comes to the book of Ecclesiastes. (6) My mother gave it to me. When Death Comes Knocking 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 Have you ever wondered what happens to us when we die? The Weight Of Glory - Joel Osteen (December-14-2020) Sunday Sermon. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Mark 11:1-11 Sunday’s Coming!! How significant is this last week of Jesus' life? An adult man on a full grown donkey would almost have his feet scraping the ground. The rain would never fall till after sundown. . Luke 1:26-38,46-56 “When God Comes To Town” God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth to speak to a young virgin named Mary. One day the lawyer came and visited his brother, the farmer. Ask God directly what your response should be; assume that He will speak to you every service. In fact, when you look at it, much of the Bible is describing situations that are far from positive. Resources to inspire you — and your congregation! J-Mcgee.com TTB.org Jesus loves you! Mythology has her as a lady endowed with every charm…the gift of all the gods. The illegal midnight trial at the home of Caiaphas, the High Priest, and subsequent torture. A sermon for the 4th Sunday in Advent. James says that the danger of hearing without doing is, in effect, deceiving yourself. The story is told of two brothers who grew up on a farm. Hope for them would have involved bidding a not-so-fond farewell to the Romans, but that was not their true priority. A sermon is an oration or lecture by a preacher (who is usually a member of clergy).Sermons address a scriptural, theological, or moral topic, usually expounding on a type of belief, law, or behavior within both past and present contexts.Elements of the sermon often include exposition, exhortation, and practical application.The act of delivering a sermon is called preaching. Zechariah said that one day there would be more conservative, but aren ’ t use holy. Messages will leave you needing to correct something, while others may leave you needing to something! Monroe Mercer * * Where it says Matthew 29, it still makes a statement your! Named Mary danger of hearing without doing is, in effect, deceiving yourself so many ideas going that preparation. 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